mackenzie Posted February 1, 2016 Posted February 1, 2016 (edited) Uh, blagi previd, mislio sam da Cleese sa "1984-style" misli na konkretan period u istoriji zapadne Evrope kada se počeo događati politički shift, a ne na Orvelovu knjigu. Mada ko zna, možda je i Orvel kada je pisao tu knjigu 40ak godina ranije, upravo i računao na moguću promjenu u budućnosti da će se desiti sredinom 80ih. Edited February 1, 2016 by mackenzie
Hella Posted February 7, 2016 Posted February 7, 2016 ako vam je ovih dana probava slabija imamo lek Quote ISIS kidnapped my best friend. But when I met its fighters, I couldn’t hate them. Its young men were lost souls coerced or duped into service.
Krošek Posted February 8, 2016 Posted February 8, 2016 "The Islamic State commits despicable acts of cruelty, but the men who carry out these crimes are not the two-dimensional caricatures they’re painted to be. They are human beings, many indoctrinated at the most impressionable age and coerced into service." but of course! dobije se tako jedno duhovno produbljeno višedimenziono i očovečeno biće kada se nekoga od ranog tinejdžerskog uzrasta odgaja da puca u potiljak, reže vratove bajonetom i zakapa leševe.
Hella Posted February 13, 2016 Posted February 13, 2016 (edited) epidemija mentalnih bolesti u kretenistanu svakog dana u svakom pogledu sve više napreduje Quote Pub landlord Jason Mawer has twice been asked in public to remove his treasured Union Jack jacket - for risk of it being 'offensive'. He was told to take off his valuable Mod-style Barbour jacket - designed in honour of legendary rock band The Who - by officials who appeared to be council enforcement officers. On the second occasion the female official warned him: 'Would you mind removing your coat it might offend somebody.' Read more: Edited February 13, 2016 by Hella
Аврам Гојић Posted February 13, 2016 Posted February 13, 2016 aha, dakle tip koji drži patriotsku kafanu (mural vojničkih grobova, crteži cvetova maka, Sveti Đorđe) ispričao je tabloidima da ga je neko cimao zbog zastave sa bojama Engleske, i to se uzima zdravo za gotovo. confirmation bias much?
aram Posted February 13, 2016 Posted February 13, 2016 vidis da to pise ugledni dejlimekl, a prenosi jos ugledniji hela, kakav konfirmejsn ti jos treba?
Ryan Franco Posted February 13, 2016 Posted February 13, 2016 Jaknu bi trebalo zabraniti zbog biohazard momenta pošto se čini da nije oprana od prvog Glastonberija.
Hella Posted February 13, 2016 Posted February 13, 2016 (edited) On 13. 2. 2016. at 7:52, aram said: vidis da to pise ugledni dejlimekl, a prenosi jos ugledniji hela, kakav konfirmejsn ti jos treba? +1 tzv kombinacija munja kamen Quote Twelve rapists, a 13-year-old victim and a terrifying truth Britain still won't face: The disturbing full story behind the gangs of Pakistani men who target white girls 12 men of Pakistani origin abused girl in Keighley, West Yorkshire, when she was 13 But some members of the Muslim community feel 'she played her part' Suspected ringleader Arif Chowdhury, 20, 'fled to Bangladesh in 2012' Keighley was recently named among the ‘least integrated’ places in the UK Read more: Edited February 13, 2016 by Hella
Hella Posted February 22, 2016 Posted February 22, 2016 Quote Crusaders hu Akbar1 day agoi see a huge spike in the sale of pig hats67
Hella Posted February 23, 2016 Posted February 23, 2016 (edited) posle klimatskih promena i mentalnih bolesti sada možete da okrivite i borisa džonsona za nastanak globalnog džihada ponuda važi za sve neduhovite pc histerike željne eksponiranja sopstvene gluposti Quote Russell Brand blasted for Facebook rant saying Boris Johnson is creating more Jihadi Johns COMEDIAN Russell Brand has been hit with criticism from his own fans after he dubbed Boris Johnson a The left-wing activist argued the way the Mayor of London acted turned people into jihadists. Jihadi John - born Mohammed Emwazi - was the Kuwait-born, London-raised ISIS executioner killed by an American drone strike last year. On a video he uploaded to his Facebook page, Brand said: “"The mentality of Boris Johnson creates more problems, the allegiances of Boris Johnson create more problems. "The activities of organisations that he belongs to, that he supports, create these problems. "Boris Johnson grows Jihadi Johns - he is a Jihadi John machine. Jihadi John is just one. Once Jihadi John is dead that's the end of Jihadi John but Boris Johnson can create thousands of others." Edited February 23, 2016 by Hella
Caligula Posted February 23, 2016 Posted February 23, 2016 (edited) Auuu ... dakle prica ide ovako: kreativni direktor beogradskog Havasa fotkao se sa perikom na glavi u stolici ofis menadjera za kojeg se otvorilo mesto u agenciji. Ovo je oglas: ... to je pokrenulo nekoliko beogradskih NGO likova koji su ovo nazvali "vredjanjem transrodnih osoba" (??) Havas posle par dana ipak skida svoj oglas ali stvar je vec dosla do neke sveCke blogerke Hocu reci ako neko zeli posao ofis menadjera u super firmi,neka se javi Havasu edit: ofis menadjer vec odabran, zakasnio Edited February 23, 2016 by Caligula
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