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LGBTQIA+ u Srbiji i svetu


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Valjda ti je jasno da neko ne mora biti nacista da bi imao nešto protiv LGBT ili migranata.

Zar je bitna etiketa? Skotina je skotina ma koju znacku nosio

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Zar je bitna etiketa? Skotina je skotina ma koju znacku nosio

to i meni nije jasno kako im to promice.

neko zlonameran bi pomislio da se svi ti mladi ljudi loze na formu a ne sustinu :fantom:

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  • 1 month later...
US government to refer to LGBT and gender issues as ‘sexual rights’



The U.S. government said that it would adopt the term “sexual rights” in discussing issues about gender identities and sexual orientation.


The statement, originally made at a United Nations meeting, came after weeks of lobbying from LGBT groups calling for the U.S. to show leadership on the issue. The new term encompasses the "right to have control over and decide freely and responsibly on matters related to their sexuality, including sexual and reproductive health, free of coercion, discrimination, and violence," the State Department said, in a statement.


Richard Erdman, deputy U.S. ambassador to the U.N., made the announcement earlier this week, saying that “sexual rights” would refer to ones that are not legally binding.


"Sexual rights are not human rights, and they are not enshrined in international human rights law; our use of this term does not reflect a view that they are part of customary international law," Erdman said. "It is, however, a critical expression of our support for the rights and dignity of all individuals regardless of their sex, sexual orientation, or gender identity."


Washington’s decision comes days before more than 150 world leaders are set to launch a set of keystone discussions on development goals for the world. The goals -- which span fields from environmental protection to economic justice -- include calling on nations to "ensure universal access to sexual and reproductive health-care services” by 2030, as well as one to “ensure universal access to sexual and reproductive health and reproductive rights.”


The Center for Health and Gender Equity on Thursday praised the move. 


"On one level, it's symbolic. It also sends a signal to the global community that sexual and reproductive health and rights are a part of the global development agenda," the center’s president, Serra Sipel, told the Associated Press. Sipel was among a group of 10 global advocates who wrote to U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry calling for the term, saying that "sexual rights must be explicitly acknowledged as part of the human rights framework."


President Barack Obama has made statements on the world stage and to other leaders about the importance of promoting LGBT rights. In a speech in Kenya, in July, Obama criticized President Uhuru Kenyatta’s gay rights record. He has also been critical of similar policies in other African nations, as well as in countries like Russia.

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Majko mila, tek sad vidim ovo što je kurjak pisao...


Nacosi su ih tu izigrali samo tako, posuli se pepelom ,nisu oni napali,dza bu, ovi progutali, pa je to potrajalo, pa nekih obrta, prebacivanja , al nije to puno zanimljivo, a predugo za objasnjavanje.
Ne pocinje, ne znam jos ko je on,ali su to oko prajda izjavljivale (poznate) levicarke. 


Koje su to "poznate levičarke" u Srbiji?

Edited by FERNOUX H
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... kako ne znas ko je cuvena kraljica sa filozofije, autorka sa pescanika, pisala i za politiku, mlada, bila na tv sa u onoj emisiji o levici sa ruzicem i jos nekim gostima? ...
Uostalom, evo juce su po socioloskinjama i onima koji se tako osecaju pisali sve i svasta o prajdu, i sta treba uraditi slugama kapitalizma, ciji su oni placenici itd, dal je bitnija klasa koju ne biras, i sl. Ceo gas koji se proteze od vise ljudi, prezupca, asija do tih pojednih levicarki i levicara koji su sad satro solo i posvadjali se sa drugarima

(ps za socioloskinje i one koje se tako osecaju je fb grupa u koju svako neupucen moze da udje i searcuje postove o prajdu, kako su se menjali unazad godinama)

Послато са GT-P7500 уз помоћ Тапатока

Edited by Hamlet Strašni
smanji malo...
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Kurjače mislim da si ti malo opsednut nekim pojedincima sa faksa. Da li su ti nešto uradili, da li nekom nešto zameraš, ne znam, ali preteruješ. Niko od ovih ljudi nije javna ličnost, pa bili oni i na televiziji ponekad (mislim, koliko ljudi na ovom forumu je bar jednom bilo na tv u nekom kontekstu).


Ovde je očigledno da se ti baviš praćenjem ljudi koje svako malo pominješ. Ako te interesuje levica uzmi čitaj nešto, batali stalkovanje studenata po fejsbucima i sajtovima. To stvarno nije zdravo.




Hamlet Strašni, Today, 14:59:36. 
smanji malo...



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Ne kapiram sta ti sada drma kavez fervex, uspeo sam da pronadjem pravu meru sudeci po tvom kom

Prvo nisam joj napisao ni ime ni prezime, ni njoj ni drugima da ne bi ispalo malo ne fer, sa druge strane pruzio sam dovoljno informacija drugima koje zanima da se stvarno uvere u to sto pricam,da ti ne bi kevetao kako izmisljam i pisem traceve :D, fb je cudo


Послато са GT-P7500 уз помоћ Тапатока

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