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ako niste znali kad ovih dana kažete englezima da su kukavice zapravo im udeljujete kompliment  :fantom:



Visitors to a London exhibition  celebrating  ^_^ freedom of expression ^_^ this week found plenty of familiar taboo-busting work, from Jamie McCartney’s The Great Wall of Vagina, an eight-foot long cast featuring the genitals of 400 women, to Kubra Khademi’s video of an eight-minute walk she made through Kabul in Afganistan, dressed in lushly contoured body armour. But they will have looked in vain for one work detailed in the catalogue by an artist known only as Mimsy.



Edited by Hella
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pazi tebra, to je malo zeznuta prica. moras shvatiti da je takav zakon u uk.


policija tamo kosta




Cambridgeshire Constabulary /i svuda drugde/ is permitted to charge for the policing of certain events, including football matches, visits by VIPs (not Royalty), for custody use, commercial events, charitable events, community events, statutory events and private functions.


recimo ako hoces da pravis prajd u uk, ponekad moras da uvedes naplacivanje ulaznica da bi mogao da isplatis muriju, inace nece da ti rade



“Now that Pride is a ticketed and paid for event we have guidelines to follow and are required to charge for elements of the services we provide when we are policing inside Preston Park and the Pride Village Party.

“This will not include officers who are working in plain clothes, identifying people who are trying to steal people’s bags and that sort of thing. 

“The Association of Chief Police officers (ACPO) have guidance which says if an event is ticketed 100% of the policing costs should be charged. 

“I want Pride to be a success because I think it is brilliant for the city. It is one of the best things that happens and the last thing I want is to do anything that undermines its success. However, on the other hand my budgets have been hugely reduced this year. :lol:



znaci oko ove price policija je trazila da organizator plati cenu inace nema policijskog obezbedjenja. nema para = nema obezbedjenja = nema iventa :fantom:

Edited by Krošek
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ima neka teorija da je onoliko vekova ostrvskog inbreedinga moralo ostaviti posledice na iq kolektiva tako da je zakon sasvim prikladan 


kao i vest o smrti sekularizma u toj odurnoj zemlji  :fantom:


A high-profile secularist has been banned from speaking at a university for fears she will offend Muslims.


Activist Maryam Namazie was due to make a presentation to Warwick University's Student Union on October 28, having been by the Warwick Atheists, Secularists and Humanists (WASH) group.


The group was contacted by the union to be told that her speech had been cancelled after 'a number of flags' were raised.

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3250216/Maryam-Namazie-banned-university-talk-case-offends-Muslims.html#ixzz3my4JDx9C


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Muharem Serbezovski


Zašto uvek koristite reč Cigani umesto Romi?

- Umetnicima sveta je prava i jedina inspiracija kad opisuju i zapažaju naš život reč - Ciganin! Ona je puna kontroverze, dobrih i lutalačkih manira. Od veselja do plača njih deli jedan milimetar. Reč Rom je prazna, ona umetnicima ne kazuje ništa. Ja sam i književnik, i ja kao Ciganin nalazim autentične inspiracije u Ciganima, a ne u Romima.

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ovo ne znam dal je za pc, al ne znam gde drugde da gi utrpam.


"Uvesti predmet o genocidu u škole"

Sociološkinja Janja Beč Nojman ocenila je da bi deca u Srbiji o genocidu trebalo da uče u okviru posebnog predmeta.




licno smatram da se tu ne treba zaustaviti, vec uvesti jos katarzicnih predmeta. pa bi razgovor medju ucenicim kroz koju godinu mogao da tece ovako:


-jel su ucio etnicko ciscenje, danas piita

-ne, jbg, valjda nece mene, spremao sa se za kontrolni iz osnova ratnih zlocina 2

-a kako bi bilo da pobegnemo sa casa? ovaj iz srebrenice ionako ne proziva, dok je genocidskinja bolesna. mogli bi odmah kuci.

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ovo ne znam dal je za pc, al ne znam gde drugde da gi utrpam.


"Uvesti predmet o genocidu u škole"

Sociološkinja Janja Beč Nojman ocenila je da bi deca u Srbiji o genocidu trebalo da uče u okviru posebnog predmeta.




U Novom Pazaru da se uvede 10 predmeta o genocidu!


Ili koliko je vec muftija rekao da je genocida bilo...zaboravio sam.

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Black Students at Cornell Protest a Pro-Black Protest Led by White Students

An organized protest at Cornell University supporting racial equality has been canceled after a black student group complained about the “lack of people of color in the planning and attendance” of the event, which appears to have been organized by a white student.

The group also stated that “although” the members appreciate “the solidarity and interest of our allies,” the organization would like to address prejudice “in [their] own way.” They then suggested that individuals who would like to show support for black causes should ask in advance for the organization’s approval.


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