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odlicno ide za sada. nadam se da nece usrati sa ubacivanjem ljubavnih trouglova ili slicnih melodramskih zapleta, kao npr. u lost.

dovoljno su vec izmesali zanrove.

evan rachel wood razbija. 

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odlicno ide za sada. nadam se da nece usrati sa ubacivanjem ljubavnih trouglova ili slicnih melodramskih zapleta, kao npr. u lost.

dovoljno su vec izmesali zanrove.

evan rachel wood razbija.

a lose bi ti bilo da kejt ide okolo u strokavoj potkosulji, a?
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a lose bi ti bilo da kejt ide okolo u strokavoj potkosulji, a?


ili da je popravljaju u svakoj epizodi  :fantom:



ima tendi njutn (madam) zanimljivo zapazanje o golotinji u seriji:



"With the objectification, being in those clothes with the corset pushing the boobs up to my chin and the fishnets, people thought I must be really happy wearing that stuff because it’s so beautiful. I hated it! I totally recognize that it was a beautiful costume. There was no doubt about that. And I was very grateful for the level of expertise, but I couldn’t wait to get out of that fucking corset. It invited looks, even from the crew, and it made people slightly uncomfortable because my boobs were in my chin and they didn’t know where to look. What it did, actually, was devalue our communication. Our communication was second to this discomfort that we felt, but that discomfort is called eroticism. Very often, if you think about what’s erotic and break it down, as we’re feeling the excitement of eroticism, we’re feeling fear. We want to try to dominate our fear and get rid of our fear, so we go towards it and have sex with it, basically. That’s really sad."


"When I was naked, people were really respectful and in awe of my 'bravery.' The thing about sexy, lacy undies is that you’re covering up the sacred stuff, so that you can forget about that. You’re inviting people to think about what’s underneath, but not see what’s underneath. It’s the allure of the unknown. You’re inviting hysteria with your boobs that are nearly showing nipple and your skirt that’s nearly showing muff. You’re exciting this hysteria that leads to a lack of control, which then leads to, “It wasn’t my fault.” But naked, I have all the power because I got there before you did, and what is actually there is vulnerable, life-giving and hasn’t been tampered with. I don’t wax or anything. All of the hosts have full body hair because it’s more period, and even that it shocking. I haven’t done anything to try to invite you in to think about my clitoris, my labia or my vagina. I’ve left myself as I am. And that was really empowering."



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Pa realno nema prema kome da se gaji simpatija, ovi hostovi su ionako mašine koje verglaju na ripit (tek razvijaju nešto), Ed Haris je govedo sadističko a ovim kreatorima ormani puni kostura i antipatični su. Tek treba da vidimo na šta da se zakačimo.

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meni TD prva sezona visa sila za ovo


pa evo, u četvrtoj će se sve zakomplikovati, postaje jednolično ako se ne pojavljije ed heris kada kolje po komšiluku

cekam al ...  jbs i to klanje kad umesto da ti izazove jezu, prvo si ravnodusan, a posle navijas...bzv

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mene ubija u pojam što je onaj teddy nekako slow, baš sporo napreduje za razliku od rejčelke..... a sve vreme mu matori zli programer smesti smrt pa idemo od početka - ne može mučenik tu petlju da preskoči pa to ti je

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Naravno, nemam ja problem sa imanjem memorije i procesorima tehnicki, nego sto imanje memorije znaci upravo to, imanje memorije. 


Sad cu da odlutam od same serije i da potpuno anatomski i psiholoski neobrazovano nesto ispekulisem.


Kod nas, ljudi, u mozgu su smestene ogromne kolicine informacija...


ovo sto si napisala stoji, ali je suprotno pretpostavkama AI i neuronskih mreza. smisao AI je upravo u tome da ne treba da iskodiras set funkcija za sve. znaci ne postoji eksplicitni if ->then...


Sve sto ste rekli stoji, samo je neupotrebljivo u kontekstu serije. Matori Hanibal je pomenuo da im je trebalo 3 godine da masina prodje Tjuringov test, i park radi jos 30 godina posle toga. Danas u (realnom) svetu jos uvek ne postoji AI sklop koji prolazi Tjuringa, tako da principi po kojima su gradjeni hostovi u WW uopste ne mora da bude ovaj nama poznat. 


Otprilike kao kad bismo raspravljali kako onaj tera Enterprajza u Star Treku na medjuzvezdana putovanja koristeci bezolovni.

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