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Penelope Fillon said in 2007 she ‘never worked for husband’

Penelope Fillon, embroiled in a “fake jobs” scandal that is threatening to undermine her husband’s presidential ambitions, allegedly told a British newspaper in 2007 she had never worked as his assistant.

According to journalist Elise Lucet of the “Envoyé Special” (special correspondent) programme, Mrs Fillon told the British newspaper the Sunday Telegraph in 2007 “several times that she had never worked for her husband”.
Her colleague Yves Martinet told BFMTV that it was a “very nice and easygoing interview for a written portrait piece” that was published in the wake of her husband’s appointment as prime minister.
“The photographer accompanying them filmed the entire interview, and caught everything she said,” he added. “This included her saying she had never been her husband’s assistant, and had never done any communications work for him either.”
It is not illegal for French politicians to employ family members, but it is illegal to put them on the public payroll if they are not actively doing a job.
François Fillon admits to employing Penelope as his “parliamentary assistant”, with the newspaper Le Canard Enchaine reporting she was earning up to 10,000 euros a month in 2007.
However, Penelope is accused of having barely worked for her salary. In addition, Penelope worked at a literary review owned by a billionaire friend of her husband's where she allegedly earned another 100,000 euros in 2012 and 2013.
Fillon insists his wife’s work was real. Declaring his love for her at a political rally in Paris on Sunday, he repeated that the allegations are nothing but a smear campaign against them.
The preliminary probe has nevertheless knocked his campaign off course and dented the wholesome image the devout Catholic has cultivated.
Conservative former premier Fillon has said he would abandon his presidential bid if placed under formal criminal investigation.
Opinion polls show Fillon losing ground to far-right candidate Marine Le Pen and independent centrist Emmanuel Macron in the presidential race.
If Fillon drops his presidential bid, then the main opposition Républicains party would be in a race against time to choose another candidate.
Bordeaux Mayor Alain Juppé, the runner-up in France’s conservative primary, has rejected the idea that he could fill in as the presidential candidate if Fillon quits the race.

Edited by vememah
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Moje misljenje je da je Juppé mozda i najbolji kandidat koji bi LR mogao da ponudi,a da se ne zgadi previse onim levo nastrojenima i centru, u slucaju drugog kruga sa Marinom Le Pen. Ali to je daleko od gotovog, a i ne garantuje mu rezultate tvrdje struje medju LR glasacima koji bi verovatno vise nageli ka FNu u ovoj situaciji, posebno sto je Juppé malo vise multi-kulti - sto naravno nije lose, ali nema vise najbolju prodju (barem za sada) u Francuskoj. 

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In 144 "commitments" published at the start of a two-day rally in Lyon, Le Pen proposes leaving the euro zone, holding a referendum on EU membership, slapping taxes on imports and on the job contracts of foreigners, lowering the retirement age and increasing several welfare benefits while lowering income tax.

The manifesto also foresees reserving certain rights now available to all residents, including free education, to French citizens only, hiring 15,000 police, curbing migration and leaving NATO's integrated command.

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Macron se pozicionira kao novi Obama, zove Američke naučnike i privrednike da se presele u Francusku. Trebao bi više da se bavi Francuskom i njenim problemima, inače će ga predstaviti kao out of touch elitu. Tad će imati šansu.

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Vidim da je i Marine Le Pen imala neku afericu oko zloupotrebe fondova, kao zastupnica u evropskom parlamentu. Međutim, to nju ne pogađa toliko pa je čak pokrenula kontratužbu protiv OLAF-a. Ove optužbe možda nisu srazmerne onima protiv Fijona, ali imam utisak da NF ima prilično dobru organizciju i jaku podršku da bi ih tako nešto pomerilo sa glavne scene.




Investigators at OLAF accuse Le Pen of violating the European Parliament’s rules by having two assistants — Thierry Légier and Catherine Griset — carry out non-parliamentary work while on its payroll. She ignored a January 31 deadline to repay €339,000.






Čini mi se da se i Makronu idealno namešta situacija. Stvorio mu se prazan prostor i levo i desno. Socijalisti će sa Amonom izgubiti nešto glasača sa centra (koje će verovatno pokupiti Makron), dok republikance pogađa afera pa će se verovatno deo bliži centru opet prići Makronu. Čak i da nema afere Fijon mi uopšte ne deluje ubedljivo.


Melenšon je fino profilisao program u 7 tačaka. Ali u ovakvoj situaciji sa Makronom mislim da nema šanse da uđe u drugi krug. On i Amon se čak bore za glasače sličnog profila. Ako bi uspeo da dostigne rezultat Žorža Maršea iz 1981. bio bi to uspeh.

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Marina je antisistemski protest vote, nju nece pogadjati afere kao sto nisu pogadjale Trampa. Jednostavno deo glasaca njenih ce na to da odmahne kao na neku sistemsku zaveru i laz protiv nje, drugi deo ce da zazmuri i ignorise, treci ce da kaze "i ostali politicari isto kradu al bar Marina nudi nesto drugacije i pored toga".

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Marina je antisistemski protest vote, nju nece pogadjati afere kao sto nisu pogadjale Trampa. Jednostavno deo glasaca njenih ce na to da odmahne kao na neku sistemsku zaveru i laz protiv nje, drugi deo ce da zazmuri i ignorise, treci ce da kaze "i ostali politicari isto kradu al bar Marina nudi nesto drugacije i pored toga".


Da. I pri tome deluje smireno i vrlo relaksirano odgovara kada je napadnu.

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Da li je tačno da je Makronova žena starija od njega 25 godina, tj. da on ima 39, a ona 64 godine? Zvuči mi potpuno neverovatno.



EDIT: Izgleda da jeste, jbt, evo i slike



Edited by Ayatollah
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Suvlasnik Monda Pjer Berže, kao nekada Hegel za Napoleona u Jeni, kaže da je Makron duh novog sveta, samo što nije na konju kao Bonaparta, ali zato okuplja svoje trupe i stvara istoriju. Neko bi mogao da kaže i da je Žozefina bila starija od Napoleona baš kao i Brižit od Makrona. Berže nema sumnje da Makron neće ponoviti greške najvoljenijeg francuskog vladara: "Video sam Makrona kad je bio tinejdžer i zaljubio se u ženu koja je bila 20 godina starija do njega i koju je on oženio, i sada posle dve decenije, posle svega vidim da su njih dvoje pravi par i to mi uliva uverenje da će on uspeti", kaže Berže.




Učenik se smuvao s nastavnicom.


From teacher to lover to France's next first lady? Meet 'Madame Macron'





Brigitte Trogneux, (not actually Madame Macron) the wife of presidential hopeful Emmanuel Macron, used to be his French teacher. Here's a closer look at a woman who could be France's next first lady.
So who is Brigitte Trogneux?
In short, she is the 56-year-old wife of Emmanuel Macron. They've been married since 2007. 
She was once his high school teacher and she is around 20 years his senior. 
Hang on, they met at high school?
Yep. She used to be his French teacher at his private high school in Amiens, northern France. She also ran the theatre club where he was a budding actor. 
It seems like it was love at first sight - it's understood the pair used to have long discussions together - and she would read his writing out to the class. 
"She used to recite his work all the time. She was totally captivated by his writing skills," a former classmate told Le Parisien newspaper.

A whole new level of "teacher's pet".


When he moved to Paris at the age of 18, she jumped ship from her own family soon after and followed him down. 
She told Paris Match magazine: "At the age of 17, Emmanuel said to me, 'Whatever you do, I will marry you!'"
As for the age difference - a French study from September said that it's a trend right now for French women to take younger lovers, so who cares?

Is she still teaching?
No. She has put her teaching career on hold to help Macron in his push to become France's next president, and Macron counts her as a trusted adviser, at least according to Paris Match. 
"She spends all her time beside him, she reads and listens to everything that is said about him. He asks her questions and takes her advice," the magazine wrote.
So what about her life before Macron?
In her LBM (Life Before Macron), Trogneux was married with three children, who are now all grown up and work as an engineer, a cardiologist, and a lawyer. She even has six grandchildren. 
Her parents were part of a renowned family of chocolatiers in Amiens, which has been in the family for five generations and has turned over as much as €4 million per year.
It's said that they have some of the best macarons going around. 
The French have been quick to point out that they've had the macarons d'Amiens for generations - and now they have the Macron d'Amiens.
Does she like the spotlight?
It appears that she doesn't mind it, at least compared to the spouses of the other presidential hopefuls (especially Francois Fillon's extremely publicity-averse wife Penelope).  
Trogneux and Macron are no strangers to the press. They first stepped out together for the cameras in the summer of 2015 for a dinner with the King of Spain and his wife (see below).
This was back when Macron was the economy minister.
Since then, they've never been far from the pages of gossip magazines like Closer and Paris Match, perhaps most famously during a shoot last year where they were photobombed by a nudist on a beach.
What does she have to say about it all?
She isn't really one to give interviews, but she has revealed a quick wit and a sharp tongue at times. 
While being hounded by a reported in this interview, she was asked why her husband was "so good at politics". 
Her response: "He is good at everything. Not just politics, you're being quite restrictive.
She then added: "I'm still yet to find an area where he isn't good", much to the smirks of the team at Le Petit Journal.
In general though, she is quite private and doesn't reveal too much about the couple's private lives. 

We do know, however, that they own a place in Touquet in northern France where they got married in 2007. French media reports that the couple often escapes to their country home when not on duty in Paris. 

So what could she bring to the table as First Lady?
Well, obviously as a teacher, she has some leadership skills. 
"As a teacher I know young people well. And I think it's essential to keep them in mind," she said in an interview with Paris Match
"I will fight for their education (...) If we just leave them by the wayside then it will all implode."
And we can assume that she would be the staunchest of Macron's supporters. After all, she has been his biggest supporter since he was a teenager.

Edited by vememah
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Da li je tačno da je Makronova žena starija od njega 25 godina, tj. da on ima 39, a ona 64 godine? Zvuči mi potpuno neverovatno.



EDIT: Izgleda da jeste, jbt, evo i slike



uz to mu je i bivsa profesorka :naughty: (ako dobro pamtim)


samo u zemlji gala i franaka ! :lolol:

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