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Hrvati pitali sponzore za misljenje :-)

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Edited by vememah

Validno bi bilo i da je Mej pozvala ministre EU da joj razjasne poziciju Londona prema Bregzitu.

Posted (edited)

Nema trećeg glasanja, predsednik skupštine otkačio Terezu Mej, tvrdi Bazfid sve sa citatima zašto je dozvolio drugo glasanje, a neće treće.



Speaker John Bercow Has Told Theresa May She Can't Have Another Vote On The Same Brexit Deal

Bercow's decision, based on a 415-year-old precedent, sets up a major constitutional clash between parliament and the government. A new "fundamentally different" deal would have to be negotiated for another vote to be allowed, the Speaker said.


Posted on March 18, 2019, at 5:06 p.m.


House of Commons speaker John Bercow has made a dramatic intervention in the Brexit process, ruling that Theresa May cannot bring her EU withdrawal agreement back to MPs for a third “meaningful vote” if the deal is “substantially similar” to the one that has been rejected twice so far.

In a move that casts doubt on Downing Street's plan to bring the deal back for third attempt and sets up a serious constitutional clash between parliament and the government, Bercow cited precedent from 1604 as he said he would not allow the “same fundamental proposition" to be put to the Commons again.

The Speaker did not rule out a third Brexit vote entirely, signalling that he would allow the government to put another deal before the House if it was different from the previous the withdrawal agreement proposed at the previous two votes.

But raising the bar in terms of what he would permit, Bercow said that "in all likelihood" a change in opinion on the UK side would not be enough for him to allow a fresh vote. Instead, a new "fundamentally different" deal would have the be negotiated with the EU. Brussels has previously said it will not take part in any further negotiations.

In the case of the second meaningful vote, Bercow said he allowed it to be put because "it could be credibly argued that it was a different proposition from that already rejected by the House on the 15th January".

He said: "It contained a number of legal changes, which the government considered to be binding, and which had been agreed with the European Union after further intensive discussions," noting that it was also accompanied by the publication of three new documents.

Bercow said that he was acting on concerns from MPs, telling the Commons: "Members on both sides of the House, and indeed on both sides of the Brexit argument have expressed their concerns to me about the House being repeatedly asked to pronounce on the same fundamental proposition."

His position was immediately supported by the leading Brexiteer Conservative Bill Cash. Last week, Remain-voting Labour MP Chris Bryant tabled and then withdrew an amendment calling on the Speaker to prevent the government from bringing the same deal back.

Bercow said the rules were in place to ensure "the sensible use of the House's time and the proper respect for the decisions which it takes."

He continued: "Decisions of the House matter. They have weight. In many cases they have direct effects not only here but on the lives of our constituents. Absence of speaker intervention since 1920 is attributable not to the discontinuation of the convention but to general compliance with it."





Edited by vememah



Da, tako i ja citam. Plus sto moraju da, barem zvanicno, daju objasnjenje EU oko razloga odlaganja ako ga traze i EU da iste prihvati...


Kako ih Bercow prca.


Doduše, ova zabrana glasanja za jedno isto je u sklopu istog zasedanja. Teoretski, zasedanje bi moglo biti prekinuto (pro-rogued) i onda nastavljeno. Samo se ne zna koliko to dana proceduralno traje, nekoliko svakako. A ostalo je 11 dana do Exit Daya.


Sve u svemu, i da se ovo nije dogodilo, još popodne je bilo neverovatno da bi Mejova stavila isti dil na treće glasanje. JRM je rekao da je verovatno spreman da glasa za njega, ali ima bar 23 hardkorovca koji ne bi, i 7 remainera koji takođe ne bi, sve i da DUP podrži vladu. To je već manjina od 30, 40 opet.


Brisel je već par puta rekao da neće davati kratka produženja samo da daje veštačko disanje predlogu Mejove, jer ne veruju da će ga Parlament ikako prihvatiti. Britanija valjda mora da pokaže validan razlog da će povesti pregovore u drugačijem smeru, koji bi Parlement mogao privhatiti pre nego što bi odobrili produženje. Bilo bi lepo.

9 minutes ago, Host said:

Nadam se da odluku o produzenju roka EU nece doneti pre 28. marta, neposredno pre ponoci.


Moze i kasnije - mislim da je 'izlazak' tek 29.og uvece u 23h GMT.

2 hours ago, jms_uk said:


Komentari :ziga:


The seatbelt offers it's users a terrible choice: no freedom to move or death.


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