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6 hours ago, radisa said:

Ima Das Keyboard bez oznaka, ali je mehanička i jebada je nabaviti u Srbiji...


Das Keyboard Model S Ultimate - 24h delivery | getDigital




Razmišljao sam da kupim DK4 (doduše sa oznakama), ali sam pročitao loše komentare za nju na Benchu, pa sam odustao. Kapiram da nije problem da se nabavi ni ta clean verzija preko likova koji valjaju ostale varijante na KP.

12 hours ago, Sammael said:


Ista jebena priča. Pri tome nikad nisam naučio slepo kucanje pravilno, kucam sa 6 prstiju max. Ali evo, ovo sam otkucao bez greške, a ako spustim pogled na tastaturu ima da izgrešim onoliko...

Brate, nije do tebe ;)


Malo je duža priča kako sam došao do ovog, ali od nabadanja sa par prstiju po tastaturi pa do ~70wpm bez nekog posebnog vježbanja.




LM, Kyria - moja je bez ovih enkodera (ispod X i > je kod mene običan taster). Podržava QMK, koga ne mrzi može ProMicro/Elite-C kontrolere da zamjeni sa nice!nano, doda baterije i tako dobije wireless verziju (doduše uz ZMK a ne QMK firmware).


Ovih dana se penalim da sklepam low profile varijantu sa Choc tasterima.


Iako ovde ima sasvim dovoljno tastera (Corne je ideal ;)) kome nedostaju numerički tasteri može da sačeka reviziju Kyrie sa 62 tastera (Elora) ili da nađe neku sličnu tipa Lily58).


Viš nisam merio do sada brzinu, sad odradih online test - 48 wpm, 92% accuracy


svaka vama čast, ako ste uspeli da naučite kucanje sa više prstiju i to bez gledanja, ja bez gledanja znam gde su qweasdf tasteri i strelice, jer sam ih koristio za fifu i pes, za ostalo moram da gledam tastaturu, da i šđčćž tasteri jer se nalaze ispred entera sa desne strane :D


Ja moram da bacim pogled povremeno, nikad neću naučiti naslepo, mada nisam nikad ozbiljno ni seo da pokušam. :)

13 hours ago, mraki said:

Šta da gledam od monitora da je ok i ne preskupo? 27 inča ili više.

I još jedno pitanje, ove win i office licence na KP za manje od 1000 dinara, jel to ok?

za win i office odi na gamivo.com i kupi sebi licence


koliko je to nepreskupo? daj neki okvir

to ide od 25k do 250k trenutno

2 hours ago, Time Crisis said:


Takve licence samo za po kući, nipošto u firmi/na poslu

Za po kuci sam i mislio. 

  • 3 weeks later...
Posted (edited)

Pazite ovo: https://forum.benchmark.rs/threads/nove-usa-export-regulative-izazivaju-haos-u-kineskoj-industriji-cipova.488841/


r/ChinaPosted by u/Weekly-Entertainer941 day ago翻译 | Translation

Translated from: https://twitter.com/lidangzzz

Many people don't know what happened yesterday.

Simply speaking, Biden forced all Americans working in China (Note: in the semiconductor industry) to choose one of two things: either resign immediately or renounce their U.S. citizenship.

Then almost all the American executives and engineers at all the semiconductor manufacturing companies in China resigned - and Chinese semiconductor manufacturing was directly paralyzed overnight.

The impact of a single round of Biden sanctions is more lethal than a dozen waves of Trump's 4-year histrionic sanctions combined.

Another thing:

During the Trump era, although all semiconductor suppliers needed to apply for licenses to continue supplying, the vast majority were deferred and applications for licenses were passed within a month.

As a result of Biden’s sanctions, all U.S. IP providers, component suppliers, and service providers, withdrew almost overnight - completely cutting off any services.

What is a catastrophe? This is a catastrophe: Half of China's semiconductor manufacturing industry went straight to zero in value and collapsed completely, with not a single bit left.

Lam Research summarizes the sanctions:

  1. Chinese high-calculus chip design companies, all of which are covered by the sanctions, will be denied flow production by TSMC.
  2. Driverless chips will also get sanctions entirely.
  3. The starting point of the sanctions is unlimited retroactivity, ensuring the elimination of the use of any U.S. products and technologies.
  4. Any company or individual who violates the sanctions will be directly arrested by the U.S. Department of Justice.

Once again, let me emphasize:

This round of sanctions is the end of Chinese semiconductors, not those histrionic sanctions under Trump - it's a real decapitation of an industry.

Any Chinese company that survives is a company that hasn't gotten sanctions to the end.

Any Chinese company that has gotten sanctions to the end has a 100% mortality rate.

Any U.S. citizen/green card holder will honestly take a stand and “vote” with their feet this time.

There is a small conclusion left unsaid about Biden's sanctions:

The conclusion is that China no longer has any ability to engage in chip manufacturing and lithography R&D below 28nm.

Under the dual effect of the 28nm lithography failure and this week's Biden sanctions:

China has just completely lost all the industries and technologies related to 28nm chip manufacturing and lithography.

Priča je malo sumnjiva, pošto nema šanse da se tako gubi državljanstvo, ali je nesporno da su uvedene jake sankcije:
Edited by napadaj

Hocete da kazete da onolika zemlja, nema nijednog coveka, koji moze dalje da razvija pomenutu tehnologiju (makar i bez licence, kao da je to i do sada bilo bitno, u pojedinim granama).:huh:


Mislim da nije problem samo u ljudima, nego je zaustavljen izvoz alata 


The rules, some of which go into effect immediately, build on restrictions sent in letters earlier this year to top toolmakers KLA Corp, Lam Research Corp and Applied Materials Inc, in effect requiring them to halt shipments of equipment to wholly Chinese-owned factories producing advanced logic chips.




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