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Nick Cave


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newsnickcave_wideweb__470x311,0.jpgBushranger chic: Nick Cave and his new band, Grinderman, back in Melbourne for five sold-out performances at the Forum Theatre. From left: Jim Sclavunos (drums), Cave, Martyn P. Casey (bass) and Warren Ellis (maracas).Photo: Angela WylieCave's new men in suits set to rock home-town fansPatrick DonovanOctober 16, 2007SINCE moving to England decades ago, Nick Cave returns to Melbourne every few years. But his home-town crowd has never seen him like this before. Instead of his cool, sharply dressed and detached main band, the Bad Seeds, behind him, this week he is fronting his new band, Grinderman.Sporting long hair and wild beards, they pump out raw tribal rock songs about baboons and hyenas and dirty old men. For the first time in his life Cave is on lead guitar ? hence his bandaged fingers ? before leading the band on piano in a second set of Bad Seeds songs, while fellow Bad Seed and Dirty Three frontman Warren Ellis jumps around the stage shaking maracas like a caveman."It's going to be the big new thing next year. Every other band will start supporting themselves next year," says bassist Martyn P. Casey, who, like his bandmates, is dressed in bushranger chic. All are wearing suits; Casey's drumming mate, Jim Sclavunos, resembles a giant musk stick in his salmon suit."And not only that," adds Cave, "it's probably one of the only gigs we've done where we've come back and the support band hasn't drunk the rider" (free alcohol).The last time Cave came to town, he played shows at the cavernous Festival Hall and Collingwood Town Hall over two nights. But for this tour, he opted for five nights straight at the smaller, more intimate Forum Theatre. All sold out in days.In a way, it is giving something back to the city he hails from and loves. "I miss Melbourne a lot, and even though it is weirdly stress-inducing playing in Melbourne, I always really enjoy it," he said yesterday at a South Yarra hotel.Cave says that the Grinderman project has reignited his passion, acting as an aperitif, cleansing his palette for the next Bad Seeds album."It was a big record," he said of the critically acclaimed double album Abattoir Blues/Lyre of Orpheus."Some records almost immediately suggest where to go next, and others don't. If a band has been around for a while, the best thing for them to do is go back and form a basic rock'n'roll band, because it totally reignites everything. We just finished the new Bad Seeds record and it's so alive. It's gone to a completely different place that the Bad Seeds could never have gone without Grinderman coming along and just disturbing everything."Cave, who recently turned 50, is undergoing a renaissance. The Bad Seeds have just finished their new album, which Cave revealed would be called Dig! Lazarus! Dig!, and Cave and Ellis have written the soundtrack to a new film, The Assassination of Jesse James, in which Cave makes a cameo appearance.<A name=contentSwap2>It seems that the record company machine is struggling to keep up with the prolific performer."The greatest irritation of the whole thing is how long it takes for a record to come out. We've made this, but we have to take till February to come out," said Cave, who won't be giving any sneak previews of the new album at this week's shows."And then there has to be a certain amount of time before the next Grinderman one comes out. I think we actually need to start a third band," he says with a laugh.Cave's impressive oeuvre ? albums, soundtracks, film scripts, essays and a novel ? will be exhibited at the Arts Centre next month in Nick Cave ? the Exhibition, and may be honoured with a strongly rumoured induction into the ARIA Hall of Fame in a few weeks. "I gave them all my stuff. It had all been sitting there in boxes for 30 years or something. If you have any interest in what I do, the songwriting process or anything like that, you might be interested in this."Kylie Minogue challenged the notion of art when she donated her gold hot pants to be displayed in the Kylie exhibition there a few years ago. Has Cave pulled out an old pair of undies or something similar?"They wanted suits, but I said they don't really have the historical resonance that Kylie's underpants have." Edited by Indy
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Teško da može biti tema koje bolje odgovaraju forumu Parapsihopatologija od sadržaja knjige/CD-a "And the Ass Saw the Angel".419BC664BYL._SS500_.jpg41DCVX0BNPL._AA240_.jpgVaistinu, Cave ovde definiše šta je to parapsihopatologija. O samoj knjizi ću možda nešto više prokomentarisati na odgovarajućem pdf. Ovde ću sumirati recenziju sa amazona: u pitanju je inovativna, mada divlje idiosinkratična, neverovatna satira religioznog fanatizma. Euchrid Eucrow, prezreni, nikakav sin, oca lutalice i aljkave majke, odrastao je nem, ali božanski inspirisan sredinom XX veka u Ukuloreu, seoskoj močvari naseljenoj karikaturalnim grešnicima, prevarantima, retardima i ispičuturama. Euchrid - samozvani monarh od Pseće Glave - sluša prijatnog anđela čuvara, kao i zveri koje pričaju i opsednut je ljudskom surovošću i telesnim željama. Sirotica Beth, kojoj se klanjaju kao detetu-svecu, veruje da Euchrid ima božanski dar; Euchrid se prikrade kod nje u sobu... te ga brutalno progone njeni osvetnici. Zaplet, koji kipti od krvavih zločina, prenešen je kroz zgrušanu, smelu prozu, koja se kreće od poetične do besne, a ispresecana je dijagramima, listama, geneologijama i odlomcima iz Biblije. Premda Caveov manični napor neće zavesti tradicionaliste, možda će osvojiti avanturiste (tj. parapsihopatologe, prim. I.)Ed Clayton-Jones, Mick Harvey i Nick Cave autori su istoimenog CD-a. CD sadrži čitanja i muziku Nick Cavea, kao i pozorišnu muziku koju su komponvali Harvey i Clayton-Jones. Cave govori odlomke iz svog istoimenog romana, a pozorišna muzika bila je namenjena pozorišnoj adaptaciji ove knjige. Muzički deo CD-a je odlična pozadinska muzika za čitanje Caveove knjige, u stvari verovatno bi imalo smisla prodavati CD zajedno sa knjigom (nije verovatno da znači mnogo onima koji knjigu nisu pročitali).

Dakle, Eucrhidov otac, Ezra, bio je šesti u onome što se činilo neprekidnim nizom kilavih, slinavih, potomaka. Promenio je ime iz Morton to Eucrow 1925, pošto je pobegao nemilosrdnim odredima plaćenika koji su zlostavljali okolna brda u neslavnoj kampanji čišćenja šerifa Cogburnea.Još od desete-jedanaeste, Ezra je patio pod jarmom incestuoznih navika svog roda. Porodično stablo njegove familije bilo je jednako izuvrtano i uklješteno kao trnjici u neprohodnim brdima. Glavobolje od kojih bi obnevideo, obamrlost, jektičavost, trans i česte eksplozije nasilja bile su svakodnevnica. Da li je ovo bilo usled sjedinjavanja iste krvi njegovih predaka, nije znao.
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Teško da može biti tema koje bolje odgovaraju forumu Parapsihopatologija od sadržaja knjige/CD-a "And the Ass Saw the Angel".
Procitao, jos prije desetak godina... tjaaaa, sta znam, 'nako. Mnogo on tu meni tupio te crkva, te vjera, te ovo, te ono. Mozda sam previse mlad i bio kad sam citao, ali znam da nije ostavila neki utisak.Nego, ono gdje mi Nick Cave danas prija to je definitivno Grinderman. :Hail: Kao u dobra stara vremena. Cave i distorzirana gitara. Super. :DGrinderman_Grinderman_anti-.jpg Edited by Atreid
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ass.. slazem se sa indyjem (!) - knjigu nikako ne citati ozbiljno, cak iako postoji mogucnost da ju je autor pisao sa idejom da bude ozbiljna. grinderman - meni svakako najbolja ploca u ovoj godini. jako je zgodan nacin na koji je cave omatorio (a i mi zajedno sa njim). ujedno strasno tuzna ploca. bar meni. i koliko god da se menjao od boysa do grinderman jos mozes da sastavis kompilaciju iz svih faza i da to super zvuci.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Cave enters Aria Hall of Fame on his own termsSINGER Nick Cave has accepted his induction into the Aria Hall of Fame, but it was on his own terms.The Australia-born songwriter last week said he was "dreading" tonight's induction during the annual music awards.But on the night, he was gracious in accepting the honour.However, there were a couple of conditions - that his band mates from The Bad Seeds and his former band The Birthday Party be inducted as well."I cannot really accept this until we get a few things straight," Cave told the crowd at Sydney's Acer Arena."What I can't figure out is why I am up here and The Bad Seeds aren't?"I would like to do a bit of inducting myself."Cave then thanked the members of The Band Seeds and The Birthday Party, the 1970s Melbourne gothic rock band which launched his career, for all their work with him over the years."I would like to, by the power vested in me, induct these people also into the Aria Hall of Fame."Cave also thanked his mother, his wife Susie Bick and four sons.Later, he told reporters there were a few other Australians artists he would like to see join him in the select club."Is Kylie in there?"asked Cave, who recorded the duet Where The Wild Roses Grow with Kylie Minogue in 1996."She f---ing well should be!"AAP

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Taman sam se ponadala da dolazi kod nas. Apsolutni Bog. Nemam više šta reći. :heart:
Necu da pozurujem sa informacijama, ali iz veoma pouzdanih izvora znam da se u ovom trenutku vode pregovori oko dolaska Nick Cave-a u Beograd iduce godine. Tacnije, Beograd je vec na listi za turneju 2008, i ostace tako ukoliko nesto ne podje naopako kao pre par godina kad nas je preskocio i nastupao u Zagrebu i Ljubljani...
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NEW ALBUM - DIG, LAZARUS, DIG!!!Nick Cave & The Bad Seeds release their 14th studio album DIG, LAZARUS, DIG!!! on 3rd March 2008. Produced by Nick Cave & The Bad Seeds and Nick Launay, who worked with the band on their last album Abattoir Blues/The Lyre of Orpheus, the new album was recorded over the summer at State of the Ark Studios in Richmond and mixed by Nick Launay at British Grove in Chiswick.DIG, LAZARUS, DIG!!! features artwork by Brit artists Tim Noble and Sue Webster.Nick Cave & The Bad Seeds will announce single and tour news soon.

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preduhitrio si mi, indy, za sat i po... :Dprimaju se opklade, koliko ce proci pre nego se ploca pojavi na skloi.
Ja spremio par kila vina i cekam... nema spavanja. (U medjuvremenu si pribavio odlican instrumental / soundtrack iz filma o Jesse Jamesu...)
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