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meni je to totalno idiotski. nepo je dobio turnir kandidata, ako magnus nece da igra, nepo bi trebalo da bude sampion. posle mogu da organizuju mec nepo-ding, gde bi ding bio izazivac.


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pa dobro, logicno je da se smorio, on svaku drugu godinu mora da "potrosi" na pripremu za mec, to je zaista previse. a i nije lako naci motivaciju da ponovo igra protiv nepa.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Karlsen nije pomogao Norveskoj da napravi neki znacajni rezultat na Olimipjadi i pored toga sto Rusi i Kinezi nisu ucestvovali. Stavise, prilicna katastrofa, medju najlosim evropjnaima temo ispod 50 mesta.

Srbija oko 20 mesto muskraci, zene jos bolje. To je nekih nas prosek 10-20 mesto. Sto je odlicno, redovno smo bolji do svih SFRj, retko ko bude bolji od nas. A imali smo nedavno Olimpijadu kada smo mislim bili medju prvih 10.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Jel' varao Hans Moke Niemann?


Navodno, već ima istoriju varanja na Lichessu, dva puta je banovan zbog toga, Hikaru ga podjebava ceo dan...


Ili je Magnus prolupao i popizdio što je izgubio od 150 poena slabijeg igrača?

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1 hour ago, radisa said:

Jel' varao Hans Moke Niemann?


Navodno, već ima istoriju varanja na Lichessu, dva puta je banovan zbog toga, Hikaru ga podjebava ceo dan...


Ili je Magnus prolupao i popizdio što je izgubio od 150 poena slabijeg igrača?


Dosta trapavo i sumnjivo izgleda njegova analiza sopstvenih poteza. Još reče da se dobro spremio za ovo otvaranje Magnusa, a Magnus prvi put odigrao g3 u Nimzo ikada. Sumnjiv je za sve pare, samo mi nije jasno na koju je foru prošvercovao mašinu pored svih onih detektora i pregleda. Biće dosta interesantno.

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8 minutes ago, Mindaugas Žukauskas said:


Dosta trapavo i sumnjivo izgleda njegova analiza sopstvenih poteza. Još reče da se dobro spremio za ovo otvaranje Magnusa, a Magnus prvi put odigrao g3 u Nimzo ikada. Sumnjiv je za sve pare, samo mi nije jasno na koju je foru prošvercovao mašinu pored svih onih detektora i pregleda. Biće dosta interesantno.

Gledao sam jutros njegovu analizu™... Jebeš mu mater, kad odigram sa nekim, dublje analiziramo pozicije, nego što je ovaj analizirao pobedu na najboljim igračem današnjice... Ono sa damom i gubitkom lovca nizbočega, u toj kvazi-analizi je tek show...


I pprotiv Alireze je imao neke poteze koji su previše kompjuterski, rekao bih...


Biće zanimljivo...

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ne vidim kako ce ovo dokazati ako jos nisu. jedino da se skine go pred svaki mec jer ovaj detektor nista nije nasao. bice sada i delay od 15 minuta.


mada ako sada odjednom pocne igrati losije uvek se moze vaditi na stres i dekoncentraciju povodom cele situacije...

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Karlsen se nakon toga povukao s turnira:



Neki brazilski velemajstor tvrdi da je analizirao Nimanovu igru u eventualno spornim pobedama i da su greške ljudske.



[GM Rafael Leitão] I analyzed carefully, with powerful engines, the 2 wins by Niemann in the tournament. I couldn't find ANY indication of external help. He made mistakes in positions in which humans would. I'm very curious about the ramifications of the insinuations thrown today


Drugi pak skreću pažnju da Niman uopšte nema sjajan skor u poslednjih 50 mečeva:



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Evo jedne analizice:



🔰☢️🌐🏳️‍🌈 Chief Georgist Shill 🏳️‍🌈🌐☢️🔰
12h • 14 tweets • 3 min read

So the chess world has its biggest drama in a while… a 19 year old U2700 prodigy Niemann beat Carlsen, 2850+ world champion #1 in the world
Then, Carlsen exits the tournament with a tweet that many see as implying cheating of some sort by Hans
Nerd drama, here’s my take
There’s two basic accusations that I’ve seen floating around against Hans

1. He got a hold of Carlsen’s prep

2. He used outside assistance, perhaps a chess engine, to win

Let’s start with the first accusation: 
The preparation accusations are somewhat suspicious because Hans claims he looked at the opening before the game in his post game interview.


Hans claimed it's a So vs Carlsen game from the 2018 London chess classic... except no such game ever took place 
As far as I can tell, Carlsen only ever played this line in 2006 vs Leko at the Tal memorial. It’s not obscure so much as it is not popular with the higher levels of chess

The other oddity that is hard to explain is the time management 
Hans spent well over 10 minutes to get to a point in the opening he supposedly had prepped, when Hans usually blitzes out prep he’s confident in - and having seen prep earlier that day would be a great help!

This isn’t really evidence either way just a strange observation 
As for the engine accusations they're far less clear to substantiate, because Hans clearly didn't have perfect play, not finding anywhere near the best move on a couple of occasions

The main theory I've seen is that if he did cheat/ 
it's by accessing a device while off the board - and so he wasn't able to have analysis on every move but just at different points throughout. This also goes hand in hand with questions raised before the tournament on security, raised by a few commentators 
I believe all players are wanded before entering the hall but as for checking the bathrooms for devices and other such precautions, it’s unclear what St. Louis actually does to ensure fair play

I have a friend who has worked on chess chest detection systems online in the past/ 
/who is currently trying to do an analysis based on when we know via broadcast that Hans left the board, and try to analysts the quality of the moves we know he made while sitting down, vs when he had an opportunity to get up

In the meantime, all we’ve had are veiled accusations 
My conclusion? We simply don’t have enough information

We see young players who are clearly underrated get bashed for cheating and ganged up on with no evidence before. Many accused Firouzja over the years, and both Arjun and Gukesha have been attacked as well recently. 
Im a big believer in the ethical case for due process and these accusations from top grandmaster and high profile commentators can haunt kids for years and years

The reason this case gets so much attention is because Magnus is pulling out of the tournament midway through/ 
/an unprecedented move in modern chess at this level

Many are assuming he has evidence we don’t, and are making claims against Hans based off of this purely assumed evidence

However, there is an explanation for why many don’t want to grant Hans the benefit of the doubt 
Both Nakamura and Hansen have claimed on stream that Hans was banned from entering prized tournaments on chess.com for 6 months after he was caught cheating

Ive seen multiple other people claim he had another ban, but the only evidence I can find of that/ 
/is a one hour temporary ban that doesn’t appear to be for cheating

If the top players are aware of Hans having a more checkered past, it would make their suspicion much more understandable



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Ima ispod Hikaruovog videa o dogadjaju gde ljudi pričaju da je ovaj varao kao klinac za tablom i zvao sudije da kuka kad gubi i lagao da su vukli nelegalne poteze... 


Ni to nista ne znaci, vole ljudi da preteruju, ali je zanimljivo....

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Pa ništa, nek se oglase online platforme sa detaljima zašto je dosad izbacivan/banovan i nek uzme neko još da proveri da li je bilo neočekivanih poteza u mečevima koji se poklapaju s mašinama.


U šahovskom svetu definitivno ima dosta pametnih ljudi upućenih u to kako stvari funkcionišu koji bi mogli da, ako ne definitivno dokažu, ono bar skapiraju i objasne verovatan metod varanja, ako je to bilo u pitanju.


Svakako ne očekujem da će klinja ako je varalica uspeti da zezne sistem još X puta u narednim mesecima ili godinama pošto će se motivacija za trošenje vremena i drugih resursa za raskrinkavanje povećavati ako njegov rejting i nadalje bude senzacionalno rastao. Plus je tu faktor oslađivanja koji će ga učiniti manje opreznim.

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