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Stranger Things-жал за младос’ или кад је било кул натапати косу лаком

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1 hour ago, Weenie Pooh said:

Nemojte se stideti što vam se sviđa sranje. Ne bežite u okrilje nepostojeće parodije, ne tvrdite da gledate Stranger Things ironično. Nećete ispasti glupi u društvu ako kažete "meni se ovo baš sviđa, baš me briga šta ti misliš".


On 27.7.2019. at 13:36, copkillah said:

 Ali okej, volim ovakve serije i gledaću i četvrtu sezonu iako će sigurno biti još veće sranje :D





45 minutes ago, goofs said:

Ja ne vidim nista smrtno ozbiljno u ST, pogotovo ne u trecoj sezoni, pogotovo x2 ako se treca sezona uporedi sa prvom. +1000 na ono sto je copkillah napisao. Ne mora parodija da bude Monti Pajton ili Lesli Nilsen da bi bila parodija, moze to i blaze i u naznakama. Ne morate je zvati parodijom, neka bude karikatura, zajebancija, sta god.


Deo sa Rusima je vrlo ocigledno to, pocev od same najave dogadjaja iz druge sezone, do onog spijuniranja onog lika sa pilatesa, do decjeg sjebavanja ruske baze, zavrsno sa serifskim sjebavanjem ruske baze. Ono, 80% filmova 80ih ima isti zaplet/rasplet, jedan covek ubija zli sistem prepun low-level henchmena i jednolicnih zlikovaca.


Bukvalno to, 1/1 film iz 80ih, osim što 2019. to izgleda kao parodija.


36 minutes ago, Weenie Pooh said:

Da li to znači da je 80% filmova bilo parodija, karikatura, zajebancija, ili sprdnja?


Stranger Things ruske špijune predstavlja podjednako ozbiljno kao i Upside-Down body snatchers - egzistencijalna pretnja, smrtno ozbiljna ali nemoćna pred snagom drugarstva, nerdovštine, i materinskog preglumljavanjae ljubavi. 


Horor u prve dve sezone nije bio ni u kom smislu parodiran. Bio je detinjast i ne previše ubedljiv, ali nisu se sprdali sa Demogorgonom i ostalim natprirodnim pretnjama. Ovde zadržavaju isti ton, ali uvode ovosvetsku pretnju koja deluje potpuno debilno. Ja to tumačim kao tragičan manjak kvaliteta, za vas ne znam.


Pa iz ove perspektive, kao što sam gore napisao, u 2019-oj, 80% filmova iz 80ih izgleda kao parodija ili karikatura ili sprdnja. Prosto, za razliku od prve dve sezone, u trećoj su se svesno zajebavali, ubacivali šta im se ubacuje, malo su pokušali i da provuku neku ozbiljnu temu, ali su potpuno promenili duh serije, u odnosu na prve dve sezone. Ja stvarno ne vidim isti ton kao u, recimo, prvoj sezoni. Možda sam zaboravio, ali da li u prvoj ili drugoj sezoni imaš ekvivalent onoj sceni kad igračke "ožive" pa Krezo poprska sprejom drugara u panici? To više nije ni omaž slepstik komedijama 80ih, to je bukvalno parodiranje, karikiranje i zajebavanje na sopstveni račun. Prosto, serija je parodirala samu sebe - parodija na omaž filmovima 80ih. 

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Znači, producenti, tvorci, kreatori, finansijeri i svi ostali, seli da naprave plan za treću sezonu jedne od najpopularnijih aktuelnih serija:


- šta ćemo?

- da se sprdamo, parodija, i to. Kao, 80e, al u stvari nisu, kao ozbiljno, al u stvari nije. Izginuće tu par ljudi, al sve u ime dobre sprdnje...

- ok, dogovoreno!

I bi treća sezona...

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6 hours ago, precog said:

ocel neko u 100 maraka das kladi da bi se vasic klao sa vinijem da su umesto rusa bazu napravili npr. meksikanci ili nedajboze hrvati?

Нису Винони и Васић криви што имају софистицирани и врло сличан укус у књижевности, филмовима, а нарочито фудбалу.:sleep:

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nije ni sprdnja ni parodija nemači pojma, nego se stranger things prilićno oduvek igra sa tropama iz osamdesetih, i prilično oduvek to radi manje ili više tongue in cheek.


imam utisak da su dufferi vrlo svesni šta prave, a to što prave definitivno nije smrtno ozbiljno. niti je ikad bilo.

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istorija će vas smestiti gde zaslužujete :fantom:



- It's not, by any means, as nice as Star Wars. It's not as fresh and funny and surprising and witty, but it is nice and inoffensive and, in a way that no one associated with it need be ashamed of, it's also silly... It's a big, expensive, time-consuming, essentially mechanical operation. The Empire Strikes Back is about as personal as a Christmas card from a bank


- Han Solo saving Luke's life on the ice planet Hoth by slashing open a snow camel and warming him inside; Luke's hand being lopped off, and his seemingly endless fall through space; Chewbacca, the Wookiee, yowling in grief or in comic fear, his sounds so hyper-human you couldn't help laughing at them; the big-eared green elf Yoda, with shining ancient eyes, who pontifically instructs Luke in how to grow up wise - Yoda looks like a wonton and talks like a fortune cookie


- Somebody should tell Harrison Ford that when a woman tells a man, “I love you,” “I know” is not an acceptable response. That scene was not funny, it was infuriating


- I know they wanted to leave something to settle in the other sequels, but they left a little too much. For instance, Han Solo’s predicament. The movie should not have ended until Han was either killed by Boba Fett or Jabba or rescued by Lando Calrissian or Chewbacca, the former, preferably. Also, the fate of Bespin is not told. Was it taken by Lando’s troops, taken by Imperial troops or destroyed by Vader? I like Lando Calrissian and Billy Dee Williams was very good playing the part.


- George Lucas has made a movie even more racist and sexist than the first. I would think that Billy Dee Williams would resent being the token black in the film. Also, there was only one other woman, apart from Carrie Fisher, in the movie.


Structurally, the film is flawed by its need to imitate its predecessor’s “formula” of fast-paced cross-cutting. We cut back and forth between Luke and Yoda on Dagobah and Leia and Han in the asteroids, and the time sense of both sets of events is distorted. How long were Han and Leia fleeing? How long is Luke studying?



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On 1.8.2019. at 20:13, Pokojni Ruxin said:

nije ni sprdnja ni parodija nemači pojma, nego se stranger things prilićno oduvek igra sa tropama iz osamdesetih, i prilično oduvek to radi manje ili više tongue in cheek.


imam utisak da su dufferi vrlo svesni šta prave, a to što prave definitivno nije smrtno ozbiljno. niti je ikad bilo.


Bogami u trećoj sezoni su se baš zaigrali™, možda i toliko da ipak nisu bili svesni do kog nivoa neozbiljnosti/kurcobolje su dobacili. Ja, ponavljam, nemam ozbiljan problem s tim, meni je kul iako je glupo, ali nazovimo stvari pravim imenom. 


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On 3.8.2019. at 6:08, Pokojni Ruxin said:

istorija će vas smestiti gde zaslužujete :fantom:


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- It's not, by any means, as nice as Star Wars. It's not as fresh and funny and surprising and witty, but it is nice and inoffensive and, in a way that no one associated with it need be ashamed of, it's also silly... It's a big, expensive, time-consuming, essentially mechanical operation. The Empire Strikes Back is about as personal as a Christmas card from a bank


- Han Solo saving Luke's life on the ice planet Hoth by slashing open a snow camel and warming him inside; Luke's hand being lopped off, and his seemingly endless fall through space; Chewbacca, the Wookiee, yowling in grief or in comic fear, his sounds so hyper-human you couldn't help laughing at them; the big-eared green elf Yoda, with shining ancient eyes, who pontifically instructs Luke in how to grow up wise - Yoda looks like a wonton and talks like a fortune cookie


- Somebody should tell Harrison Ford that when a woman tells a man, “I love you,” “I know” is not an acceptable response. That scene was not funny, it was infuriating


- I know they wanted to leave something to settle in the other sequels, but they left a little too much. For instance, Han Solo’s predicament. The movie should not have ended until Han was either killed by Boba Fett or Jabba or rescued by Lando Calrissian or Chewbacca, the former, preferably. Also, the fate of Bespin is not told. Was it taken by Lando’s troops, taken by Imperial troops or destroyed by Vader? I like Lando Calrissian and Billy Dee Williams was very good playing the part.


- George Lucas has made a movie even more racist and sexist than the first. I would think that Billy Dee Williams would resent being the token black in the film. Also, there was only one other woman, apart from Carrie Fisher, in the movie.


Structurally, the film is flawed by its need to imitate its predecessor’s “formula” of fast-paced cross-cutting. We cut back and forth between Luke and Yoda on Dagobah and Leia and Han in the asteroids, and the time sense of both sets of events is distorted. How long were Han and Leia fleeing? How long is Luke studying?



Да Бог дао да гледаш само таква ремек дела. Голи оток је за то миловање.

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Ako ti se dopala prva sezona i zelis da saznas vise o UpsideDownu, ocekujes dublju pricu i razvijene likove do sad, dosta ti je Svarcenegera za ceo zivot - ne gledati.


Ako volis da pustis mozak na ispasu posle radnog dana, pale te 80's tropes do iznemoglosti, ne smetaju ti annoying deca i besmisleni plotovi, a gotivis Gaten Materazza, Milly Bobby Brown ili Dacre Montgomery-ja - gledati.

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