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kako ti se cini mec, i mislis li posle njega da ima sta da trazi u nekom mogucnom mecu protiv ggg?

svaka cast i smitu, u svakom slucaju.

Pa brate, imam manje-vise slicno misljenje kao i pre ovih meceva. Favorizujem GGGja, jaci je, tehnicki je bolji bokser, izdrzljiviji je, jednako je dobar kad inicira akciju i kad boksuje na zadnjoj nozi. Meni se jako svidja Canelov boks i ne mislim da je bez sansi protiv njega kao ostali. Kombinacije su mu jednako dobre kao Golovkinove, ima brze ruke, Golovkin je jako dobar body puncher ali Canelo je mozda cak i bolji u tome. Problem je sto nema rad nogu ni izdrzljivost i najbolje mu lezi boks na polu-distanci pa izgleda dobro jedino protiv protivnika koji idu prema njemu i nemaju dobar rad nogu. Protiv Smitha me je prijatno iznenadio kretanjem u prvoj rundi ali posle toga je stao. Delovalo mi je kao da je gasirao, sto mu se ne desava po prvi put u karijeri. Bilo mi je cudno da ga vidim cesto  kako odmara na konopcima i dozvoljava Smithu da vezuje kombinacije, ali to je mogao da dozvoli sebi protiv Smitha koji nije imao snagu da ga ozbiljno povredi. Mozda gresim ali jedini nacin da me iznenadi je da vidim kako bi GGG podneo njegove udarce u telo, sto mi je opet malo verovatno da mu GGG dozvoli da radi na toj distanci.

Edited by Staklena Brada
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Pouzdani insajder iz PBC tima je ovih dana napisao mnogo zanimljive stvari, izgleda da je Golovkin vs Jacobs mec dogovoren i da ga zvanicno objavljuju u ponedeljak


Couple days ago

We just agreed to 70/30, Fight should be announced Monday. Tell me we didn't fucking do everything to make this fight, GGG gets 62% of the PPV
Gennady and Danny are talking right now. I retract all my negative comments.
Last man standing. Props to him for manning up
I actually like the dude. He's fun to talk shit with. I never take any of this personal
Glad you guys are exited for it. End of the day we wanted to give the fans a great fight. You guys pay hard earned money and we aren't shit without your support

We are going to knock him out. We have Chad Dawson, E, Eris and Twin all holding camp (Chad Dawson, Errol Spence, Erislandy Lara and the Charlo twins)
They are texting. I'm texting with him too.

I think this could have gotten done a lot sooner. His team doesn't speak for him. He's a pretty cool dude. He's playing fantasy football lol
I told you would make the fight. Props go to Gennady too. He told his team to fuck off and made a deal. We are going to kick ass but he's good people


We already signed. It's just a matter of of more paperwork today. We were shooting the shit with him about everything other than boxing (it's exhausting sometimes ) last night. We just have to get the venue and date right which isn't hard since they are running the promotion. It's literally them choosing and sending it over for us to sign. We are letting him use Danny's December date at the moment which is what the media is going ro be running with. It could get moved to January but Danny and Gennady both want to get it done this year so we can do a rematch and still have time to get a fight in with Canelo. The rematch clause is his so we could do it in February and still have plenty of time.
I don't think the fight will do well on PPV. Danny has never been a PPV fighter and we are under no delusion that will change. Gennady and I talked about this last night. I think we would all do better making a little less on putting on a bad ass free card . That being said, they are the lead promoters but I told him I'll bust my ass to do everything I can to promote this too. I'm only going to to work directly through him and he will do the same. We all have each other's personal numbers now. K2 will talk with Al and Sam.

It was pretty eye opening for both of us once all the bullshit was erased. Getting Danny and Gennady to talk (takes bow lol) was the best thing. That's how we got the deal done.

I can't put his personal business out there but let's just say he's tried to fight a lot of guys and his management fuckeded them up. I bet it will be an interesting conversation when his deal expires. I'd love to work with him and he knows this. I've given him shit for a mediocre resume but he filled me in as to why. Gennady deserves no blame for that
We are operating with Danny's date right now. That could change. MSG is the spot now but we conceded venue so it can change.

Like I mentioned earlier I should have just talked to to Gennady directly from the jump. He is 100% different when his team isn't around. We both have good fan bases in NYC.


We are going to keep him outside and tie him up when he tries to lead

When he sets up his uc that's where we will knock him out
He has a rematch clause and he told me barring injury they will exercise it.
We aren't going to use this as leverage against Canelo. I told him that wouldn't happen. He's got the fight at 60 after this
We will not talk to fat can at all. He's in the no fly zone.
We are going to give our interviews to Kellerman
Dan can cry as much as he wants. He will not get a single interview or quote from Danny. Gennady said he'll do the same I'm actually going to send him this link.

He's a fucking clown. You don't talk shit to us like that. I still like quincy k. That was fun. Queen B is ***** made.

I will retire from the sport before he ever talks to one of my fighters
His boy literally ruined all his potential interviews. I'm sure that will go over well with ESPN
I just finished texting with Gennady and he isn't going to to talk to fat can either. This is great
@RR what size ring?

20x20. Looks like its going to to be pretty big after getting off the call a few minutes ago which is somewhat surprising. (Chino Floyd 2 big). MSG is the venue and the date is the 10th. We signed everything on that.
Also good to hear GGG's a nice guy, I was hoping it was his team who were the dicks. So happy this fight got done, definitely gonna buy the ppv, it's ppv worthy I'll be telling my friends who don't care about boxing to buy as well. I'll tell them Danny's Floyd's cousin and GGG's Pac's cousin and they're fighting for family honor or some shit.

He is a really cool dude. Pretty good sense of humor too. He legit told Loeffler to shut the fuck up today. We were on tears

Glad it got done too. A lot of work went into this one
Has the date been finalized?

Yes. We are fighting on the 10th at MSG
We aren't fighting as a mandatory. Gennady asked for it and we said cool
He (Gennady) was legit pissed (about Loeffler). That's why we are talking directly to him now. Gennady is cool as ****. You will never hear me say a negative thing about him again. I have no problem admitted it was immature on my end and he apologized to. Sometimes management is a deterrent.

Danny isn't just my fighter he's my boy. He has stayed at my spot, knows my family and if you look at his instagram those are my Rockets tickets we are sitting in Courtside. Gennady was intrigued to say the least by this. Like I mentioned he will be our fighter when his deal expires
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Tomas Hauzer je vrh istraznog novinarstva. Nisam je citao ali kazu da je odlicna, sto me ne cudi s' obzirom na Hauzerov kredibilitet.


Lomachenko vs Walters oficijalno potvrdjen! Odlicno je sto se desila Canelova povreda, otvorila je veliki budzet HBO-u pa su u mogucnosti da uloze pare u odlicne meceve za novembar.

Edited by Staklena Brada
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Loša vest iz boksa, preminuo bokser Mike Towell posle meča sa Evansom. Ne mogu da nađem snimak, nedeljama pre meča

po izjavi žene je osećao migrene, a sudio je Viktor Loughlin, poznat po zakasneloj reakciji na meču između Jubanka Juniora i Blekvela.


Sad da li je sudija mogao ranije da prekine meč ili ovaj bokser nije ni smeo da bude u ringu, ne znam.




Super vest za knjigu o Aliju, nisam imao pojma. Tomas Hauzer je car, rastavio je Flojda nakon meča sa Pakjaom.

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Komedija se nastavlja. Posle Eubank Jr-a, sad Jacobs umesto da potpise mec trazi odobrenje od WBA za jos jednu borbu pre Golovkina i vidim da vec dobija zasluzene kritike na netu. Izgleda da onaj insajder kog sam quoteovao i nije bas toliko kredibilan.

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Ne zna se i dalje, WBA im je produzio pregovore valjda do 23. oktobra, posle toga ide purse bid ali ako dodje do toga, mogucnost je da Jacobs otkaze mec jer po pravilu dobija 25% a trazi vise.

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kovalev, mmw, jel tako brado?

Ne razumem sta znaci mmw?


@Zavrzan Kako ja gledam, po mecevima iz poslednje 2-3 godine, dajem prednost Kovalevu. Mislim da Ward jedino moze da pobedi ako bude mogao da prilazi konstantno Kovalevu na kratku distancu i da ga frustrira klincevima, ali je Kovalev dosad takve pokusaje besprekorno neutralisao hitrim korakom unazad i kontrolom distance protiv Hopkinsa i Pascala, koji su konstantno pokusavali da iniiciraju klinc protiv njega ali nikad nisu mogli. Ward je bolji od njih pa mozda i ne bude toliko uspesan u tome protiv njega. Dok na srednjoj i dalekoj distanci favorizujem Kovaleva. Trip je sto i Pascal i Chilemba i Hopkins imaju granitne brade pa ih je nokautirao i nokdaunovao, tako da mislim da ce i Ward kad bude osetio njegov udarac da upadne u survival mode i da se time odrekne pobede na bodovima, samo da bi izbegao nokaut. Jedino ako me Ward nije prevario svojim neimpresivnim pobedama u mecevima protiv C-level rivala i da je protiv njih mozda boksovao tek dovoljno da pobedi, bez forsiranja, pa da sam sebi stvorio laznu sliku gde vidim Kovaleva da dobija mec Unanimous Decisionom ili nokautom. Evo ga jedan moj detaljniji komentar na tu temu od pre mesec-dva:




I favor Kovalev to KO him or win the UD. If Ward wins I would be very suprised, however if it's a clear fight and he wins it, I would give him all the credit. Also if he wins it would mean to me that he just fights up to his opponents level, kinda like Floyd.


I see it 55/45 or 60/40 in Kovalev's favor, I could see him winning by KO as well as by UD. People turned their back on Kovalev after Chilemba fight, but than Ward vs Brand happened. Now Ward clearly outboxed Brand, but in the last 1/3 of the fight he tried everything he could to knock him out and he couldn't. He was so desperate and frustrated. Go watch in between round 11 and 12, Hunter is urging him to pressure Brand and knock him out and Ward got angry at Hunter, I couldn't believe what I was seeing. The reason I mention Ward failing to KO Brand is because it really made me ask myself how is he supposed to keep Kovalev off him than if he can't make him respect his punches. The only way I see him frustrating Kovalev is with his movement and clinching. Chilemba is a real top 6 or top 7 fighter at 175 and he still lost 3 to 9 against unprepared Kovalev, nearly got knocked out, while Brand is a an unranked top 60 type of fighter.


Things that could play in Ward's favor are his movement, clinching, frustrating Kovalev with his elusiveness and counter punching, especially as I've seen Kovalev getting lazy a couple of times right after throwing 2 or 3 shots combos... Normally he does take a step back after his punches but it looks like sometimes he forgets to follow up on his one-one-two with a step back or some other kind of a defensive movement. His jab-jab-straight right often looks kind of predictable. I've never SEEN Kovalev fighting on the inside so I'm IMAGINING him having some problems with Ward there IF HE ALLOWS HIM TO COME THAT CLOSE.


Things that could play into Kovalev's favor are obviously his power, as well as Ward's non existent power, which makes me think it would be the reason why Ward won't be able to keep him off of him. Kovalev has a bit faster feet, has two great straight hands, a jab and a straight right, so no matter how well rounded Ward is, despite the fact that Ward normally doing very good fighting from the outside, I see Kovalev winning tha battle at long range. On Kov vs Ward long range battle - My opinion is that Kovalev has a bit faster feet, but even if someone would say that they have the equal footspeed it still doesn't matter because I have to add their arm lenght and their power to this long range equation. Ward is going to be there with a fighter with at least the same footspeed, but with a longer reach and more powerful straight shots, that's what makes me think Kovalev would probably win the exchanges at long range.


Some of Kovalev's shots seems predictable, for example his jab-jab-straight right: A lot of times there's what seems to me as a big time gap between his two jabs and the right hand, and it looks to me that his previous opponents couldn't take adventage of it because they were in full defensive mode, but I wouldn't be suprised to see Ward making him miss slipping outside of that right hand and counter him with a left hook if Kovalev forgets to take a quick step back after throwing the right. At mid-range Ward is at least as nice as Kovalev, plus he's elusive so he may be better there for a couple of early rounds but he's probably going to accumulate a lot of punishment there. Kovalev is good at mid-range too, but probably not as elusive as Ward so Ward may have some succes at mid-range at the beginning, but that's all because he has no power to stay there the whole fight. Kovalev's punching power is going to show there too so I see him getting better at mid-range as the fight goes on.



I see Ward doing much better at close distance because Kovalev needs some space for his punches and because I've never seen him in that situation... and combined with clinching, it would give him a lot of trouble, but that's only if Ward finds a way to come that close to him, because I remember how Kovalev kept taking quick back-steps against Hopkins and Pascal whenever they tried to close the distance. If he doesn't allow him to come that close to him, the fight would play out at lond and mid-range and it would probably look like Kovalev vs Hopkins.


Ward is surely going to make him miss more than usual, similar to Chilemba, but I don't see him outclassing Kovalev, if he wins I can see him winning a close decision at best. Barrera landed a lot of shots on him especially in the first half of the fight, I'm sure Ward would be much better prepared for Kovalev, but if Kov lands most of the shots Barrera landed, I think it would be a lot of accumulated punishment and that's why my prediction is Kovalev either by KO or UD.

Edited by Staklena Brada
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