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S obzirom da je JKP Informatika raspisala taj konkurs, da li se sada može očekivati da se , ne znam, menja ta reč računima . Umesto digitilano brojili se sada koristi ubrojčano brojilo ?

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jebem ti život!1385373_10151991452768115_176143581_n.jpg

Dear Novi Sad, I will be leaving Vojvodina & Serbia in less than a week, with my family, probably for good. Our Colleagues & friends will try their best to keep the Bike Kitchen open & the Culture Exchange open.To everyone who came to the Culture Exchange or who got their Bike fixed in the Bike Kitchen, it has been great living here in Novi Sad for the last few years & it is has been a wonderful experience getting to know so many wonderful people.To all the close minded idiots who I have never met in person but who seem to have a very detailed knowledge of me & my personal life; my religious beliefs, what I eat for breakfast, my favorite sex position, my penis size, & my aspirations as a cult member. I‘m sorry for you! If you want to believe whatever nonsense propaganda is spoon fed you to keep you in this box of ignorance & bigotry you seem to enjoy, then so be it.For the record my religious & political beliefs are this… “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.” I still believe my faith is my own personal business & anyone who uses religion or politics to control others is a HUGE ASSHOLE! & anyone who lets themselves be controlled or manipulated or is too lazy to think for himself, is an IDIOT! At the end of the day our actions speak louder than our words. If my personal values (which is constantly evolving) led me to come to Europe when I was 17, to be a volunteer & do social work, humanitarian work, dressing up like a clown to cheer up kids from schools to cancer wards, bringing in bands & organizing concerts, organizing free workshops & festivals, getting married & having 3 gorgeous kids, investing my own money into creating a social business & opening up Serbia’s first Bike Kitchen, well then just maybe it’s not my set of values that needs to change!Good bye & all the best for this little piece of "heaven" you are creating for yourselves. Simon @[1046876080:2048:Wilson] AKA spy, cult/sect member, criminal
užasno sam tužna
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Ovo je baš grozno šta se sve dešava u Novom Sadu :(Inače, danas u 19 časova, u prostorijama pomenutog kluba "Bike Kitchen" (ulica Jovana Subotića 21) biće održano veče enigmatike. Posetiocima ću predstaviti moju knjigu "World of Anagrams", a pored toga biće održano malo nagradno takmičenje u rešavanju enigmatskih zadataka. Pošto klub funkcioniše u sklopu organizacije "Culture Exchange", pripremio sam tri zagonetke na engleskom jeziku.

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