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Covid-19: Razvoj vakcine, imunitet i primena medikamenata


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U suštini, od ozbiljnijih lekova, jedino mogu da budu Pulmozim ili Tobi. Prvi razvodnjava šlajm kod CF pacijanta, drugi napada bakteriju Pseudomonas. Ni jedan mi ne zvuči baš logičan za primenu protiv virusa, zato sam se iznenadio.

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28 minutes ago, Mos said:

U suštini, od ozbiljnijih lekova, jedino mogu da budu Pulmozim ili Tobi. Prvi razvodnjava šlajm kod CF pacijanta, drugi napada bakteriju Pseudomonas. Ni jedan mi ne zvuči baš logičan za primenu protiv virusa, zato sam se iznenadio.


Reč je o leku koji je mukolitik i širi bronhije, koji god bio - onda bi možda taj Pulmozim odgovarao opisu. Koliko shvatam pomogao je manjem broju pacijenata koji su bili u bolnici, i čije se stanje pogoršavalo, da se oporave i ipak ne pređu na intenzivnu. I u nastavku izađu iz bolnice, pretpostavljam :)

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Stariji, tipa mesec dana, članak za dobrobit medicinskog osoblja (za promenu, a podjednako važnog)


Outdated, but excellent for corona patients - Falun's IVA has an advantage in the crisis


At IVA in Falun, staff walk around without visors, face protection or protective aprons - contrary to the image conveyed by other intensive care units in Sweden and abroad.


The fact that the staff does not have long work passes in uncomfortable protective masks is because the department in Falun is really an awakening department that is old and outdated. The way it is built means that the infection can be kept trapped in the patient's room by means of underpressure  and tight doors and windows.


- During the entire period, we have sampled all personnel who have or have had symptoms, which is almost 25 percent of the entire workforce. Of those, just over ten have been positive and one of them is a person who has not had sick relatives in the home before, says Head of operations at the intensive care unit Torbjörn Roos.


Iz videa (pogledati obavezno) transkript rečenog, ENG prevod:


“The advantage we also have, which no one thought was an advantage before, is that we have very old premises. They are built according to the old way with large halls with doors that can be closed. This has meant that with the help of property technicians assistance, we have been able to reverse the ventilation and create a vacuum (underpressure) in the patient rooms and tighten doors and windows in such a way that you can keep the infection inside. (The negative pressure means that protective equipment is not needed outside the sealed patient rooms.) Then, when doing a patient-related work or specific tasks, you wear the protective equipment you need. The patients we have who are anesthetized and get help from a respirator have a tube in the throat, where the breathing air goes to and from the respirator. Because it is a closed system there is none of  what you normally think of as a drop infection, that you cough or sneeze and thus spread it. You can go to supermarket  and shop, you do not know who you meet and someone can cough on you. Here we have a very controlled environment where we also use the protections we need in the right situations. I would say that the risk of infection is lower with us than in society at large.”

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Interesuje me od medicinara/dobro upućenih, šta biste savetovali osobi koja je provela izvesno vreme u polu-zatvorenom sa potencijalno rizičnim kontaktom? Nije ništa potvrđeno i dalje al dok se ne dočekaju rezultati testa već se može i razboleti...


Ono što ja nalazim jeste vit C + vit D + Zn, mada ni tu ne kapiram koje doze u ovoj preventivnoj fazi...

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Nisam strucan, ali se zna da se sve vrti oko imuniteta.


Dobro spavanje, vitamini c, d i cink u malo pojacanim kolicinama sledecih par dana dok se dobije negativan nalaz. :)

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Nama je drugarica koja radi u bolnici preporucila Immunilflor (ESI) i rekla nam je da uzmamo 10 tableta svaki dan po jednu i onda da napravimo pauzu 20 dana pa da ponovimo taj ciklus jos 2 puta posto pakovanje ima 30 tableta. 

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9 hours ago, BarryWhite said:

Nama je drugarica koja radi u bolnici preporucila Immunilflor (ESI) i rekla nam je da uzmamo 10 tableta svaki dan po jednu i onda da napravimo pauzu 20 dana pa da ponovimo taj ciklus jos 2 puta posto pakovanje ima 30 tableta. 


Ja sam cuo za to ali obrnuto, 20 dana pijes pa 10 pauza

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IMMUNILFLOR je dijetetski suplemet sa ehinaceom, mačjom kandžom, vitaminom C, cinkom i 2 milijarde probiotskih laktobacilusa.


čisto da znamo o čemu je reč

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