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Ovo su valjda uradili Talibani a ne IS. Mislim, nije da ne treba uraditi to što Ravanelli kaže ali svet i bez IS vrvi od decoubica i biće tu teških muka.

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Ayaan Hirsi Ali: The Shahada in Sydney Reminds Us That Political Islam Is Deadly


No symbol represents the soul of Islam more than the Shahada. But today there is a contest within Islam for the ownership of that symbol.


In Australia, as in all democracies where the rule of law is firmly established, the preaching of any religion is protected, as it should be. The self-styled “Sheikh” Monis was an asylum seeker from Iran who took full advantage of this protection and indeed abused it criminally. Such cases are by now familiar. In recent years we have seen the exposure of extremist preachers such as Abu Hamza, once active in the UK, Fawaz Jneid in the Netherlands, and Taj Aldin al-Hilali in Australia itself.


Such men are not “lone wolves”; nor can their behavior be dismissed as merely symptoms of mental instability. They are part of a worldwide movement to awaken Muslims from what they consider the passivity of a purely religious Islam. Part of their strategy is to make existing Muslims politically active. And their starting point is always the Shahada. If you are a true Muslim, they argue, it’s not enough to confess that there is no god but Allah and Mohammed is his messenger. You need to do something about it.





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živo me interesuje kada će kopnom da opendreče po isil-u i pobiju goveda.


očigledno se još nisu stvorili uslovi za rušenje asada


za pet godina biće nam dostupni, doći će nam u domet 



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Dudo, tepihovanje nije problem. Problem je što nije dovoljno tj. mora da se uradi detaljno terensko čišćenje a to podrazumeva ekspedicionu silu od barem 300k vojnika. Na tom detalju zapinje.

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Dudo, tepihovanje nije problem. Problem je što nije dovoljno tj. mora da se uradi detaljno terensko čišćenje a to podrazumeva ekspedicionu silu od barem 300k vojnika. Na tom detalju zapinje.

ova cifra me zaprepašćuje, iskreno

pa koliko je tih likova tamo bobte ?

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Sve, sve, ali Slovenija? Pa jbt... Ili može biti da su jednostavno odredili da će Alpi i Dnjestar biti granica.


Izgleda da nisu skontali da iza dinarskog masiva leži 1 kvalitetan komad obale pa su ga ostavili Hrvatskoj.

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300k vojnika je potrebno zbog veličine teritorije koju treba očistiti i neko vreme kontrolisati. Ovih majmuna ima možda i manje od 20k ali su takoreći na domaćem terenu tako da protivnik mora da ih nadjača barem 10:1 kako bi im neutralisao tu prednost.

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ali šta im znači onaj pipak što je zagazio da li u austriju ?



a ne,ne, moja greška, to su oni celu autriju izgleda uplaniralitm

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da i austrija, lepo piše, pa ni sulejman veličanstveni nije uspeo da osvoji beč u vreme kada je borbu odlučivao verski zanos a vojske su se mlatile hladnim oružijem

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