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Covid-19: Razvoj vakcine, imunitet i primena medikamenata


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6 hours ago, Filozof manijak said:

Postavih pitanje na drugoj temi; kako se meri nivo corona virusa u gradskoj kanalizaciji?!?

Off topic: godinama se uzorkovanjem kanalizacije meri zastupljenost pojedinih vrsta droga u evropskim gradovima:

Europe Samples Sewage Water to Find Its Biggest Drug Cities


Here, in order, are the cities whose wastewater had the highest levels of each drug tested:
• Cocaine: Antwerp; Amsterdam; Zurich; London; Barcelona;
• Amphetamines: Eindhoven, Netherlands; Antwerp; Gothenburg, Sweden; Ninove, Belgium; Deurne, Belgium;
• Methamphetamines: Prague; Oslo; Budweis, Czech Republic; Bratislava, Slovakia; Dresden, Germany;
• Ecstasy: Eindhoven, Netherlands; Utrecht, Netherlands; Amsterdam; Antwerp; Zurich;
• Cannabis: Novi Sad, Serbia; Amsterdam; Paris; Antwerp; Utrecht, Netherlands.

Less cocaine, more MDMA found in Antwerp waste water


In 2018 the level continued its decline from 2017, to 771.8mg per day per 1,000 residents, down from 822mg in 2017 and 994mg in the peak year 2016. That’s substantially higher than Brussels (422.5mg) and Paris (525mg), but also substantially lower than Zurich (856mg), Amsterdam (932.4mg) and Bristol (969.2mg).


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Za ovo merenje prisustva droga u kanalizaciji u evropskim gradovima sam čuo, i mislim, čitao negde. I za prisustvo droge na novčanicama.

Ali za prisustvo i merenje količine virusa, mislio sam da je komplikovana metodologija. 

U svakom slučaju, zanimljiva korelacija.

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Šerijat narcisima prvo.

Pomenuti MDMA će verovatno uskoro biti legalna supstanca u pripomoći PTSP-u, izgleda da je Kanada prva na spisku, i to se očekuje od sledeće godine.

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On ‎22‎.‎5‎.‎2020‎. at 21:22, vememah said:



On ‎23‎.‎5‎.‎2020‎. at 1:36, vememah said:


Izgleda da su i u toj studiji rezultati malo cudni. Autori su morali da se malo pravdaju, pomijesali su australijske bolnice sa azijskim. Australijski doktori i ne znaju kako su mogli dobiti sve ove informacije.




“If they got this wrong, what else could be wrong?” Cheng said. It was also a “red flag” to him that the paper listed only four authors.

“Usually with studies that report on findings from thousands of patients, you would see a large list of authors on the paper,” he said. “Multiple sources are needed to collect and analyse the data for large studies and you usually see that acknowledged in the list of authors.”





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Bas, bas, bas lose za ugled nauke.




The debate rages on about the merits and risks of hydroxychloroquine and chloroquine, after dozens of scientists signed an open letter raising concerns over a study that suggested the antiviral drugs had no benefit for Covid-19 patients.

The research, which was published in the Lancet on 22 May, concluded that treatment with hydroxychloroquine and chloroquine, an anti-malarial, could produce potentially serious side effects, particularly heart arrhythmia.

Within days of the research being published the World Health Organization suspended use of the drugs in its Solidarity trial, which has seen hundreds of hospitals across several countries enrol patients to test possible treatments for Covid-19.

“This impact has led many researchers around the world to scrutinise in detail the publication in question,” said the open letter, signed by a number of prominent scientists, French news agency AFP reports.

It added this scrutiny raised “both methodological and data integrity concerns”.

The authors list several issues with the study, including a lack of information about the countries and hospitals that contributed to the data, a lack of an ethics review and discrepancies in data for Australia, which did not match published national figures.

“Surgisphere [the data company] have since stated this was an error of classification of one hospital from Asia. This indicates the need for further error checking throughout the database,” the letter said.

Among the signatories are clinicians, statisticians and other researchers from around the world, from Harvard to Imperial College London.

Hydroxychloroquine, normally used to treat arthritis, is one of an array of drugs being tested as scientists look for potential treatments for coronavirus patients.

It has also become the most high profile, partly because of comments by Donald Trump, who announced this month he was taking the drug as a preventative measure against coronavirus.


Opet, kazem, ponavljam: bolje cutati nego pricati.


Ovaj haos oko hidroksihlorokina ce izucavati sociolozi nauke.

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On 23.5.2020. at 15:24, precog said:

lek je na trzistu vise decenija, znaju se nuspojave. post hoc studije su nepouzdane posto ne kontrolises/ne poznajes sve varijable. ne znamo sta su jos sve uzimali/dobijali pacijenti, njihovu istoriju bolesti, da li imaju neko hronicno stanje itd. 

za pouzdani odgovor je potrebna klinicka studija,  vise njih se trenutno rade. ono sto je korisno je da ce sad da bude zaustavljena offlabel upotreba ovog leka do konacne potvrde. 

u normalnim uslovima hcq se ne bi ni u ludilu prepisivao bez potvrde dejstva i odobrenja za koriscenje u c19 tretmanu.


15 minutes ago, Budja said:

Bas, bas, bas lose za ugled nauke.




Opet, kazem, ponavljam: bolje cutati nego pricati.


Ovaj haos oko hidroksihlorokina ce izucavati sociolozi nauke.


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Ovo bi bilo komicno da nije tragicno.

Sjecate se neuspjele prodaje Megatrenda i onog famoznog internet sajta.


Ovo ce izgleda biti next level.


Firma Surgisphere koja je dostavila podatke za ovu studiju, oko 96 000!!! pacijenata sa svih kontinenata, ima 5 zaposlenih i skoro svi su zaposleni ove godine, mart i april. Naravno nijedan nema neke reference na internetu a jedan od njih nema nikakvog traga na google-u.


Internet sajt firme koji je registrovan 2007. poceo je sa aktivnim radom tek ove godine (od marta).


Evo clanka u fr novinama u vezi ove firme.





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Još malo o toj famoznoj firmi (ima više nastavaka)


This is quite amusing. A thread about a wonderful AI&big data analytics company.... called Surgisphere! Thanks to Alistair McLean for the tip. have some tools built on their vast patient database. Notably, a mortality prediction tool: https://surgisphere.com/research-tools/mortality.php (1/n)
1:20 PM · 27 mai 2020·Twitter Web App
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22. Maja casopis The Lancet je objavio retrospektivno studiju o hidrohlorokinu sa zaključkom da upotreba tog lijeka povećava rizik kod pacijenata. Studija je rađena sa bazom podataka od 96000 pacijenata u čitavom svijetu. 

Neke zemlje su zabranile upotrebu tog lijeka na osnovu te studije (što bi se moglo shvatiti) i što je gore prekinuli su kliničke studije sa tim lijekom.


Od tada, svaki dan izadje nešto novo. Prvo greška da australijskim podacima koju su kao popravili (ali opet se podaci ne podudaraju), pa afrika, USA... 

Onda dolaze neke nelogičnosti na vidjelo kao na primjer isti postoci pušača dijabeticara i još nekih na svim kontinentima. 

Pa onda broj autora, 4 za studiju na kojoj bi trebalo radi minimum 100 autora (kada uzmeš u obzir broj pacijenata i vremenski period).

Pa onda ova famozna firma.

I naravno autori ne žele da podjele podatke (za sada). Ne žele ni da kažu koje su bolnice dostavile podatke (po zemljama).


Edited by borris_
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