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Uskoro i u vasem gradu vozilu:



Hackers Remotely Kill a Jeep on the Highway—With Me in It


"...All of this is possible only because Chrysler, like practically all carmakers, is doing its best to turn the modern automobile into a smartphone. Uconnect, an Internet-connected computer feature in hundreds of thousands of Fiat Chrysler cars, SUVs, and trucks, controls the vehicle’s entertainment and navigation, enables phone calls, and even offers a Wi-Fi hot spot. And thanks to one vulnerable element, which Miller and Valasek won’t identify until their Black Hat talk, Uconnect’s cellular connection also lets anyone who knows the car’s IP address gain access from anywhere in the country. “From an attacker’s perspective, it’s a super nice vulnerability,” Miller says..."



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Deutsche Qualität


VW apologises for cheating US car exhaust emissions tests
The chief executive of Volkswagen has apologised and ordered an external investigation into findings that the carmaker cheated on US emissions tests to make its vehicles appear less polluting.
In a statement on Sunday, Martin Winterkorn, chief executive of the German carmaker, said the board of management took the findings “very seriously”.
He added: “I personally am deeply sorry that we have broken the trust of our customers and the public. We will co-operate fully with the responsible agencies, with transparency and urgency, to clearly, openly and completely establish all of the facts of this case.”
The Environmental Protection Agency on Friday said diesel variants of several VW and Audi models sold in the US over six years — including the VW Passat, Beetle and Audi A3 — had been fitted with sophisticated algorithms designed to deceive the laboratory testing regime.
The authorities ordered VW to recall 482,000 cars because of the use of so-called defeat devices — which use software to detect when the car is being tested and runs treatments to reduce nitrogen oxides. Once out on the road, the cars were discovered to produce pollutants up to 40 times the legal limits.
The discovery leaves the German carmaker — which has admitted to using the defeat devices — potentially facing billions of dollars in fines and warranty costs, possible criminal charges for executives and class-action lawsuits from US drivers.
Mr Winterkorn did not say who would be carrying out the external investigation, and the company declined to provide further details.
It was Mr Winterkorn’s first formal statement on an issue that also threatens to seriously undermine its attempts to turnround its sputtering performance in the US.
Max Warburton, analyst at Bernstein Research, said: “The best case for VW is probably still a multibillion-dollar fine, pariah status in the US with government — and possibly consumers — [and] damage to its leading position in diesel in the US.”
VW now has to initiate a process to fix the cars’ emissions systems, though the EPA has said the violations do not present a safety hazard and the vehicles remain legal to drive and resell. Owners of cars of models covering the 2009-2015 period do not need to take any action, the agency said.
“I personally am deeply sorry that we have broken the trust of our customers and the public. We will co-operate fully with the responsible agencies, with transparency and urgency, to clearly, openly, and completely establish all of the facts of this case”
- Martin Winterkorn, VW chief
In addition to the costs of the recall campaign, VW could theoretically also face fines of up to $37,500 per vehicle — a total of more than $18bn — though analysts have said VW is likely to face a much lower penalty.
The case is a rare but not unique example of this type of manipulation by the motor industry. In 1998, a group of truckmakers including Navistar, Renault and Volvo paid more than $1bn to resolve claims they installed defeat devices on heavy duty diesel engines. These devices allowed an engine to pass the emissions test, but then turn off emission controls when on the road, the EPA said at the time.
The EPA has been active in the past year, securing a record $300m settlement with Hyundai and Kia over claims the Korean affiliates overstated the fuel economy of their cars.



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Iskreno se nadam da će da ih klepe sa ovih $37,500 po vozilu. Težak skandal. Naravno, to se neće desiti, podmazaće gde treba i nagodba će biti znatno, znatno niža.

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Већ су трсли 15 милијарди јер им је вредност акција за два дана пала за 20%. Казна ће такође бити у милијардама јер су у питању екологија и здравље, а измакла добит... па то не може ни да се преброји јер је кренуло ловљење позиција за тржиште електричних аутомобила и Ауди је представио е-tron, a сада ће бити жигосани као лажови и преваранти и нико им неће веровати ни за један податак. Да су паметни, пустили би Шкоду или Сеат да се у том сегменту тамо бори од нуле. А ако се неко од Амера власника 2.0 tdi јави суду са тужбом што је добио рак, па ако је више таквих, па ако се удруже са тужбом... Ово је највећи фејл у новијој историји аутомобилизма и учиће се у бизнис школама као пример пословног самоубиства.


Edit Ево, кренуле су приватне тужбе и пре ове за изазивање рака:

"The US law firm Hagens Berman is launching a class-action suit against VW on behalf of people who bought the relevant cars.

The models cited by the law firm are the diesel versions in the US of:

Jetta (2009 - 2015)

Beetle (2009 - 2015)

Audi A3 (2009 - 2015)

Golf (2009 - 2015)

Passat (2014 - 2015)

"While Volkswagen tells consumers that its diesel cars meet California emissions standards, vehicle owners are duped into paying for vehicles that do not meet this standard and unknowingly pay more for quality they never receive," the firm alleged."

Edited by Прслин
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hah, sad ce probati da se izvade na pricu da je lik koji radi atest bio suicidan i da je stolicom podbocio vrata kad je kolega otisao da sere.


nadam se da ce ih odrati do kosti.

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Биће, наравно, ал' у Кини.


Одличан текст у правом Телеграфу. Инсинуирају да иза открића преваре стоје Епл и Гугл који планирају уфур на тржиште аутомобила својим возилима без возача. Теорија завере у СФ окружењу као теза угледног енглеског дневног листа... Заиста живимо у интересантном времену.



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nisam najbolje ispratio celu pricu, ali njima je dato neko vreme da reaguju na ovo, ali su oni izignorisali ili sam nesto pogresno shvatio? a kapiram da ako je to vw to radio, onda su i ostali radili, pa je pitanje vremena kad ce da zaigra i ostalim autoproizvodjacima.

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Elektricni automobili koji se sami voze ce biti vecina na putevima civilizovanog sveta za 10 godina MMW. Neko (audi ili bmw?) je objavio da za par godina prestaju kompletno sa pravljenjem cistih benzinaca i dizelasa, sve hibrid i electro.

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Није им дато време, немају шта да поправе: цареви су направили софтвер који детектује када се аутомобил вози, а када се тестирају издувни гасови и онда је тај софтвер прилагођавао рад мотора приликом тестирања да би се добили и до 40 пута бољи резултати од реалних. Значи, варали су на тестовима који одређују и колики се порез плаћа за коришћење тог возила и то раде од 2009. године. Гарантована им је казна од пар милијарди, нема грешке.


Питање је да ли су сви радили: Фордов главни мотор је троцилиндрични 1.0 бензинац са турбо пуњачем који након овог открића постаје најзеленији не-хибрид само зато што је бензин сам по себи чистији од дизела.




Edited by Прслин
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razumem o cemu se radi, ali sam procitao negde clanak koji govori o tome da su ih izvalili jos pre nekoliko godina i da im je trazeno objasnjenje ili tako sto, a vw da su iskulirali. verovatno je posredi novinarsko nerazumevanje materije. pokusacu da iskopam clanak.

anyhow, siguran sam da ce da nadju slicno bar jos kod francuza.

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