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Gender identity

Svemir Zeka

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@Moonwalker Oblacenje za posao vs. oblacenje za ulicu, pab… ja sam pisala o ovom drugom. U poslovnim prilikama naravno da ne treba preterivati.

Ono sto meni licno smeta je taj neki stav da ako se doterujes ti samu sebe ugnjetavas jer, po toj nekoj logici, zene se ne sredjuju jer njima prija tako nego zato sto ih je drustvo ubedilo da mora tako. 

Na primeru ovog trans profesora sa vestackim sisetinama sto smo spominjali, cis zena da se pojavi tako u skoli bila bi cancellovana odmah jer utice svojim izgledom na tanana osecanja i nije pristojno. Ali zato trans zena moze kako hoce jer ‘njeno pravo da se iskazuje u zenskom rodu’. Make it make sense.



  • +1 3
  • Hvala 1
Posted (edited)
8 minutes ago, nera said:

@Moonwalker Oblacenje za posao vs. oblacenje za ulicu, pab… ja sam pisala o ovom drugom. U poslovnim prilikama naravno da ne treba preterivati.

Ono sto meni licno smeta je taj neki stav da ako se doterujes ti samu sebe ugnjetavas jer, po toj nekoj logici, zene se ne sredjuju jer njima prija tako nego zato sto ih je drustvo ubedilo da mora tako. 

A dobro ovo za pab&ulicu nisam skontala. Realno moze, mora i  treba kako ko ‘oce. Tu sam vazda za uinat ko moze da iznese da se pokarabasi sa okruzenjem koje sere. Meni nije bilo problem ni pre, a nije ni sada.  No, OK nisu svi isti.


Edited by Moonwalker
Posted (edited)

Žižek: Wokeness Is Here to Stay


Džendergoblinizma se dotiče u prvom delu teksta, gde između ostalog kaže:




The recent controversy about the use of so-called puberty blockers concerns another aspect of this same complexity: The Tavistock clinic in London was ordered by higher authorities to restrict the use of puberty blockers that suppress hormones and in this way pause a child’s development of sex-based characteristics, such as breasts. Tavistock was administering these drugs to youngsters between 9 and 16 who appeared not to be able to choose their sexual identity. Tavistock’s clinicians reasoned that there is a danger that youngsters who can’t determine their sexual identity would make an enforced choice under the pressure of their environment, thus repressing their true inclination (to be trans, mostly). Puberty blockers were necessary to allow such youth to postpone their entry into puberty, granting them more time during which to reflect on their sexual identity before deciding on it at a more mature age.


Puberty blockers were administered to almost all children sent for assessment at Tavistock, including to autistic and troubled youngsters, who may have been misdiagnosed as uncertain about their sexuality. In other words, life-altering treatments were being given to vulnerable children before they were old enough to know whether they wanted to medically transition. As one of the critics said, “a child experiencing gender distress needs time and support—not to be set on a medical pathway they may later regret.”


The paradox is clear: Puberty blockers were given to allow youngsters to pause maturity and freely decide about their sexual identity, but these drugs may also cause numerous other physical and psychic pathologies, and nobody asked the youngsters if they were ready to receive drugs with such consequences. Dr. Hilary Cass, one of the critics, wrote, “We …have no way of knowing whether, rather than buying time to make a decision, puberty blockers may disrupt that decision-making process. Brain maturation may be temporarily or permanently disrupted.”


One should take a step even further in this criticism and question the very basic claim that arriving at sexual identity is a matter of mature free choice. There is nothing “abnormal” in sexual confusion: What we call “sexual maturation” is a long, complex, and mostly unconscious process. It is full of violent tensions and reversals—not a process of discovering what one really is in the depth of one’s psyche.


At many gender clinics across the West, doctors feel compelled to adopt an “unquestioning affirmative approach,” one critic noted, with little regard to other underlying mental-health crises troubling children. The pressure is, in fact, twofold. For one thing, clinicians are cowed by the trans lobby, which interprets skepticism regarding puberty blockers as a conservative attempt to make it more difficult for trans individuals to actualize their sexual identity. This is compounded by a financial compulsion: More than half of Tavistock’s income, for example, came from the treatment of youngsters’ sexual troubles. In short, what we have here is the worst combination of politically correct badgering with the brutal calculation of financial interests. The use of puberty blockers is yet another case of woke capitalism.




Edited by Weenie Pooh
  • +1 3
21 hours ago, Svemir Zeka said:

Nije, nije, ovo je samo metastaza raznih diskursa i njihovih stranputica :D



  • Tužno 1

Genocid nad decom. 

Sve je to biznis, pare, pare, pare. I sigurno na long run zbog nereprodukcije, pad populacije. 



  • +1 1
Posted (edited)

Zavera je kada ti mozak ne radi kako treba: mozak, savest, etika. 


Smarate kolektivno sa spinovanjem. 


Dobijes clanke na ruke u kojima ljudi direktno opisuju kakav je medicinaki svet i na koji nacin se ophode prema deci. 



Ako ti mislis da tvoja kcer (hipoteticki, ne znam jel imas dece, naslucujem da nemas) treba da menja pol cim kine da hoce da je decak, mozda bi trebalo da se preispitas.

Edited by mustang

Vaspitavam ih da pol menjaju samo ako su baš sigurni


Promena pola je dugotrajan proces. Ne ide to preko noci. Hirurgija je samo jedan deo.

Poznajem dvoje tinejdzera koji su u tom procesu i nadam se da ce biti srecni i zadovoljni u zivotu. Za jedan slucaj osecaj mi kaze da ce sve biti odlicno, za drugi slucaj se nadam da ce se sve srediti 

  • +1 2
  • Tužno 1
3 hours ago, Dnaralaske said:


Ako je tebi grooming teorija zavere zato što je tako neko napisao na vikipediji, ne znam šta da ti kažem. Eno 1 Jeffrey Marsh se ubi objašnjavajući trans deci da treba da se izoluju od roditelja (going "no contact") i da, ako baš žele porodicu, mogu da dođu kod njega lično.




Tu je, naravno, jedini motiv provokacija i privlačenje medijske pažnje radi komercijalnog uspeha. Ali posledice tog trenda, tog ispiranja mozgova deci, navikavanja dece na ideju da će pravu podršku naći ne u roditeljskom domu nego kod neke campy kreature koja kaže da ih voli i prihvata - su potencijalno katastrofalne.


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Samo sam hteo da kažem da je gomila linkova ovde sa naloga čija je jedina svrha postojanja propaganda. Baš je lako videti, samo se otvori link, eventualno pogledaju retvitovi. Ni wiki ne mora da se otvori. Kako smo došli do toga da je to relevantno, nije mi najjasnije. Što se teme tiče, možda si u pravu, nedovoljno sam informisan, a kod nas toga nema.

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