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Theresa May has appealed to the public over Brexit, telling them she understood they had had enough, and adding: "I am on your side."


A pre toga, Korbin izasao sa sastanka jer su bili prisutni i TIGovci [za koje on kaze da nisu stranka i nisu trebali da budu tu].


"Ja sam sa vama" govor Ace Gice Tereze Mej:



14 minutes ago, Host said:

Theresa May je ipak mnogo smislenija politicarka od Corbyna. Pregovarala je, manevrisala, zonglirala interese razlicitih grupa na vlasti i opoziciji i na kraju predlozila nekakav plan za resavanje krize. Zakasneli i los plan sa malo igleda na uspeh, ali ipak nekakav plan.


Sa druge strane, Corbyn ne zna sta hoce, minira predloga i vlasti i (svoje) opozicije. Ili, jos gore, zna sta hoce i minira vecinski deo svoje stranke da bi izgurao licnu agendu koja ce biti pogubna po njegove glasace. 


Ovo nije tacno, zvanicna pozicija Lab je: Brexit i Carinska Unija.

Problem je, naravno, sto to sada nije na stolu.


A kako je Mejova manevrisala vidimo. Svojerucno je, izgubivsi tridesetak poslanika na izborima 2017., minirala sopstveni autoritet pa joj se Brexitovci i Remaineri dovikuju u kabinetu.

Posted (edited)

Ovo kako je Tereza Mej ovo vodila bi bila sramota cak i u Srbiji. Katastrofalan management procesa uz katastrofalne procene. Najlosije je/ su procenili EU i njihovu snagu i odlucnost a to je toliko krupna greska da nemam reci 


Corbyn proracunato postupa (edit: a i on ne vodi proces trenutno)...

Edited by mozzer


A petition calling on Theresa May to cancel Brexit by revoking Article 50 has attracted more than half a million signatures.

Parliament's petitions website crashed on Thursday morning because of the high volume of traffic.




Sajt je u međuvremenu osposobljen, a broj potpisa je trenutno

696,198 signatures.



Puklo opet (oko 750k).

Sent from my iTelephone using Tapatalk


Theresa May‘s statement about a delay to Brexit went down so badly that BBC News was unable to find anyone who supported it.

The channel’s Outside Source programme - which assembles reaction to the headlines from social media and other sources - was forced to show only negative Twitter comments about the prime minister’s Downing Street speech on Wednesday night.

“I’ve got colleagues down here in the newsroom, we’re trying to bring up tweets from a range of different people – no one is being positive about it,” said presenter Ros Atkins as he discussed reaction to Ms May’s statement.

The programme showed tweets from Brexit-supporting broadcaster Julia Hartley-Brewer, who claimed the prime minister was “not on my side”, as well as SNP MP Alan Brown, who said Ms May’s “lack of self awareness and culpability is astounding”. 

Twelve minutes later, scrolling through further negative tweets, Mr Atkins added: “We’re looking for people enthused by it – believe me we’re looking – we’re just not finding it.”

3 hours ago, vememah said:

Sajt je u međuvremenu osposobljen, a broj potpisa je trenutno




100k na sat, videćemo kad će da uspori...

13 minutes ago, Skyhighatrist said:

videćemo kad će da uspori...


Pocetkom aprila :unsure:





Brexit: How did we get here?

  • 23 June 2016: The UK votes to leave the EU with 51.9% in favour of leaving and 48.1% for the remain side
  • 12 July 2016: Theresa May takes over from David Cameron as prime minister
  • 29 March 2017: Mrs May triggers Article 50 starting a two year process of the UK leaving the EU
  • 8 June 2017: The Conservatives lose their majority, after Theresa May calls a snap election
  • 26 June 2017: Formal negotiations on withdrawal begin between the UK and the EU
  • 19 March 2018: The UK and EU agree the status of EU citizens after Brexit, fishing policy issues and dates for a transition period, intended to allow time for the UK and EU to agree their future relationship
  • 14 November 2018: The withdrawal agreement is agreed by the UK and EU
  • 10 December 2018: Theresa May pulls a vote on her Brexit deal
  • 15 January 2019: The prime minister loses a vote on her deal by 230 votes - the largest defeat for a sitting government in history
  • 12 March 2019: MPs vote against the deal for a second time, despite reassurances about the Northern Ireland backstop
  • 13-14 March 2019: MPs vote against a no-deal Brexit and in favour or extending Article 50
  • 20 March 2019: The prime minister writes to European Council President Donald Tusk asking to extend Article 50 until 30 June 2019
Posted (edited)

Novi datum za buljošut UK iz EU: 12. april (jer nema sanse da Mejovicin predlog iz treceg prodje Commons sledece nedelje).



Edited by papapavle
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