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Coronavirus Covid-19 - opšta tema


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Otprilike svaki 15-20. se zarazio.




At least 2,000 Finns are estimated to have traveled to the city for those matches.

...more than 120 virus cases have so far been detected from passengers returning from St. Petersburg, mostly soccer fans, and the number is likely [to] increase.



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ako nas ovo sranje ponovo vrati u mracna lockdown vremena, 'ladno cu podrzati ostru zabranu kretanja svima koji nisu hteli da se vakcinisu. poserem im se na "moje telo, moj hram" i strah od chipova, "neproverene vakcine" i "eto, ja bas necu"

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Efikasnost vakcina na mikroplanu:


West Hoxton, NSW superspreader party becomes case study in effectiveness of coronavirus vaccines

A Sydney house party that acted as a superspreader event for the coronavirus has also become a case study in the effectiveness of vaccines.


While the majority of the people who attended the West Hoxton party were infected with the virus, those who emerged unscathed had been vaccinated, the NSW Health Minister said.


“I can report that of the more than 30 people that were at that party, 24 of those people are now positive for Covid-19,” Brad Hazzard told reporters on Monday.


“And not one of those 24 people were vaccinated. I could also advise that six health workers who attended at that party, who were fully vaccinated, not one of those people has been infected with (the coronavirus).


“I can also report that there was one aged care worker at the party, who’d had the first dose, and that aged care worker was also not infected at the party.”


While Mr Hazzard cautioned that the fallout from the party was an “unfolding situation”, the outcome so far showed how effective the vaccines were.


“If you’re vaccinated, you are much more likely to not be infected with Covid-19,” Mr Hazzard said.


“So, for those still out there who think that vaccinations aren’t important, they can find excuses not to have vaccinations, they can kid themselves … Short message is: get vaccinated.”


The birthday party in the suburb in western Sydney took place on June 19, three days after the first community case was reported and before the outbreak had prompted any restrictions on gatherings.


Among the partygoers were people from the eastern suburbs who had unknowingly been infected with the Delta strain of coronavirus.


The attendees who have tested positive include a two-year-old child. They also include an adult who travelled to Victoria before testing positive.


Two more infections linked to the party were added to the tally on Monday, bringing the total number to 31. That includes the 24 people who acquired the virus at the party as well as other people who subsequently were infected by partygoers.


A study in the United Kingdom, where vaccination efforts have gone much further than in Australia, has shown both the Pfizer and AstraZeneca vaccines are highly effective in preventing people from falling seriously ill from the coronavirus.


Health authorities analysed more than 14,000 cases of Delta transmission and found the Pfizer product was 96 per cent effective against hospitalisation for people who have had two doses, and the AstraZeneca version 92 per cent effective.


Another study, in the United States, has shown vaccines can limit coronavirus transmission, but not completely eliminate the risk.



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brojevi zarazenih rastu al je malo ljudi koji zaglave bolnicu i malo smrtnih slucajeva. sto znaci da vakcine rade a moguce da je i virus slabiji. evo dole citat iz danasnjeg bbc clanka o otvaranju






The number of new cases across the UK has continued to rise quickly since the delay was announced.

A further 116,287 cases have been recorded in the past seven days - a 70% increase on the previous week's total.

But the latest estimates show fewer than one in 1,000 infections is leading to a death. At the peak of the winter wave it was one in 60.



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da vakcine štite, oni koji su primili samo prvu dozu su zaštićeni 36%, rečipovani 88% ali to i dalje ostavlja svakog 8 vakcinisanog u riziku

- bilo kako bilo i bolnice se polako pune, smrtnih slučajeva je malo ali opet nije prošlo dovoljno vremena od porasta broja slučajeva da bi se videlo realno stanje

- ako se ovako niska smrtnost nastavi inaredne nedelje na konju smo :happy:

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18 minutes ago, gone fishing said:

da vakcine štite, oni koji su primili samo prvu dozu su zaštićeni 36%, rečipovani 88% ali to i dalje ostavlja svakog 8 vakcinisanog u riziku

- bilo kako bilo i bolnice se polako pune, smrtnih slučajeva je malo ali opet nije prošlo dovoljno vremena od porasta broja slučajeva da bi se videlo realno stanje

- ako se ovako niska smrtnost nastavi inaredne nedelje na konju smo :happy:

odakle su ti te cifre? 


bbc kaze drugacije a mislim da oni prenose nhs statistiku. 





Delta spreads faster than the Kent variant (now named Alpha), which had previously been most common.

However, vaccines still appear to be working well, even with Delta in circulation.

A single dose reduces a person's chance of catching coronavirus and needing hospital treatment by about 75%, according to the latest PHE data, while two doses reduces the risk of hospitalisation by more than 90%.



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