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Twitter v2.0 - powered by Elon


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Ja sam mislio da  Elon neće da kupi Twitter i da samo skuplja informacije. Za sad deluje da se najslađe smeju ovi što su prodali firmu za 15 milijardi više nego što je bila cena, ali ko zna (+ pravni troškovi). Možda dođe do veleobrta gde im je Elon dao 44 milijarde u koferu gde su uglavnom iseckane čitulje New York Timesa prekrivene stotkama. Nada umire poslednja.

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On 28.10.2022. at 6:55, mustang said:

"the bird is freed" per Musk 



Evropski komesar za unutrašnje tržište:




Tramp neće tako brzo nazad:




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I tako, Elon raspustio upravni odbor Tvitera, sad je jedini tamo. :lolol:
Kažu da hoće da otpusti četvrtinu zaposlenih i da naplaćuje 20$ mesečno verifikovane profile. Biće ovo vrlo zabavno, mogla bi i posebna tema.


Lično mislim da se solidno ukanalio ovom kupovinom, i da veliki blamovi tek slede. Bojim se da će to ozbiljno naškoditi i Tesli.

Ne znam zašto se na kraju ipak predomislio, da li je hteo da spreči curenje odredjenih informacija tokom sudjenja… ili je samo bio svestan da će izgubiti.

Edited by mraki
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In a characteristic vague tweet, Musk on Sunday said the “whole verification process” was being revamped, without providing any details.

Earlier on Sunday, journalist Casey Newton first reported that Musk is planning to charge verified accounts by paywalling the feature behind the subscription service Twitter Blue which presently costs $4.99 a month.
Citing people familiar with the matter and “internal correspondence,” the Verge reported later Sunday that Twitter will charge $19.99 for an upgraded Twitter Blue subscription and currently verified users will have 90 days to sign up before they lose their verified badge.
According to the report, Musk wants the feature to launch by November 7 and the team working on it have been warned they will be fired if they fail to meet that deadline.


Edited by vememah
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17 minutes ago, vememah said:

Čisto onako psihofenomenološki (© by Murga drot), šta tera najbogatijeg lika na svetu na ovako nešto:


"the team working on it have been warned they will be fired if they fail to meet that deadline"


za 20 dolara po nalogu?


Koji je to sociopatski sklop ličnosti bog te jebo.

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