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Politička korektnost


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pa nije to u stvari tunjavo, nego radikalno

mladi covek zrtvuje svoje tradicionalno, produktivno mesto u drustvu, odrice se iole kreativne uloge, odrice se profesije i upise kvazi-postmodernisticke programe da bi srao po drugima, po citavim rasama, po generacijama, po civilizacijama bez ikakvog srama - sustinski, bez empatije - a zapravo i bez ozbiljnog truda i strategije, samo jasuci ideolosku struju, vec dobrano okostalu, iz koje davno nije proisteklo nesto originalno.

slicno kao bombas samoubica.

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lazno mucenistvo, takodje isto nalik na verski ekstremizam

evo dobra intersekcija politicke korektnosti i verskog radikalizma, i to od juce

jaka je fora kad lik krene da govori "safe space" (4:20)

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Ma, gomila tunjavaca.

A nekad su osvajali kontinente.

Može i tako da se gleda, no postoji jedna ravan gledanja iz čije vizure oni nisu tunjavci a ovo sve nije smešno ni za fejspalmovanje a to je da ti klinci i akademci možda otvaraju kvalitativno novi stranicu ljudskog progresa, etablirajući novu vrstu međuljudskih odnosa i normi ponašanja koje plediraju da postanu nova konvencija, naspram tekuće/stare.


Naravno, nemamo načina merenja toga tj. uvida da li su ti "safe space" konepti zaista vesnici nove i bolje budućnosti ili plačipičkarski vapaj razmažene omladine koja naprosto smara.


Možda ja nisam dovoljno pametan ili sam suviše konzervativan (kao Dž. Vil) pa optiram ka ovoj drugoj etiketi, ali to je opet u nedostatku nekih čvršćih dokaza za suprotnu tezu.

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Da, nije isključeno da je u pitanju ozbiljna stvar. Čak, nije isključeno da će iz toga izrasti nova generacija, naučena da se pažljivo i precizno izražava i misli u jasno odredjenim okvirima što, samo po sebi, nije nimalo loše. 

No, čini mi se da je Krošek na pravom tragu i da se politička korektnost, koliko god korektan koncept bila, dovedena do ekstrema pretvara u slepi radikalizam, dogmatizam čak. 

A, istarija nas uči da nam slepa doslednost nikad ništa dobro nije donela.


Na kraju krajeva, lična perspektiva je sasim legitimna, jer su u pitanju ljudski odnosi, naši odnosi.

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  • 2 weeks later...

zašto mora ovako moronski pa zato što bi zdravorazumsko ispitivanje izbeglica bilo islamofobija :fantom:


Norveška policija je u mobilnim telefonima nekolicine izbeglica na ulazu u njihovu zemlju pronašla fotografije odsečenih glava, zastava i simbola ID.


Osim toga, tokom pretresa izbeglica pronađene su fotografije mrtve dece i drugih žrtava rata i terorizma, navode lokalni mediji.

Međutim, Erik Hauglend, šef norveškog programa azila kaže da razlog za užasne slike u telefonu ne mora da znači nešto opasno.

„Postoji nekoliko razloga zbog čega bi neko držao takve slike. Jedan je da su bili svedoci i da žele da ih pokažu ljudima. Osim toga, moguće je i da nose simbole povezane sa terorističkim grupma kroz čiju teritoriju su prolazili. Iako deluje opasno, može biti i drugih objašnjenja osim podrške terorističkoj organizaciji“, kaže on. 

„Raša tudej“ piše da se norveška imigraciona služba poslednjih meseci suočava sa velikim brojem izbeglica koje žele da pređu granicu te zemlje.

Norveška je tokom novembra pooštrila pravila azila u borbi protiv velikog broja izbeglica. Prema novim pravilima koja će stuputi na snagu za dve godine, vlasti će imati više mogućnosti da odbiju davanje aila ukoliko je osoba koja je aplicirala prethodno bila u trećoj zemlji koja se smatra bezbednom.


Edited by Hella
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  • 5 weeks later...

pirs morgan iskasapio britanistansku idiokratiju :fantom:


As I write this column, members of the UK Parliament are debating whether or not to ban Donald Trump from entering Britain.

They’ve allocated three hours of time to do this.



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lazno mucenistvo, takodje isto nalik na verski ekstremizam

evo dobra intersekcija politicke korektnosti i verskog radikalizma, i to od juce

jaka je fora kad lik krene da govori "safe space" (4:20)


Šta je ovo jebote? :lol:



be quiet or get out

be quiet or get out

be quiet or get out

be quiet

be quiet

be quiet

Safe space!

be quiet

be... quiet

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oho pa nisam znao za ovo baš extra doprinos mojoj slici o feministima hvala krošeče :fantom: 

For example, a feminist safe space would not allow free expression of anti-feminist viewpoints, and would typically also prevent concern trolling and continual Feminism 101 discussions in favour of feminist discussion among feminists.
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šteta što su multikulti nazivi delije i janjičari već zauzeti :fantom:


University searches for new nickname to replace politically incorrect ‘Crusader’


By Fox News January 19, 2016 | 6:22pm


A Pennsylvania university is searching for a new mascot and nickname to replace its longtime “Crusaders” moniker, which the school says is “at odds” with its “values and commitment to diversity and inclusiveness.”


Susquehanna University is asking people to submit their top choices for a replacement by Jan. 25. The top contenders — which might include the Bobcarts or River Otters — will then be submitted to the university president, who will in turn present them to the school’s board of trustees, a university spokeswoman told FoxNews.com Tuesday.




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još nije kraj januara a već imamo ozbiljnog laureata za ovogodišnjeg zlatnog feriza


naravno u pitanju je švedska idiokratija :fantom:

The 28-year-old Iraqi man was so unhappy with the standard of asylum in Finland that he chose to return to Sweden, and rape a Swedish woman on the way.


The woman did not want to notify the police at first, because of situation: the poor rapists was a refugee.


But now the rapist has been convicted to imprisonment and deportation by the district court, which also states that he is not a refugee at all.


The rape took place on the night of October 10 at a night train between Umeå and Sundsvall.


The woman had booked a shared compartment and ended up in a compartment with three Arab men, who woke up when she stepped in. She wanted to show sympathy with the men because they were asylum seekers and bought among other things sandwiches to them.


They were drinking vodka and singing, but after a while the 28-year-old began to touch the woman, who twice had to tell him to stop. After a while the woman went to bed but woke up some time later by the Iraqi who was about to rape her.


The woman fought him off, ran from the compartment and made contact with a train attendant.


"The train attendant asked if he should call the police. At first she did not want that, because she did not want to put NN, who are seeking asylum, in a difficult situation. She felt sorry for him [...] and was afraid that he would be deported to Iraq," reads the court documents.


But she was persuaded to report it to the police, and the 28-year-old was arrested when the train stopped in Hudiksvall, Fria Tider reports.


He was sentenced by the Sundsvall District Court to one year in prison. He must also pay SEK 85,000 in damages to the woman.


Moreover, it appeared that the raped woman's fear comes true - the man will be deported back to Iraq with a re-entry to Sweden ban for five years.


The District Court could conclude that he had not been at any risk in Iraq, but only traveled to the Nordic countries to seek asylum for economic reasons.


"According to the Migration Board, it appears that the situation in some parts of Iraq is serious. NN has, however, stated that he did not flee from Iraq because of war and that there is no risk that he will be imprisoned or persecuted if he returns to that part of the country where he comes from," reads the verdict.



naravno sve je u skladu s uputstvom za primenu religije mira u ratu koji jedna strana vodi a druga se moli bezglavim demonima političke korektnosti


Professor Saud Saleh – from Al-Azhar University in Cairo, Egypt – reportedly said rape is allowed between times of “legitimate war” between Muslims and their enemies.


In a television interview Saleh appears to try to discourage the purchase of slaves from Asian countries for sex, claiming Allah has given Muslim men a “legitimate” way to have sexual relations with slave women.





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  • 2 weeks later...

mislim i ranije smo znali šta da mislimo o svima kojima moji fazoni nisu extra ali kada džon kliz verifikuje e pa onda je to ćao zdravo :fantom:


Political correctness is killing comedy, says John Cleese: Monty Python star believes fear of offending certain groups could lead to 1984-style society where free expression is not allowed


    Cleese speaks out on Big Think video about effect of political correctness
    Says can no longer perform at universities as any criticism seen as 'cruel'
    Claims those who can't control emotions want to control others' behaviour
    Says loss of humour will lead to dystopian police state, like Orwell novel


John Cleese says that political correctness and fear of offending could lead to a 1984-style society.


The Monty Python star said he has now been advised not to perform on university campuses as the idea of political correctness has expanded so far that any kind of criticism is now seen as 'cruel'. :isuse:


Veteran comic Cleese said it is down to people who cannot control their emotions, so seek to control others, and worries that it could lead to a society like that in the iconic dystopian Orwell Novel.


Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3427218/Political-correctness-killing-comedy-says-John-Cleese-Monty-Python-star-believes-fear-offending-certain-groups-lead-1984-style-society-free-expression-not-allowed.html#ixzz3yxeYdKj2



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