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Politička korektnost


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A boy of THREE is quizzed by police for racism as number of children accused of hate crimes soars



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A boy of THREE is quizzed by police for racism as number of children accused of hate crimes soars




Dete je jos i dobro proslo - da ima 5 i da se igrao plasticnim machem, nozem i/ili pistoljem verovatno bi da upucali na mestu... posle bi ih poslali na counseling..

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u epidemiji izolovanih incidenata kojima se ne zna motiv a vezanih za mentalna oboljenja jel skoro da mi je promakla ova darovita pc borkinja za veća prava jihadista i manje baruta i olova u borbi protiv njih :fantom:


After the blood-filled train — an eyewitness said it "looked like a slaughterhouse" — came to a stop at a station in Heidingsfeld near Würzburg, the teenager jumped off and tried to escape. Surrounded by police, he lunged at them with an axe. Police shot the attacker dead because "there was no other option."


Green Party MP Renate Künast criticized the police for using lethal force. In a tweet, she wrote: "Why could the attacker not have been incapacitated without killing him???? Questions!"


Künast's comments provoked a furious backlash, with many accusing her of showing more sympathy for the perpetrator than for the victims. The outpouring of anger against Künast indicates that Germans have had enough of their politically correct politicians.



The chairman of the German police union, Rainer Wendt, said:


 "The final rescue shot is clearly regulated by law. The policemen were attacked and used their firearm to defend against an immediate danger to life and limb. That is their statutory duty. The Green MP Renate Künast has absolutely no idea about reality of dangerous police actions."


Speaking on N24 television, Wendt added:


"Künast should not be watching so many bad movies. Who would believe that if someone attacks the police with an axe and a knife, the police are supposed to shoot the axe out of the attacker's hands? That is really clueless and stupid. :thumbup:


 "If police officers are attacked in this manner, they will not engage in Kung Fu. Unfortunately, it sometimes ends in the death of the perpetrator. This will not change." :ziga:



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uobičajeni bulzaj 1 od najjačih svetskih kolumnistkinja i borkinja za prava ljudi životinja i korisnih idiota nesvesnih svoje nesvesti  :fantom:


Have you heard it? The whisperings of a new language for terror, shared across our news networks?

The liberals and progressives, creating a whole new dialect, a softened tongue?


Taking the edges off the sharp stuff, dulling down the painful truth, neutering the raw? Making the truth more palatable, more malleable around the narrative they want to tell?


Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3706857/KATIE-HOPKINS-Don-t-let-new-politically-correct-language-slaughter-fool-Terrorism-terrifying.html#ixzz4FRMOVX8c


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u epidemiji izolovanih incidenata kojima se ne zna motiv a vezanih za mentalna oboljenja jel skoro da mi je promakla ova darovita pc borkinja za veća prava jihadista i manje baruta i olova u borbi protiv njih

nemačka policija reagovala na borkinjine somnabulije  :fantom:

German Police created this video mocking the Green Party suggestion to use non-lethal forms of suppression against radical Muslim Terrorist attempting to slaughter Germans... You know, like the liberals in America want.



Edited by Hella
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  • 5 weeks later...

i eto kakve nam rezultate donosi teror crveno zelene koalicije da bi je njegovi religiozno mirovni roditelji prihvatili morala je da potamni kožu i stavi hidžab a kada su fotke publikovane strah od građanističkog prozivanja je bio toliki da je radije odabrala suicid


A teenage girl took her own life after fearing she would be called racist after a photo of her with darkened skin and a headscarf was shared online

Phoebe Connop, 16, from  Halesowen in the West Midlands, had edited the photo after getting into an online relationship with an Asian male.

The talented gymnast sent the picture to friends on a private Instagram chat, explaining that the only way she would win the approval of her boyfriend's parents would be if she looked like the girl in the photo.

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3762278/Girl-16-took-life-fearing-s-called-racist-picture-darkened-skin-shared-online.html#ixzz4Ii7OVLLb


nažalost sirota devojka nije imala dovoljno iskustva s građanistima pa da uvidi da pored njih čak i nataša bekvalac izgleda kao glas razuma :fantom:

Na slici su Kristina i Nataša nasmejane, dok su njihove ćerkice htele da se našale pa su iskosile oči, što se nije dopalo pojedinim pratiocima.




- Znam da nije loša namera, ali praviti oči kao da su kose je skroz rasistički. Razmislite, ne morate da usvojite. U vreme kada se bela rasa smatra superiornijom, ovakvim ispedima može samo da se pogreši - napisao je jedan od pratilaca.

Edited by Hella
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Vest od prekjuče, ali ako je neko propustio ovaj briljantni primer non-PC humora...



Francuski satirični časopis Šarli ebdo našao se na meti kritika zbog toga što je prikazao stradale u razornom zemljotresu kao različite vrste testenine.


Na karikaturi su, između ostalog, nacrtani jedan okrvavljeni muškarac koji stoji, a pored njega piše "pasta sa paradajz sosom", kao i stopala koja vire između spratova srušene zgrade uz natpis "lazanje."



Edited by Malkmus
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Ovo za kose oci... da li se neko stvarno oseca uvredjenim tim potezom (naravno da ne racunam situacije kada je jasno da je to izrugivanje). ?

U vrticu sa mojom cerkom ide nekoliko kineske dece i ona je redovno kosila oci i govorila da je sada Andjela. Da sam okacio to na fb da li bi sa pravom njeni roditelji bili ljuti na nas ?

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da li se neko stvarno oseca uvredjenim tim potezom (naravno da ne racunam situacije kada je jasno da je to izrugivanje)


pa da si joj video facu profil i nick pre nego je sve zaključala bilo bi ti jasno zašto se oseća uvređenom ovaj fazon otprilike


btw odličan članak o roterhemskoj sramoti posle koje niko neće imati prava da pita jao pa otkud sad javna pogubljenja istaknutih humanitarnih radnika i masovna proterivanja njihovih sirotih mezimaca :fantom:


"The thing you have to understand about this rape of children is it's not just sexual abuse. It is unspeakable levels of violence, victims being raped with knives, victims being raped with bottles, victims having their tongues nailed to tables. These are sometimes girls who are picked up from a children's home on a Friday, are being raped during the course of a weekend by hundreds of men and returned with bleeding groins back to the children's' home on a Monday morning and they don't do anything about it at all."


"Journalists would not speak about it, because the perpetrators were mostly dark-skinned and Muslim. Childcare professionals used Political Correctness as an 'omerta,' a code of silence concerning what the public was allowed to know."



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to mi moderacija menja linkove u želji da sakrije istinu a da ja ispadnem ludak koji ne zna gde udara  :fantom:


a letećih glava će biti kad popadaju veleizdajničke volušine na čelu s vučićevom babom 


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