April 15, 200816 yr Author Ljubiteljima Lazarusa - kao i onima kritički nastrojenim - biće zanimljivo da pročitaju upravo objavljeni (veeeeliki!) review koji je objavio Thom Jurek sa allmusic.com (allmusic se drži svoje tradicije da nijedan album Bad Seedsa ne može vredeti svih 5 zvezdica :D ... ovaj dobija 4 i po, kao što sam mu dao i ja pre nekog vremena ... plus je AMG Album Pick.)Thom JurekApparently, the Bad Seeds side project Grinderman injected some serious adrenaline into the equation, evidenced mightily on Dig!!! Lazarus Dig!!! This is the 14th album by Nick Cave and company. After the masterpiece that was Abattoir Blues/The Lyre of Orpheus in 2004, Cave and Warren Ellis scored a pair of films -- The Proposition and The Assassination of Jesse James by the Coward Robert Ford, and recorded the self-titled Grinderman album with other bandmembers Martyn Casey and Jim Sclavunos. Grinderman was a howling, raucous, rock & roll racket of a set that sweat humorous garage rock blues and raw shambolic guttersnipe stroll that spread its nasty cheer to the listener. The return of the full-on Bad Seeds octet builds on this energy and emerges with an album that is at once snarling, darkly humorous, decadently sexual, and, if you are a religious Christian person, seemingly blasphemous. An obvious example is the title track that opens the album. As always, Cave's lyrics are at the center. They are the focus whether he wants them to be or not, and they certainly are here. The track kicks off with a low-end, loose-limbed bass slog and snarling guitar swagger that simultaneously recall Link Wray and Johnny Thunders. Cave re-introduces the biblical character that Jesus raised from the dead as Larry. Larry gets resurrected in the 21st century. He is utterly lost as he rambles about, utterly disoriented and wondering why the hell he was woken from his dream sleep in the first place. (Think Martin Scorsese's Last Temptation of Christ set in the current day with its Lazarus stumbling around half blind and lost, one foot here, one in the next world.) Larry, who no longer has a sense of who or where he is, partakes of every greasy pleasure known -- sex, dope, violence -- and ends up in the joint, and eventually homeless before ending up back in his hole in the ground. Cave wryly explains at the end, "poor Larry." There are bullhorn sounds in the backdrop, sheer noise wafting in from the margins, and the band pumping itself up with every verse. Cave talks more than he sings here, he's reciting something that feels free form but it's rhythmically dead-on and very tightly focused.Tracy Pew of the Birthday Party could have played the bass rumble that introduces "Today's Lesson." It's all popping riff, one line played over and over as the band brings out organs, acoustic and electric guitars, Ellis playing an electric mandolin, and Cave offering the tale of a young woman who wakes from a dream with a jawbone stuck inside the waistband of her jeans like a gun, who has been repeatedly violated in her sleep by the sandman; when she wakes up all hell breaks loose in the form of a "real good time tonite." She's ready to party, to get while the getting's good -- you are free to interpret whatever that might be.Dig!!! Lazarus Dig!!! isn't all clamorous craziness, however. For starters, it's not as raw as Grinderman. Nick Launay reins it in while extending the textural and dimensional reach of the Bad Seeds wonderfully rootsy yet complex and swampy sound. There are many different kinds of songs here, like the creepy crawly "Night of the Lotus Eaters" that feels like Night of the Living Dead meets Hammer studios meets the Voodoo Gods of Haiti on 'ludes and cheap wine. It's dark, sinister, slimy, and addictive. "Albert Goes West" suggests the Dream Syndicate at their wildest with squalling guitars. When he says "The light upon the rainy streets/Offers Many Reflections/And I won't be held responsible/for my actions..." only to the same protagonist asks in a Concord bar "Do you wanna dance?/Do you wanna groove?" He means it. It's not as absurd as it sounds and in the context of his character, it's unhinged. When the band screams, crunches, and squeals out of the tuner in its music, they sweetly sing like drunken devilish doo wop boys meeting "Sha La La," right to the fade. Only Cave could get away with lines like "Our myomixtoid kids spraddle the streets/we've shunned them from the greasy grind/the poor things/They look so sad & old/As they mount us from behind...." and "I go guruing down the street/young people gather round my feet/as me things-but I don't know where to start." All the while the band chants "doop doop doop" behind him.In "We Call Upon the Author," Cave has become a cross between the great 20th century poets of history and the outer edges of mental myths like Charles Olson and John Berryman who happen to play rock & roll. The latter of these writers is celebrated in the same tune for writing like "wet papier mache/and going out the "Heming-way." This occurs a mere line after he castigates the late Charles Bukowski for being a jerk. "Hold on to Yourself" brings the swirling cacophony the Bad Seeds can summon live with Ellis playing an electric viola along with a pulsing Farfisa organ and acoustic and electric guitars atop sparse drums. It's a sad love song that might have been a rock outtake from The Assassination of Jesse James, if Jesse were singing it in the current era: "I'm so far away from you/I'm pacing up and down my room/Does Jesus only love a man who loses?" The cinematic reach of the track is alternately heartbroken, lost, and furious. "Lie Down Here (And Be My Girl") is feverish, nightmarish, desperate, and as elegantly ruined and unrepentant as Nikolai in Tolstoy's Anna Karenina. Amid the soaring guitars, a backdrop of old rock & roll chorus lines, psychedelic fuzztone leads, and that propulsive bassline and popping snare, Cave's protagonist exhorts his beloved not to worry about the life pouring out of him, and just take in the moment as an eternal one, where all comes down and rises at once. Ellis' moaning Gypsy violin, electric mandolin, a spooky Mick Harvey piano, and a one-two rhythm section shuffle offer another dark and hopeless love song in "Jesus of the Moon," but its drama and punch are almost theatrical in scope. It's dead serious, no camp here; it's all passion, pathos, and an unwillingness to let go despite the fact of having already done so. The last line in the song is, "I say hello." One wonders to what? The abandoned lover? Oblivion? With "More News from Nowhere," the album closes uncharacteristically on what may seem at first to be a light moment. Musically and lyrically it walks the line between Bob Dylan's wry, bluesy, sprawling observations on 21st century life and the light, sarcastic celebration of decadence in Lou Reed's "Walk on the Wild Side."What it all comes down to is that Dig!!! Lazarus Dig!!! is a Bad Seeds record that ups the ante once again. The elegance and poetry, the drama and tension of Cave's more poetic notions are balanced by his Sade-ian humor and social criticisms and his willingness to blend flesh and spirit as two sides of the same coin. Along with this comes a band's sound that is incredibly evolved and unself-conscious. It's an album where a fire breathing, rootsy, garage rock band creates a soundtrack to modern fun house life: where the stakes are high, the odds are hopelessly stacked, and there is little left to do but laugh at its dreadful irony.
April 15, 200816 yr Kad smo vec kod Thom Jureka, jel to bese onaj Thom Jurek koji je istom ocenom kao za Dig Lazarus castio i No More Shall We Part? Nije ni cudo sto ovako pisu o njemu: Memo to Thom Jurek: Shut UpThom Jurek is a writer at allmusic, a site I visit at least once a day. I think I even visited it while on vacation in San Francisco last summer. Why? Why, because it's the best single resource for popular music on the web. It's a repository that actually aspires to catalog EVERY recording in the world. And it's still workin', mind you, but they've done great with what they've got. And most of them even have reviews!Music reviews are a funny thing. You have to read them selectively, and to do that you have to read the writers selectively. Which means finding music critics that you respect.I know. Hard to do. But some are harder than others.So a few years back, when I took part in a reader survey that allmusic offered, one answer came quick. The question was, "What do you like the least about allmusic.com?" (They italicized least just like that. Cuz they'd already asked what you liked most.) The answer? "Thom Jurek."This rambling jackass of a writer simply CANNOT shut up. His reviews of albums become track-by-track analyses; sometimes, they become very long-form essays. The first one I ever encountered was his review of Nick Cave & The Bad Seeds' best album, No More Shall We Part. (Yes, it's their best album. Fuck off.) When you click on the above link, notice two things: 1) how goddamn long the review is. 2) The fact that THAT'S NOT ALL OF IT. There's a READ MORE tab. Jesus, with what's already there, are you really gonna be interested in the sequel by the time you get to that tab? Read closer yet, and you will notice that 1) in the full review (an unbelievable 968 words), he mentions the album title exactly three times. 2) He mentions the previous album, The Boatman's Call, four times. Yes, we get it. No More Shall We Part has a lot in common with The Boatman's Call. Which album is it you're talking about again?So I read that one and immediately decided that I hated this guy. That was before his review of The Rising, Bruce Springsteen's wonderful album?one of only two albums that dealt with 9/11 (and the only one to deal with it directly) in terms of honest human loss and vulnerability, rather than jingoism and bullshit melodrama. Jurek's review (1,225 words) opens with an epigram. An epigram! For a frigging Springsteen record! An epigram, no less, that consists of an Art Carney quote. The apparent goal of such a review is to give you artistic comparisons and detailed dissertation about the record...you know, to save you the trouble of LISTENING TO IT.The bulk of his other reviews are confined to jazz. Ironically, a genre in which discipline and non-self-indulgence are extraordinarily important. Again, though, Thom Jurek can't shut up, and he has the rare gift of being blustery and effusive without generating any actual enthusiasm. In his writings on one of my favorite albums by one of my favorite musicians, Chappaqua Suite by Ornette Coleman, he manages to turn in by far the shortest review I've ever read, gives the album 4 1/2 stars, explains the innovative and creative processes behind the record, and ends with an effusive outburst of "Very worthwhile indeed." Oh, wow! Doesn't that inspire you to just get up and pay the $30.00 that it takes to buy this CD from Poland, the only place it's still in print?! Rejoice! Celebrate! Jump up and shout it from the rooftops! "Very worthwhile indeed."Not to mention the shit he gets wrong. Another Ornette album (the first one, Something Else!!!! The Music of Ornette Coleman), according to Jurek, "shook up the jazz world" when it was released in 1958. Yeah. I'm sure that the 30 people who heard it in 1958 were thoroughly shaken up by that vaguely avant-garde album.Thom, if you're reading this: I, too, have read Oscar Wilde's treatise on the critic as artist. And I understand the impulse to make art about other art; very postmodern. But you know what? Your art ain't worth much if nobody wants to read it. And it don't do much for its subject if, after all your rambling, you give noncommittal conclusions. So seriously, shut up already!To sum up, Thom Jurek sucks.-Michael J. West (writer)kraj trolla
April 16, 200816 yr Author Kad smo vec kod Thom Jureka, jel to bese onaj Thom Jurek koji je istom ocenom kao za Dig Lazarus castio i No More Shall We Part?Sta da kazem na to, kada ja NMSWP drzim na samom vrhu bilo cijih albuma ever? To sto se tice Bad Seedsa. A sto se tice samog Jureka, pa poznato mi je da ima ljudi koji vole krace tekstove. I ja isto (zato sam i rekao "veeeeliki tekst"), ali to nije razlog da prestanem da koristim allmusic.com, u svakom slucaju korisni izvor informacija. Za nekoliko stotina albuma cije review-e sam otpratio tamo, otprilike sam u nekom bitnijem neslaganju (npr. vise od 1 zvezdice razlike) za jedno u vr' glave desetak odsto... Ja uvazavam da se tebi (i drugima, koji mogu biti i brojni) ne svidja NMSWP (i DLD), ali ima i nas koji bitno drugacije mislimo. Taj album (tj. vecina pesama na njemu) "speaks to me" na veoma licni nacin, a ja - ipak - sam ja, a ne ti... tako da, nema razloga da se ne slozimo da se oko toga ne slazemo. Mada je meni zao, jer ja zaista obozavam NMSWP...Premda osecas da te je NC razocarao (sto mi je iskreno zao, bez obzira na razlog) - live & let live, HoboCane... ne znam da li sam te negde (nenamerno) uvredio, ali eto izvinjavam se. (To sto sam rekao za broj preslusavanja albuma pre nego sto se donese kategoricna presuda, nikako nisam mislio na tebe.)
April 16, 200816 yr Indy, da li te je nekada razocarao neki muzicar kog mnogo volis? Mene jeste. Cave je jedan od njih. Od albuma The Boatman's Call jedva mogu da izbrojim vise od 5-6 pesama koje mi se svidjaju. ...Kao neko kome je Cave bio 'sve i svja' izvestan period zivota, dozvolices mi pravo da mi se ono sto on radi 2008. ni malo ne dopada. Mada, posto ti sigurno znas bolje od mene koliko sam puta preslusao njegove poslednje albume, ne sumnjam da ti je jasno zasto je to tako.Potpis. Od 1997-me (Boatman Call) broj pesama po CD-u koje su slushljive je jednak broju pesama koje su bili chisti filler-i na prethodnim izdanjima, to jest ima ih jedna ili dve. A poezija je tek posebna pricha. Ovako neshto ni su ludilu nije moglo da izadje na njegovom CD-u pre 1997-me:It's early in the morning and I don't know what to doIt's early in the morning and I can't believe it's trueIt's early in the morning and it's happening againI called you once, I called you twice, ain't I your midnight man?Ponovnim slushanjem to ne postaje ni smishljenije, ni bolje a ni visheznachajnije. Za razliku od njegovog prvog lirskog perioda (od Good Son pa do Murder Ballads) gde je patetika u lirici (recimo the Ship Song) pracena odgovarajucom muzichkom podlogom, u ovim novim radovima muzika nema mnogo veze sa tekstom. Grinderman je neshto malo bolji od onoga shto sada snima sa The Bad Seeds, ali je generalni utisak isti: Nik Kejv je nekada bio klasa za sebe: sada je u rangu Elvisa Kostela. Obojica imaju prilicno neinventivan prateci bend, fanatichnu publiku koja ce ih pratiti sve i da reshe da skoce u bunar, i pesme koje su bleda kopija onoga shto su umeli nekada da naprave. Daleko od toga da je Nik Kejv losh, ali razloga za sechu vena kada on objavi CD nema vec 10 godina.
April 16, 200816 yr Author Moje misljenje je prilicno inverzno ObijeWom... pritom, nalazim uvredljivom aluziju da bih ja za nekim "skakao u bunar" (ko god da je u pitanju). Ne razumem potrebu ljudi da namecu svoje sopstveno misljenje kao da je u pitanju zakonski akt o dobrom ukusu, ako ne i amandman iz Ustava. Edited April 16, 200816 yr by Indy
April 16, 200816 yr Moje misljenje je prilicno inverzno ObijeWom... pritom, nalazim uvredljivom aluziju da bih ja za nekim "skakao u bunar" (ko god da je u pitanju). Ne razumem potrebu ljudi da namecu svoje sopstveno misljenje kao da je u pitanju zakonski akt o dobrom ukusu, ako ne i amandman iz Ustava.U bre. Uvredljiva aluzija, nametanje mishljenja, zakonski akt? It's only r'n'r, man.
April 16, 200816 yr Author ... It's only r'n'r, man.Recimo. Mada postoje sve snazniji elementi postrocka. Mene zbunjuje tvoj komentar da je Bad Seeds "neinventivan" prateci bend. Na papiru, u pitanju je 1 supergrupa (po svim vazecim definicijama). Ne znam u cemu se to sastoji njihova neinventivnost, ali nalazim da je svirka bliska savrsenstvu, na celu sa Warrenovom violinom i tim retro orguljama.Ne smatram sebe Cave-fanatikom. Jednostavno mi se jako svidjaju Cave-ovi albumi, stari i novi... Niceg drugog tu nema. A nista drugo mi i nije ni potrebno... kao sto je npr. misljenje kriticara. Jureka sam prikacio vise zbog forumske ekipe koja se vec izjasnila kontra Lazarusa, a ne zbog mene. U istom cilju, kacim i sveznajucu Wikipediju... Do svidanija, odoh da slusam muziku... od ove silne price se smorih.
April 16, 200816 yr Recimo. Mada postoje sve snazniji elementi postrocka. Mene zbunjuje tvoj komentar da je Bad Seeds "neinventivan" prateci bend. Na papiru, u pitanju je 1 supergrupa (po svim vazecim definicijama). Ne znam u cemu se to sastoji njihova neinventivnost...Hteo sam da dodam rech "sada" ili "danas" ispred "neinventivan", pa sam je izbrisao jer je rogobatno zvuchalo a mislio sam da je jasno iz konteksta da nisam mislio da su oduvek bili takvi, jer sam istakao sklad izmedju muzike i tekstova u periodu pre 1997-me. Nekada su bili u stanju da muzikom savrseno pokriju njegove mane kao pevacha i plus istaknu tekst. Sada zvuche kao bilo koji prateci bend; ne verujem da im Blixa bas toliko fali (a i otisao je nekoliko godina poshto je pocheo sunovrat), pre ce biti da se ne zamaraju kreativnom raspravom kako da od nechega naprave neshto bolje. Prva ideja koja sefu (ili nekom iz benda, kada sef zablokira) padne na pamet je najbolja, i gotova pricha. ...ali nalazim da je svirka bliska savrsenstvu, na celu sa Warrenovom violinom i tim retro orguljama.Te retro orgulje su bile sjajne u Straight to you pre 16 godina, i savrseno su isle uz njegov glas i tekst. U Midnight Man su opet tu, ali tekst je nategnut, glas zvuchi kao da nije sasvim prilagodjen muzichkoj podlozi (ili obrnuto), sve u svemu nije skroz loshe, ali nije to to...
April 16, 200816 yr sta si se uhvatio za midnight man, kao da je bas to najreprezentativnija pesma sa novog albuma. po mom mishljenju, radi se o najslabijoj tachki na lazarusu, sto bi ti rekao - filler.
April 16, 200816 yr sta si se uhvatio za midnight man, kao da je bas to najreprezentativnija pesma sa novog albuma. po mom mishljenju, radi se o najslabijoj tachki na lazarusu, sto bi ti rekao - filler.Meni je ona nekako middle of the road, sigurno ne najgora. Ona odmah posle nje mi je daleko gora; em tekst smara, em pesma beskonachno traje. Ustvari, jedino mi se bas svidjaju Hold on to yourself i Jesus of the Moon.I tako svaki CD u poslednjih 10 godina: 2-3 pesme OK, ostale zaboravish u roku od 3 sekunde. A ranija izdanja uvek slusham od pochetka do kraja, bez preskakanja.
April 16, 200816 yr Sta da kazem na to, kada ja NMSWP drzim na samom vrhu bilo cijih albuma ever? To sto se tice Bad Seedsa. A sto se tice samog Jureka, pa poznato mi je da ima ljudi koji vole krace tekstove. I ja isto (zato sam i rekao "veeeeliki tekst"), ali to nije razlog da prestanem da koristim allmusic.com, u svakom slucaju korisni izvor informacija. Za nekoliko stotina albuma cije review-e sam otpratio tamo, otprilike sam u nekom bitnijem neslaganju (npr. vise od 1 zvezdice razlike) za jedno u vr' glave desetak odsto... Ja uvazavam da se tebi (i drugima, koji mogu biti i brojni) ne svidja NMSWP (i DLD), ali ima i nas koji bitno drugacije mislimo. Taj album (tj. vecina pesama na njemu) "speaks to me" na veoma licni nacin, a ja - ipak - sam ja, a ne ti... tako da, nema razloga da se ne slozimo da se oko toga ne slazemo. Mada je meni zao, jer ja zaista obozavam NMSWP...Premda osecas da te je NC razocarao (sto mi je iskreno zao, bez obzira na razlog) - live & let live, HoboCane... ne znam da li sam te negde (nenamerno) uvredio, ali eto izvinjavam se. (To sto sam rekao za broj preslusavanja albuma pre nego sto se donese kategoricna presuda, nikako nisam mislio na tebe.)Covek, ne osecam se uvredjeno at all, sve je cool skroz. To sto imamo razlicita misljenja povodom NMSWP i DLD je skroz ok. I ja kazem live & let live i cini mi se da je bitnije sloziti se oko tog moto-a nego da li je NMSWP dobra ili losa ploca. ( priznajem da je The Sorrowfull Wife stvarno super stvar). Zato i rekoh ono ranije - ko ga voli nek ga voli, kome je dosadio - neka je. Samo ne volim da me neko ubedjuje da je ovo sto Cave radi zadnjih 10ak godina 'nesto fenomenalno'. Ucinilo mi se da si potencirao tako nesto, pa sam zato odreagovao mozda malo grublje, ali skapirah da sam bio u krivu, i da je ipak rec o licnim afinitetima protiv kojih stvarno nemam nista. Izvini i ti. Eto. Pozdrav.
April 23, 200816 yr juce mi drugar reche da je koncert u bg otkazan. zna neko nesto o tome?Nisam cuo nista o tome!
April 23, 200816 yr juce mi drugar reche da je koncert u bg otkazan. zna neko nesto o tome?Pročešljah sve relevantne sajtove kako bih našao neku informaciju o tome, ali ništa. Nadam se da je patka.
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