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Izrael, Palestina i arapske zemlje

Message added by Krošek,

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zbog toga se ponekad mora pribeći drezdenima i hirošimama radi višeg cilja  :fantom:

Edited by Hella
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...i aushvicima :fantom:

ko ono bese imao onu suludu dualnost negiranja holokausta/zagovaranja holokausta iz islamskog sveta? nekadasnji iranski predsednik, zaboravih mu ime?

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Kada bi ilegalno naselje Beitar Ilit bilo uklonjeno, u skladu sa Četvrtom ženevskom konvencijom i odlukom Međunarodnog suda pravde, pretpostavljam da bi ovakvih nemilih scena bilo manje.

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Kada bi ilegalno naselje Beitar Ilit bilo uklonjeno, u skladu sa Četvrtom ženevskom konvencijom i odlukom Međunarodnog suda pravde, pretpostavljam da bi ovakvih nemilih scena bilo manje.

slazem se. kad su uklonili ilegalna jevrejska naselja iz gaze, zavladao je potpuni mir.

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znači to se poruši i više nema džihada a :fantom:


a jos kada bi drzava izrael bila ukinuta onda bi zaista zavladao tamo mir, to je pocetni arapski plan jos od 15. maja 1948 :fantom:

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palestinski protesti u švedskoj protiv divlje gradnje po izraelu :fantom:


The organizers of an anti-Nazi event in Sweden face controversy Monday, after declining to invite the Jewish community to the event.


"Umeå against Nazism" will run in the city of Umeå on Tuesday and Wednesday, commemorating Kirstallnacht, or the "Night of Broken Glass," the massive 1938 pogrom against Austrian and German Jews which is seen as marking the start of the holocaust.


But, absurdly, Jews will not be invited. 


The organizers claim that inviting the Jewish community presents a security risk, nt.se reports, citing anti-Semitic and anti-Israel protests present at past events.


"In previous years, we have had a lot of Palestinian flags at these rallies, and even one banner where the Israeli flag was equated with a swastika," organizer and local Workers' Party member Jan Hägglund told locals. "The Jewish community wasn't invited because we assumed they might be uncomfortable around that sort of thing."


Critics claim that Hägglund's omission must be due to the crowd he invited to the event, implying that it could only be far-left or anti-Israel - thus creating the environment which justified the "security risk."


Meanwhile, the event's Facebook page appears to even downplay the Jewish community's role in the event, instead conveying a generalized, vanilla message of tolerance - not opposition to anti-Semitism.


Some local officials are holding counter-rallies in protest - including municipal worker Anders Agren, who invited the Jewish community to a ceremony which will feature the lighting of memorial candles and a moment of silence.



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Zar nije tamo glavni problem potpuna kopnena i pomorska blokada? 

ma uvek ima neki problem dovoljno velik za seobu na ahiret sa, ili bez saglasnosti putnika.

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