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1 hour ago, Hamlet Strašni said:

nego sam pogasio sve


Na to sam i mislio. Pa da se potom redom dodaju svi (uredjaji) koji trebaju.

  • Hvala 1
5 hours ago, Tpojka said:

Bune me ovi dženerici, to je sve nešto iz lokalne mreže (pa da se nije poduplalo te interferiše).


Da, to je bas cudno - da nista nema "ime' od toliko uredjaja...


I to. 
IP-jevi su iz lokalne mreže a pominje se samo jedan ili dva uredjaja.

Djeluje mi da bi iz nekog razloga moglo biti da se svako malo vrši dodjela IP-ja tom/tim uredjajima dok stari IP-jevi prave neku smetnju, koliziju signala.

  • +1 1
Posted (edited)

Mozda da se tom printeru da staticka IP adresa i tako se resi. Ako je mrezni stampac onda je to prakticno obavezno da bi radio kako valja.


A opet, zavisi koliko uredjaja se kaci na taj wifi? Racunar, printer...koliko mobilnih telefona? Da li ima i neki laptop?

Edited by Milosh76

AJde da pitam i ovde pošto vidim da je tema o e book readerima slabo posećena :cry:


Oću da se počastim za NG i da pazarim sebi jedan reader.

Dajte preporuke - nešto baaaaš user frendli i da može da pušta sve - nisam siguran kako ću se snaći sa tim konvertovanjem

Posted (edited)

Mislis aplikaciju? Ako je to ja koristim readera. Free je.

Edited by Shan Jan
1 hour ago, Shan Jan said:

Mislis aplikaciju? Ako je to ja koristim readera. Free je.


Ne, mislim aparat.

Trazio sam po netu i bukvalno je nerešeno izmedju Kindla, koboa i nekog treceg paperboy ili tako nesto

  • +1 1
  • 4 weeks later...
On 6. 12. 2023. at 10:05, steins said:


Ne, mislim aparat.

Trazio sam po netu i bukvalno je nerešeno izmedju Kindla, koboa i nekog treceg paperboy ili tako nesto


Ja sam letos uzeo u US Lenovo Tab M9 tablet za ~100$ (https://www.lenovo.com/us/en/p/tablets/android-tablets/lenovo-tab-series/lenovo-tab-m9-(9-inch-mtk)/len103l0016) i preporučujem ga toplo jer sam samo instalirao razne reader apps, uzeo microSD karticu za još prostora i sve radi kao sat.

Ako ćeš samo čitati ebooks, onda preporuka za Kindle Paperwhite, devojka ima i super radi.


  • +1 1
  • 1 month later...
Posted (edited)

Nocas su mi ukrali nalog na Instagramu (nije previse pracen, samo prijatelji i poznanici) i nalog na Etsy koji sam otvorio pre milion godina i koji je bio neaktivan.


Zasto kradu tako male naloge jbt i postoji li mogucnost da vratim istagram?

Edited by Caligula

Lajao si nešto protiv Rusije, pa ti advokat rekao da kažeš da ti je "ukraden nalog" 😎

Da ti BIA ne stavi zvezdicu...


  • Haha 1
Posted (edited)

Idemo dalje - stiglo mi je da ce da objave moje porno snimke :D


u stvari, drkadzijske, jer su me snimili mojom web kamerom (koju nemam ili je uvek zaklopljena) 


E sad - odguglao po netu, ovo je cesta prevara i ucena, tekst je isti, kopi pejst - ali me brine sto je mail poslat sa mog komprovitovanog Imejla, takoreci sam sam sebi poslao pretnju. Datum slanja pretnje u zaglavlju je


Mon 2/28/2033 2:23 PM  (nemoguc datum)



I regret to inform you that there has been a security breach involving your devices used for internet browsing.
Several months ago, I gained unauthorized access to these devices and have been monitoring your internet activities.
Recently, I successfully hacked into your email accounts, including your password: (tacna ali stara lozinka)

Furthermore, I have installed a Trojan virus on all the devices you use to access your email.
This was made possible because you clicked on links from your inbox emails, making it relatively easy for me to infiltrate your systems.
Through this software, I have obtained access to various features of your devices, such as the microphone, video camera, and keyboard.
I have also retrieved and stored your personal information, data, photos, and web browsing history on my servers.
Additionally, I have gained access to your messengers, social networks, email correspondence, chat history, and contact list.
To remain undetected, my virus continuously refreshes its signatures, making it invisible to antivirus software.

During my investigation, I discovered that you frequently visit adult websites and engage in explicit content.
I have managed to record explicit videos of you and have created a montage that showcases your intimate moments and self-pleasure.
If you doubt the authenticity of my claims, I can easily share these videos with your friends, colleagues, and relatives, or even make them publicly accessible.

I believe it is in your best interest to prevent this from happening, considering the potential consequences of exposing such explicit content.
Therefore, I propose a solution: transfer $500 USD to my bitcoin wallet (details provided below), based on the exchange rate at the time of the transaction.
Once the transfer is completed, I will promptly delete all compromising material.
Following this, we shall part ways, and I assure you that I will deactivate and remove all harmful software from your devices.
You can trust that I will uphold my end of the agreement.

Considering the extensive information I possess about you and the time I have invested in monitoring your activities, I believe this is a fair and reasonable offer.
If you are unsure about purchasing and transferring bitcoins, I suggest using a search engine for guidance.

Bitcoin wallet: bc1qu9gn6jxtu7ad0je208d9hw06csxm7uum65mwtx

Please refrain from taking the following actions:

Do not reply to this email, as I have created it within your inbox and generated the return address.
Do not attempt to contact the police or other security services. Moreover, do not inform your friends, as it would be effortless for me to discover such actions, given my control over your systems. In such a case, I will immediately share the videos publicly.
It is futile to try and locate me, as all cryptocurrency transactions are anonymous.
Reinstalling the operating system or disposing of your devices will not be effective, as the videos have already been stored on remote servers.

There are a few things you need not worry about:

I will promptly receive your funds transfer, as I continuously monitor your activities through my trojan virus, which has remote-control capabilities similar to TeamViewer.
Once the funds transfer is completed, I have no intention of sharing your videos. I have no interest in further complicating your life, as I would have done so already if that were my intention. Rest assured, everything will be handled fairly.

Lastly, I strongly advise you to avoid similar situations in the future. It is wise to change all your passwords regularly to enhance your online security.


pa se sve nadam da je programirano pre nekoliko dana da mi se sada posalje *sve sam passworde promenio odmah posle kradje instagrama)... bio sam na Microsoft live, napadaju me otrilike svaki sat i pise "neuspesan login" dakle nove passworde mi nisu provalili.


Ima li neko ko se razume - ovo mi je poslovni mail i ne smem da ga gasim, da li je kompromitovan?



Edited by Caligula
1 hour ago, Caligula said:

ali me brine sto je mail poslat sa mog komprovitovanog Imejla, takoreci sam sam sebi poslao pretnju.


Nije poslat, samo je napravljeno da izgleda kao da jeste.


Ja se secam zezanja (ne ucenjivanja) sa email spoofing-om poodavno, neke 1997-8...

  • +1 2
1 hour ago, Caligula said:

Recently, I successfully hacked into your email accounts, including your password: (tacna ali stara lozinka)

Jednom mi drug objasnio da pokupe negdje bazu pa izvuku pass. Nista za zabrinuti se.

  • +1 2
Posted (edited)
1 hour ago, Caligula said:

Idemo dalje - stiglo mi je da ce da objave moje porno snimke :D


u stvari, drkadzijske, jer su me snimili mojom web kamerom (koju nemam ili je uvek zaklopljena) 


E sad - odguglao po netu, ovo je cesta prevara i ucena, tekst je isti, kopi pejst - ali me brine sto je mail poslat sa mog komprovitovanog Imejla, takoreci sam sam sebi poslao pretnju. Datum slanja pretnje u zaglavlju je


Mon 2/28/2033 2:23 PM  (nemoguc datum)


  Hide contents

I regret to inform you that there has been a security breach involving your devices used for internet browsing.
Several months ago, I gained unauthorized access to these devices and have been monitoring your internet activities.
Recently, I successfully hacked into your email accounts, including your password: (tacna ali stara lozinka)

Furthermore, I have installed a Trojan virus on all the devices you use to access your email.
This was made possible because you clicked on links from your inbox emails, making it relatively easy for me to infiltrate your systems.
Through this software, I have obtained access to various features of your devices, such as the microphone, video camera, and keyboard.
I have also retrieved and stored your personal information, data, photos, and web browsing history on my servers.
Additionally, I have gained access to your messengers, social networks, email correspondence, chat history, and contact list.
To remain undetected, my virus continuously refreshes its signatures, making it invisible to antivirus software.

During my investigation, I discovered that you frequently visit adult websites and engage in explicit content.
I have managed to record explicit videos of you and have created a montage that showcases your intimate moments and self-pleasure.
If you doubt the authenticity of my claims, I can easily share these videos with your friends, colleagues, and relatives, or even make them publicly accessible.

I believe it is in your best interest to prevent this from happening, considering the potential consequences of exposing such explicit content.
Therefore, I propose a solution: transfer $500 USD to my bitcoin wallet (details provided below), based on the exchange rate at the time of the transaction.
Once the transfer is completed, I will promptly delete all compromising material.
Following this, we shall part ways, and I assure you that I will deactivate and remove all harmful software from your devices.
You can trust that I will uphold my end of the agreement.

Considering the extensive information I possess about you and the time I have invested in monitoring your activities, I believe this is a fair and reasonable offer.
If you are unsure about purchasing and transferring bitcoins, I suggest using a search engine for guidance.

Bitcoin wallet: bc1qu9gn6jxtu7ad0je208d9hw06csxm7uum65mwtx

Please refrain from taking the following actions:

Do not reply to this email, as I have created it within your inbox and generated the return address.
Do not attempt to contact the police or other security services. Moreover, do not inform your friends, as it would be effortless for me to discover such actions, given my control over your systems. In such a case, I will immediately share the videos publicly.
It is futile to try and locate me, as all cryptocurrency transactions are anonymous.
Reinstalling the operating system or disposing of your devices will not be effective, as the videos have already been stored on remote servers.

There are a few things you need not worry about:

I will promptly receive your funds transfer, as I continuously monitor your activities through my trojan virus, which has remote-control capabilities similar to TeamViewer.
Once the funds transfer is completed, I have no intention of sharing your videos. I have no interest in further complicating your life, as I would have done so already if that were my intention. Rest assured, everything will be handled fairly.

Lastly, I strongly advise you to avoid similar situations in the future. It is wise to change all your passwords regularly to enhance your online security.


pa se sve nadam da je programirano pre nekoliko dana da mi se sada posalje *sve sam passworde promenio odmah posle kradje instagrama)... bio sam na Microsoft live, napadaju me otrilike svaki sat i pise "neuspesan login" dakle nove passworde mi nisu provalili.


Ima li neko ko se razume - ovo mi je poslovni mail i ne smem da ga gasim, da li je kompromitovan?



Brate, ja sam ovo dobio jedno 7 puta... Posle sam blokirao po tom starom passu, da me ne smara više...


Nek objave koji kurac što god hoće, jako strašna stvar...


I da, nije tvoja adresa, naravno, samo tako izgleda...

Edited by radisa
  • +1 4
  • Hvala 1

Pa pise da jeste moja adresa :)


Ok dakle fejk mail. Brine me sto mi napadaju Mikrosoft nalog, tipa na svaki sat sa VPNa neuspesan login (Brazil, Italija, Singapur, Mars) ... Pre toga mi oteli instagram.


Kako god, zovem sutra Loopiu da mi objasni sta i kako sa hostovanjem.


Hvala ljudi :heart:



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