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Coronavirus Covid-19 - opšta tema


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8 minutes ago, gospa buba said:

kako je to interesantno, dok ne dodje do moranja, argumenti protiv moranja su uzasno jaki, hocete da sve stane, hocete da stanu biznisi, hocete da ljudi propadnu. svako ko je protiv bilo kakvih razumnijih mera je glupak i ne razume nishta. i onda ipak dodje moranje i nema vishe nikakvih argumenata, nego udri najjache. kako je moguce da ce ceo svet da se vrti koliko hocesh puta ishljuchivo izmedju ekstrema, daj odmah sve i ne daj odmah nishta :blink:


ako to nije dokaz globalizacije i globalnog gubitka pameti, ko zna shta je. mada moze da bude i josh 10 stvari istovremeno :unsure:

ima tu istine, uz sitne varijacije to je manje-vise globalna pojava.


al stvarno je vise jako zamorno da uvek i u svakoj jebenoj situaciji od marta do danas od dva zla izaberu oba.


@gone fishing pabovi su radili al nije bilo ljudi unutra, samo u bastama. uz razdaljinu, pice za sto i uzimanje podataka za pracenje u slucaju da se ispostavi da je neko zarazen. cim je krenulo hladnije vreme, nastala je opsta jebada. prvo na severu a sad stize i na jug. hocu reci - nije do drzave nego do vremenskih prilika.



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18 minutes ago, gospa buba said:

kako je to interesantno, dok ne dodje do moranja, argumenti protiv moranja su uzasno jaki, hocete da sve stane, hocete da stanu biznisi, hocete da ljudi propadnu. svako ko je protiv bilo kakvih razumnijih mera je glupak i ne razume nishta. i onda ipak dodje moranje i nema vishe nikakvih argumenata, nego udri najjache.



Prosta logika kaže da je dara skuplja nego mera a ipak niko ne želi meru.


I meni je ovo misterija, čini se da nije toliko teško za razumeti ili objasniti. Što bolje mere to manje zaraženih, što manje zaraženih više ekonomije, što više ekonomije manja kriza i lakše preživljvanje.


Ovako, daj da živimo punim plućima dva meseca pa da najebemo četiri. Nidje veze.

Edited by Caligula
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juce jedan ... danas jos jedan ... jos mladji ... 27 god ... isto se lecio kuci


Сепак, освен јавно познатите информации за двајцата починати млади пациенти нема објаснување зошто починале младите пациенти иако немале хронични болести.

Дваесет и седумгодишното момче од Липково починало на Инфективната клиника во последните 24 часа, а на Клиниката бил примен во исклучително тешка состојба.

-Пред да биде донесен на Клиниката, 6 дена се лекувал дома, 4 дена бил под надзор на матичен лекар, а 2 дена бил лекуван амбулантски во Кумановската болница. Поради нагло влошување на состојбата и пад на сатурацијата до 50 отсто пациентот е префрлен на Клиниката во Скопје во исклучително тешка состојба, каде беше ставен на неинванзивна вентилација. Пациентот немаше хронични заболувања освен покачена телесна тежина, велат од надлежното министерство.

Триесет и петгодишниот пациент кој почина пред два дена бил болен една недела со покачена температура, малаксаност и главоболка.

-Лекуван е од страна на матичниот лекар и на 26 октомври е примен на Инфективната клиника каде по кратко време настанало нагло влошување на состојбата. Немал други болести, додаваат од таму.



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moze ovako ... bravo slovaci


Во Словачка денеска бесплатно се тестирале над милион луѓе


Повеќе од еден милион Словаци денеска биле тестирани на коронавирус, како дел од огромната логистичка операција за тестирање на поголемиот дел од населението за време на викендот, во обид да се спречи пандемијата.


Повеќе од 40 000 лекари, војници, полицајци, административни работници и волонтери вршат тестови на околу 5000 локации.

До пладне биле тестирани 828.518 лица, од кои 7.947 биле позитивни, рече министерот за одбрана Јарослав Над на прес-конференцијата.

„Очигледно тестиравме над милион луѓе“, рече тој, додавајќи дека над три милиони луѓе може да бидат тестирани за време на викендов.

Премиерот Игор Матовиќ рече дека се надева оти планот ќе овозможи да се идентификуваат и изолираат доволно заразени лица за да се избегне строгиот карантин за другите.

Тестирањето е бесплатно и доброволно, но владата ќе пропише карантин за оние кои не одговараат, вклучително и забрана за одење на работа.Тестот за антиген дава резултати за само 15 минути до половина час, но е помалку точен од PCR тестот.

Вториот круг на тестирање ќе се одржи за една недела.

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5 hours ago, adam said:

nama se vrhovni klovn obraca u 4. prica se da ce biti totalni lokdaun cetiri nedelje ne bi li se kolko-tolko smirila situacija do bozica jer je svima jasno da ce ljudi da se razlete po familiji bez obzira na mere.


doduse, strucnjaci su na tome insistirali pocetkom oktobra i smatraju da je sad vec kasno za iole mirniji bozic al degenerik nije dao jer privreda ne sme da stane. sad kad je odno djavo salu i bolestina se rasirila preko svih predvidjanja, doslo mu iz gujsce u gujscu da mora da se pravi da se nesto ipak pokusava. :ph34r:



I tako, King vs. Imperial fight.


Jeste u pitanju Telegraph, ali ima neki citat.


Covid-19 rates are not surging, researchers at King's College have said after results from its symptom tracker app showed a far less deadly virus trajectory than Imperial College findings.
Earlier in the week, Imperial released interim data from its React-1 study which showed there are now nearly 100,000 new coronavirus cases a day in England, with nearly one million people infected. The Imperial team said rates were doubling every nine days and it was a critical time for lowering the 'R' rate.
However, King's College – which has been monitoring the symptoms and test results of millions of people through its app – said it was not seeing such alarming numbers. The app found 43,569 daily new symptomatic cases on average, and calculated that doubling was happening every 28 days.
Tim Spector, professor of genetic epidemiology at King's College, said: "While cases are still rising across the UK, we want to reassure people that cases have not spiralled out of control, as has been recently reported from other surveys. We are still seeing a steady rise nationally, doubling every four weeks – with the possible exception of Scotland, which may be showing signs of a slowdown.
"With a million people reporting weekly, we have the largest national survey and our estimates are in line with the Office for National Statistics (ONS) survey. We can't rely simply on confirmed cases or daily deaths without putting them into context. Hospital admissions are rising as expected, but deaths are still average for the season."
New figures released by the ONS also put the number of daily infections far lower than Imperial's figures.
The ONS estimates that 568,100 people are currently infected, with 51,900 new cases each day – equating to around one in 100 people, up from 1 in 130 people in the previous week.
Although the ONS figures show the virus is accelerating, increasing by just under 50 per cent in a week, the doubling time is still between 12 and 14 days, far less than Imperial's rate.
The latest nowcasting data from Cambridge University's MRC Biostatistics Unit estimates there are 55,600 new daily infections, while Scientific Advisory Group for Emergencies (Sage) believes the figures are between 50,000 and 63,000.
There is also widespread disagreement on the current 'R' rate, with Imperial suggesting it is around 1.6 for England but King's saying it is closer to 1.1. Sage also believes the 'R' rate is between 1.1 and 1.3. The figures, produced by the Scientific Pandemic Influenza Group on Modelling (SPI-M) group, are lower than last week when they stood at between 1.2 and 1.4.
A source close to the Government science team said the lower rates could mean that some of the new restrictions were having an impact. However, they said the virus was still growing at an alarming rate.
"The numbers are still headed in the wrong direction," the source said. "It still means everything is growing. It probably implies some of the measures are having an effect, but this is far from a shrinking epidemic."
Commenting on the disparities between the groups, Professor James Naismith, of the University of Oxford, said it was difficult to determine which group's figures were the most accurate.
"We can't simply average or say one is right," he said. "They are all well planned and carried out by experts. They all measure slightly different things and therefore have uncertainty.
"What is concerning is the numbers and trajectories reported by these three surveys differ significantly from the average of 18,000 detected by track and trace system. The data also help understand why track and tracing has not worked.
"Using the ONS data, we would estimate 330,000 new cases week ending 21 October. This means, assuming the contact number per person are right, which is a big assumption, one million people need to be contacted."


Imperial je i ranije imao greseke u modelima, precenjujuci rast obolelih i smrtnost.

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Rekao bih da se SAGE ne ravna po app/online anketama i studijama, nego po tome po kojoj im se stopi popunjavaju kreveti u intenzivnoj, tako da ih za te Covidtruther™ refleksije koje imaju prođu u desničarskocovidtrutherskom Torygraphu golo zabole kurac, kao i mene, uostalom.


U to ime, jedan tweet koji opisuje stanje uma odakle dolaze ovakve naredbe urednicima:


Edited by Roger Sanchez
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59 minutes ago, maharaja said:

Kapa dole za Slovačku. I u martu su predvodili, a sad je plan da se testira svih 5 miliona ljudi. Angažovana vojska i celo ljudstvo.


"More than 2.5 million Slovaks took swab tests on Saturday, with 25,850 testing positive "



Znaci 1% pozitivnih... :/

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jednoprocentno krdo... i šta se dobije sa tim testiranjem, to je trenutna situacija, možeš 100 puta da se zaraziš dok se vratiš kući
Ali zato onaj ko jeste zaražen neće sejati okolo virus. Kada istestiraju sve, smanjiće "bazen" iz kog se širi virus.

Naravno da nije moguće u potpunosti stopirati širenje, ali tih 25000 nađenih danas bi za 10 dana bilo 250000 ili više. U svoja 4 zida, sa znanjem da su pozitivni, broj kontakata se smanjuje stostruko.

Послато са SM-G960U помоћу Тапатока

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More than 40,000 people are participating in the nationwide testing on the organisational side, of whom more than 6,000 are professional soldiers and 5,000 are police officers, Naď reported.

Slovakia also received help from the Austrian armed forces, which sent 33 medics, and Hungary, which sent 200 health care staff to do the swabs.

The health care staff from Hungary have been distributed among the testing sites in the southern-Slovak districts of Trebišov (44 people), Komárno (138 people), Nové Zámky (10 people) and Levice (one person), the Defence Ministry reported.


The operation is costly but pays off, said Finance Minister Eduard Heger (OĽaNO).


He estimated the costs at more than €100 million. A hard lockdown would mean much greater damage.

"The first and the second round together costs approximately as much as one day of hard lockdown would cost," PM Matovič said.

During a hard lockdown, the government would shut down most of the economy with the exception of critical infrastructure.

One incident occurred in the village of Čeladince in Nitra Region, western Slovakia. A local who tested positive ignored the order to go into home isolation and returned to the testing site to have another go. He tested positive again.

"The testing staff realised that they had dealt with this person once before," the Police Corps spokesperson Michal Slivka said, as quoted by the SITA newswire. The man faces charges.

Čítajte viac: https://spectator.sme.sk/c/22523716/news-digest-long-queues-around-slovakia-on-the-first-day-of-nationwide-testing.html



Altogether 2,581,113 people were tested in Slovakia during the first day of nationwide testing. Of them, 25,850 (or nearly 1 percent) tested positive and will have to remain in isolation.


“I consider this proof that Slovakia as a fellowship of responsible people works,” PM Igor Matovič (OĽaNO) told the November 1 press conference.

Čítajte viac: https://spectator.sme.sk/c/22524039/nearly-2-6-million-people-got-tested-on-saturday.html?ref=tab


А ми смо 600 милиона спрцали на зајебанцију.

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