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Trump - hoće li biti impeachment ili 8 godina drugačijeg predsednikovanja?


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1 minute ago, Budja said:


Prvo, poente i jeste da ako nista ne uradis sada odlazes sranje za kasnije, i onda ce biti potpuni kolaps ne dva meseca kao u Kini, vec sest meseci.


Za drugo, preterujes, niko ne spori da odredjene grane i njihovi lanci vrednosti moraju da rade.

B1: Ja nisam ni rekao da se ne treba nista preduzimati.

B2: ovo trebam provjeriti na ovome sto je vememah okacio

B3: da, malo karikiram, ali upravo na ovom forumu su ljudi pisali suportno

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jel ovo realno ... ne pratim


President Trump is as popular as he's ever been right now


(CNN)Here's an indisputable fact: President Donald Trump is as popular today as he has been since his first day in office.

In a new Gallup poll, 49% approve of the job Trump is doing as president while 45% disapprove, matching the highest his approval rating has ever been in Gallup surveys. A Monmouth University poll released on Monday showed Trump at 46% approval, again the best he has done in that poll in more than three years.
What accounts for Trump's rise? Simple: His response to the coronavirus crisis.
In the Gallup poll, 60% of Americans approve of the job Trump is doing in handling the crisis while 38% disapprove of how he has done. Six in 10 independents approve of how Trump has done on the coronavirus as do more than 1 in 4 (27%) of Democrats. In the Monmouth poll, 50% say Trump has done a good job with coronavirus while 45% said he has done a bad job.
The heightened approval for how Trump has managed this crisis -- particularly among independents and even Democrats -- is what is pushing up his overall approval numbers, which have been largely stagnant for years.
On one level, this isn't terribly surprising. Polling consistently shows a rallying effect around the president when major crises face the country. In the wake of the September 11, 2001, terrorist attacks, for example, President George W. Bush's approval rating soared into the high 80s and low 90s. There's a tendency for even partisans of the opposite party from the president to soften a bit in their perception of him as we are reminded of our common humanity and the need for our leaders to, well, lead us out of crisis.
On another, however, Trump's high approval ratings for how he has dealt with coronavirus and how he is handling the job more broadly might well shock people who have been keeping close track of his and his administration's performance on the pandemic.
After all, it's quite clear that the administration simply didn't take the threat of coronavirus seriously enough soon enough. And the testing capabilities for coronavirus in the US were decidedly slow. And Trump's public statements have been marked by inaccurate claims (the test is "perfect", the vaccine is coming fast, etc).
But what the Gallup and Monmouth numbers seem to suggest is that either a) people aren't following every single statement made by Trump on this matter or b) they don't hold him personally responsible for the hiccups along the way.
The average person seems to broadly believe that Trump is doing the best that he can in a very difficult circumstance. And that what he says on a daily basis matters less than the fact he is out there saying it, and assuring the country that this will all be over soon. (Nota bene: There's very little medical evidence to suggest Trump's optimism is rooted in established facts.)
It's important to keep this perspective in mind when analyzing the political impact this massive campaign of social distancing has as the medical world battles the virus. A large number of Americans are looking at Trump's behavior not from the 50-foot or even 500-foot level but the 50,000-foot level.
And at least so far, they like what they are seeing.
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Realno je dok se posledice još ne osete sasvim. Ako stvari nastave da pucaju po šavovima počeće i da mu pada rejting, ima vremena do novembra.


Rallying effect je normalna stvar, ali ograničenog trajanja. Tramp bi da ga produži kriveći za krizu mrskog Kineza, a woke opozicija da ga skrati kmečeći kako je u pitanju rasizam.  U međuvremenu, i jedni i drugi pozivaju na barikade u odbranu ekonomije.



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odvalio ga sa relief package


-Укупан пакет помоћи износи 2,2 трилиона долара (око 50% годишњег федералног буџета)

-Појединци који зарађују до 75 хиљ $ годишње ће добити помоћ од 1,200 $ плус 500$ за свако дете. Они који зарађују преко 99 хиљ $ неће добити помоћ
-500 млрд $ ће бити дато као позајмица привреди, од чега 30 млрд као помоћ авио индустрији
-350 млрд $ кредита ће бити дато малим и средњим предузећима како би имала cash flow довољан за 8 недеља пословања
-Сви кредити ће бити опроштени уколико компаније не буду отпуштале запослене
-Отпуштени радници ће добити 600$ месечно помоћи
-Одлагање плаћања социјалних издатака на терет послодавца
-100 млрд $ помоћи болницама и здравству
-16 млрд $ је опредељено само за респираторе и осталу медицинску опрему
-150 млрд $ помоћи државама да расплоажу са њиме
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12 minutes ago, ObiW said:

$600 dolara mesecno nedeljno + onoliko koliko im inace, kao nezaposlenima, pripada po drzavi. I tako 4 meseca. Plus onih 1,200.


F.A.Q. on Stimulus Checks, Unemployment and the Coronavirus Bill

Under the plan, eligible workers would get an extra $600 per week on top of their state benefit. But some states are more generous than others. According to the Century Foundation, the maximum weekly benefit in Alabama is $265, but it’s $450 in California and $681 in New Jersey. So let’s say a worker was making $1,100 per week in New York; she’d be eligible for the maximum state unemployment benefit of $435 per week. Under the new program, she gets an additional $600 of federal pandemic unemployment compensation, for a total of $1,035, or nearly all of her original paycheck.

Edited by Gandalf
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The initial jobless claims figure, just out, and shows that 3.283m people across the US filed for unemployment support in the week to Saturday March 21.


1% populacije izgubilo posao u jednoj nedelji


Edited by Ravanelli
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3 hours ago, Ravanelli said:

1% populacije izgubilo posao u jednoj nedelji



To je 4,7x više od prethodnog nedeljnog rekorda iz 1982.

A record 3.28 million Americans filed for unemployment benefits last week as the coronavirus pandemic shut down much of the country. The Labor Department's report for the week ended March 21 was one of the first official indicators of how many people have suddenly been forced out of work nationally.

In the prior report, for the week ended March 14, initial claims totaled 282,000.

"This marks the highest level of seasonally adjusted initial claims in the history of the seasonally adjusted series," the department said of the latest figure. "The previous high was 695,000 in October of 1982." The Labor Department's records go back to 1967.


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