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1 hour ago, vememah said:



A koji je to UK trend? Nisam ispratio 


P.s. u Becu od juce mize da se udje u pub bez maske


I zasto je ovo ponovo pocelo da divlja po Spaniji o.O

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U Britaniji već više od mesec dana raste broj slučajeva uprkos vakcinaciji. Trenutno su na trećini januarskog predvakcinalnog pika po broju dnevnih slučajeva (u Škotskoj je on već premašen) i imaju dupliranje za 9 dana. Sreća pa vakcine rade posao te oboljevaju uglavnom nevakcinisani pa je smrtnost i popunjenost bolnica znatno manja nego prošli put.





U svakom slučaju, kako koji novi soj naiđe, sve se više povećava verovatnoća da će na kraju praktično svi nevakcinisani preležati, pa ko preživi - preživeo je, pogotovu imajući u vidu da je tek 11% svetskog stanovništva primilo obe doze zbog čega nas posle delte verovatno čeka još nekoliko gadnijih sojeva.

Edited by vememah
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  I zasto je ovo ponovo pocelo da divlja po Spaniji o.O

Zato što je pola Evrope, uključujući Britaniju otišlo na letovanje u Španiju. Španija je na zelenoj listi UK, verovatno i obratno jer za turiste iz Britanije treba test ili potvrda o vakcinaciji taman koliko treba prosečnom Nemcu iz Brandenburga gde je u poslednij 7 dana bilo 50 zaraženih
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došao je i taj dan, kina više nije u top 100 zemalja po broju zaraženih...

- šta reći, sve čestitke ostatku sveta na borbi protivu ove pošasti....

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Zvanični dnevni brifing u HR, čisto radi poređenja s informacijama na kašičicu koje ovi naši daju (danas je 13. dan bez objavljianja broja vakcinisanih).










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31 minutes ago, Aleksija said:

evo i u makedoniji slicno



stvarno smo dno.

Nema stvari koja nece proci u Srbiji, mi smo u mulju i nista ne vidimo.  Ako je ovo  proslo (npr broj zarazenih,  preminulih) tokom pandemije gde smo svi ugrozeni i sve nas se tice proci ce sve,  ali sve 


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Prema zvaničnim podacima, do juče (nedelja, 20. jun) na teritoriji Šumadijskog okruga prvu dozu (jedne od četiri vakcine) protiv virusa kovid-19 primilo je 102.315 građana. Drugu dozu primilo je 95.852 žitelja Šumadijskog okruga. U samom Kragujevcu (jednu od četiri vakcine) prvu dozu dobilo je 72.672 građana a revakcinisano je 68.296 Kragujevčana.


Do juče, 20. juna, ako se uzmu u obzir punoletni građani Šumadijskog okruga njih se vakcinisalo 41,10 posto a revakcinisalo 38,51 posto žitelja ove teritorije.

U Kragujevcu je taj procenat veći nego u Okrugu jer je prvu dozu (jedne od četiri vakcine) primilo 47.10 građana a revakcinisalo se 44,27 posto punoletnih Kragujevčana.



Do juče, 2. jula, prema zvaničnim podacima vakcinisalo se prvom dozom jedne od četiri vakcine 103.055 građana Šumadijskog okruga. Drugu dozu vakcine, do sinoć primilo je 99.892 Šumadinaca.

U odnosu na ukupnu populaciju Šumadijskog okruga 36,64 posto stanovnika a revakcinisalo 35,51 posto. Ako se uzme u obzir samo punoletno stanovništvo na teritoriji Okruga vakcinisalo se 41,40 posto žitelja a revakcinisalo 40,13 posto stanovništva.

Broj vakcinisanih i revakcinisanih najveći je, logično, u Kragujevcu gde je prvu dozu jednog od četiri cepiva primilo 73.142 stanovnika a drugu 71.091 Kragujevčanin. Ako se uzme u obzir punoletno stanovništvo u našem gradu vakcinisano je 47,41 posto a revakcinisano 46,08 posto populacije.



Или у просеку вакцинише се до 50 људи дневно или мање, а почетком јуна је тај број био око 60.

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‘Eat a bat and die’: Vile threats against Wuhan lab conspiracy-buster


Before she agreed to run a fact check on a February 2020 article claiming COVID-19 probably leaked from Wuhan Institute of Virology as part of Chinese bioweapons research, Australian virologist Danielle Anderson was relatively unknown outside her highly specialised field.


Dr Anderson, who has extensive experience in bat-born virus research, was one of two scientists asked to examine claims in the New York Post that the People’s Liberation Army had dispatched Major-General Chen Wei to Wuhan “to try and put the genie back in the bottle” after the SARS-CoV-2 virus escaped the lab.


Soon after she and her counterpart declared the claims to be misleading, the Victorian, who is the only foreign scientist to have worked in the Wuhan institute’s high-security BSL-4 lab, had her name trashed so viciously by extremists she had to call in police.


Dr Anderson’s crime, according to conspiracy theorists, was to have defended the professionalism of colleagues she had met in Wuhan as an unpaid visiting scientist during regular short trips from her lab at the National University of Singapore’s Duke Medical School.


“It is difficult to respond to this article because it is infuriating on a personal and professional level,” she wrote on the website Health Feedback of the Post’s claims.


“I have worked in this exact laboratory at various times for the past two years. I can personally attest to the strict control and containment measures implemented while working there.


The staff at [Wuhan Institute of Virology] are incredibly competent, hard-working, and are excellent scientists with superb track records.”


The theory that the coronavirus leaked from the Wuhan lab is being investigated by US intelligence on the orders of President Joe Biden.


A joint China-World Health Organisation investigation, hampered by Beijing’s lack of transparency, said in February that COVID-19 was most likely to have been transmitted through an intermediate animal host and may have been spread through frozen wild animals in a Wuhan market. Former US president Donald Trump’s administration, on the other hand, enthusiastically promoted the theory that the virus leaked out of the Wuhan Institute of Virology – regarded as the least likely scenario of those examined by WHO’s medical experts.


Dr Anderson was last in Wuhan in November 2019 when, it is now believed, the virus was beginning to spread. She has known the director of the lab’s emerging infectious diseases section, Shi Zhengli, since meeting her at the CSIRO in Geelong and 2003. She refuted claims that scientists in the Wuhan lab became ill, saying had this been true she would have known.


Facebook’s decision to remove large amounts of misinformation about COVID-19 and replace it with fact-checked material, including Dr Anderson’s, infuriated extremist conspiracy websites so much that one published her email address.


The man dubbed America’s “most prolific” conspiracy theorist, Texan Alex Jones, named Dr Anderson as “the woman running projects with weaponised COVID” and claimed she “ran all the censorship for Facebook ... and silences the president”.


Geelong-born Dr Anderson had no idea she was being targeted until a friend from New York asked: “Why am I seeing your face?”


The first email to hit her inbox read simply: “Eat a bat and die, bitch.”


When the onslaught became intense enough for her to call Singapore police, they took it seriously.


“They said to be aware of my surroundings, and that freaked me out a bit,” Dr Anderson said from Melbourne, where she returned to work last month. “I’m a runner and on one of the apps I use, Strava, it shows where your running route [is], so you can watch someone and figure out where they live, so I had to lock down my Strava.”


For Dr Anderson – now a senior research fellow at the Peter Doherty Institute for Infection and Immunity – being dragged into the global information wars has “shaken” her trust in the way parts of the media industry work.


She is particularly concerned about the Australian book What Really Happened in Wuhan by journalist Sharri Markson, which is being marketed in part on the strength of an “unearthed” video showing scientists with bats at the Wuhan lab.


“To my knowledge, that was a video made several years ago to promote the lab,” Dr Anderson said.


“I didn’t know who [the author of the book] was until I saw the headline about the bat video, a ‘secret’ bat colony. There are many labs working with bats and have bat colonies in multiple countries.


“There are scientific meetings dedicated specifically to bat virus research and the last such meeting that I attended was in Colorado, USA.”


When she saw the “secret video” claim, “I thought, ‘This is just rubbish’ ... It’s crazy and it gives the public a terrible impression of scientists.


“A colleague said to just think about what happened to climate change scientists, we’re in their shoes now, and that’s a really good point. I kind of want to reach out to climate scientists and say, ‘I know what you’re going through.’ ”


Dr Anderson is sticking by her belief COVID-19 has a natural origin, saying: “The reason I think the virus escaping from the lab is a less likely scenario is, is if we look in the last 50 years, so many of the diseases and outbreaks that have happened have come from animals.”


But she is open to reading evidence to the contrary.


“If someone comes from a lab in China and says, ‘Look, this is what we’re working on and here’s the way it got out of the lab,’ I would not discount [it] and I am open to changing my view.


“My opinion is based on the evidence I have in front of me, and my collective research background. Virology training is my background and I am using that to make my decisions, not a politician saying, ‘This is what we should think.’


“Science is a self-correcting mechanism. If the evidence does change I expect as scientists our opinions will change. We constantly gain new knowledge and this is how we learn and advance the field.”


Od iste doktorke, tekst (Blumbergov) od prošle nedelje sa malo više detalja :

Australian scientist, the sole foreign researcher at the Wuhan lab, speaks out



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