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Nemam pojma na što aludiraš, ali nebitno;

meni daleko više smetaju neki drugi fenomeni poput na primjer medijskog promoviranja anoreksije nego sisa na tuđoj majici.

Smetaju mi i pokušaji "ravnopravnosti" gdje kvalitetna i stručna osoba ne može dobiti posao jer je višak u tzv. m/ž kvotama zapošljavanja gdje nije bitno znanje nego isključivo postotci. 

I smeta mi što su vrlo česte žene daleko veći ženski šovinisti od muškaraca.

No, to su sad već neke druge teme...

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Nemam pojma na što aludiraš, ali nebitno;

meni daleko više smetaju neki drugi fenomeni poput na primjer medijskog promoviranja anoreksije nego sisa na tuđoj majici.

Smetaju mi i pokušaji "ravnopravnosti" gdje kvalitetna i stručna osoba ne može dobiti posao jer je višak u tzv. m/ž kvotama zapošljavanja gdje nije bitno znanje nego isključivo postotci. 

I smeta mi što su vrlo česte žene daleko veći ženski šovinisti od muškaraca.

No, to su sad već neke druge teme...



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Meni je problematična postavka žena u nauci naspram žena u društvu, prosto zato što smatram da to nije ni u didaktičke svrhe odvojivo. Nismo dospeli u svet nauke prethodno generisani u nekoj, na rodne stereotipe imunoj, kapsuli (ni žene ni muškarci), niti nam se (bar većini) život svodi na nauku. Podložni smo istim manipulativnim mehanizmima kao i ostatak čovečanstva, pri čemu svaki od rodova/polova često nemilice koristi generacijski oprobana sredstva za postizanje cilja. 

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Nazifem ponovo napadaju.





BELGIUM| Two members of the radical feminist group FEMEN destroyed the Christmas crib of the city of Brussels, Belgium. After destroying the statues, they showed a banner with the words "Fuck the poor". What FEMEN wants to achieve is unclear, according to the Flemish newspaper De Standaard.

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  • 4 weeks later...

znate onu izreku pc bolid gori od turčina ako ne evo da vidite šta to znači  :fantom:


One of the biggest education publishers in the world has warned its authors not to mention pigs or sausages in their books to avoid causing offence.


Oxford University Press (OUP) said all books must take into consideration other cultures if they hope to sell copies in countries across the world.


As a result, the academic publisher has issued guidance advising writers to avoid mentioning pigs or "anything else which could be perceived as pork" so as not to offend Muslim or Jewish people.


The guidance would ban all mention of Children's favourite cartoon pig Peppa Pig(Peppa Pig)




The guidance issue was also condemned as "ludicrous" by Muslim Labour MP Khalid Mahmood.

He added: "That's absolute, utter nonsense and when people go too far that actually brings the whole discussion into disrepute."





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izgleda da je britancima dosadilo da žive  :fantom:


A convicted Al-Qaeda terrorist with close links to the Paris massacre cannot be deported from Britain because it would breach his right to a family life, it emerged yesterday.


Baghdad Meziane was jailed for 11 years in 2003 for running a terror network recruiting jihadists and fund-raising for Al-Qaeda.


But despite a judge saying he was a dangerous man and should serve his full sentence then be deported, he was released from prison five years early and allowed to return to his family home in Leicester.


The 50-year-old is an associate of Djamel Beghal, a convicted terrorist whose wife and family live in Leicester and who is said to have mentored two of the Paris attackers while they were in jail together in France.




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  • 1 month later...

Pravna država, brate. pravna država...


ako je ovo pravo ja sam nebojša stefanović :fantom:


An unlicensed drink-driver who was three times over the limit when he crashed a friend's car has walked free after a court heard he had re-found Islam and was living a more pious life.


Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2968534/Unlicensed-drink-driver-three-times-limit-crashed-car-avoids-jail-court-hears-Islam.html#ixzz3Spszgc1a

Edited by Hella
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