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Nick Cave


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1 dobar razlog, možda i jedini, koga mogu da se setim, zbog čega ne samo da religiju ne treba ukinuti, već treba imati i nastavu iz veronauke, je da zaseje černozemsku maštu klinaca kakav je nekad bio mladi Nidža...Stigao je verovatno i prvi veliki review, u superlativima - Guardian:reviewui9.jpgAnd my, what words. Only Dylan and Tom Waits people their music with such a rich cast of characters: Nubian princesses, Charles Bukowski, Lolita, Mr Sandman the Inseminator and - intriguingly for those familiar with Cave's past romantic entanglements - a Miss Polly, whom he instructs to tie him to the mast.

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Jebote, valjda nece biti ovde toliko sranje pa da koncert bude otkazan. Ako se to desi, licno cu goniti Kostunicu dok ne crkne od muke. angry.gif

Edited by Sludge Factory
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Ne želim ni da razmišljam u tom pravcu. Od svoje 13/14 godine čekam da vidim Boga uživo i precrkla bih da se koncert stvarno otkaže...

Musically, the album is a triumph from first to last. Built around a deep, Doors-y swirl of sound, the bass-heavy groove is crucial in binding together the scattered outpourings of Cave's fevered imagination. The faster songs drive and thrust without ever losing their sense of elegance and poise, while the slower set-pieces are loose and serpentine, allowing the words plenty of breathing space.
Jedva čekam da se dočapam novog albuma. :)
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BTW. "Today's Lesson" (stvar br. 2 sa novog albuma) može lako biti najbolja pesma koju je Nick ikad napisao (a to govori nešto). Moji kortikalni predeli su bombardovani efedrinima, dopaminima i serotoninima dok to slušam... ako je to neko merilo.BTW2. Počinjem hunt za lyrics sa ovog albuma koji su (prema onom što se da čuti) gromopucateljni, čak i za Nickove standarde.

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Inače mali info za ljubitelje klana Harvey, PJ je upravo završila svoju turneju po Australiji, gde je specijalni gost bio stari saradnik Mick Harvey (btw. oni nisu rodbina... osim što su genijalci oboje). Kako se ljudima dopao Mick na koncertima PJ?Mick Harvey is decidedly wearing his ?support act? hat tonight, selflessly devoting his short time on stage to providing prologue to his unrelated namesake, accomplished with the addition of a handful of unreleased PJ Harvey songs. M. Harvey?s guitar pants like an excited farmyard dog and he sings with a voice that seems passed down through generations, while his co-performer?s double bass alternately sways like a lost ship, yawns like a heartbroken alley and cuts like a gang of thieves. He casts an iconic form, the quintessential guitar-strapped Australian singer, the man you want to paste over Paul Kelly.PS. Inače se PJ spominje na novom Bad Seeds albumu, poimence cool.gif

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Upravo ga preslušavam. :pera: Pojavio se danas na Mininovi, a verovatno i ostalim javnim torrent trackerima.
Ja preslušala danas zahvaljujući divnim 4umašima. :)Isuse. "Today's Lesson" sam u startu preslušala 5 puta, pa tek ond krenula na treću. Vidim da se i Indy oduševio i to sa razlogom. Album ima onu Kejvovu energiju sa početka negove karijere koja mi je nedostajala. Samo ću reći: jebeno genijalno!Ko će dočekati jun?
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