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DOOM! DOOM IS UPON US! (Raspad naseg drustva, pbp)

Аврам Гојић

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16 minutes ago, Nesh said:

Mis, ptica i kobasica. Izuzetno stivo. Papir trpi sve, ali stampati ovakve gluposti? 

Meni klinac kad ga uspavljujem traži da mu pričam priču o mišu i automobilskoj gumi. Jednom sam se izlupetao i sad mu je to omiljena priča. :D

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Posted (edited)

Moj je tražio priču o zavesi, lampi, prozoru.... Kako koje veče i ja časkom izmislim, tad sam bila u treningu sad ne bih mogla čini mi se, srećom i ne moram :D



Kad sam bila mala najviše sam volela da mi tata priča kako se njegova omiljena pirgava kokoška vratila sa pilićima, a on je mislio da je kobac pojeo. I baba  kako je dok je živela na Alpima kao dete na putu do škole prolazila pored medveda. Stalno isto i u krug :D

Edited by Sara
12 minutes ago, James Marshall said:

Apropo ove priče, ajde de, ako može keramičar biti glavni špijun a dezerter ministar odbrane, može i neki nesretni ponavljač iz SNS da bude dječiji pisac, što ste protiv toga da ljudi ostvaruju svoje snove. 

Nekako mi ovo vuče na nekog kreativnog inovatora koji brejnstormuje po ceo dan...

Posted (edited)

Ma moze prica o svemu, ali da je prica, da ima zrnce radnje, malcice maste, a i kakav zapletic i raspletic ne bi bio zgoreg. Avaj! 


Edited by Nesh

Opa, evo originala (by Wiki). Vidi se da nisam citao bajke:




The Mouse, the Bird, and the Sausage

1912 illustration by Robert Anning Bell

"The Mouse, the Bird, and the Sausage" (German: Von dem Mäuschen, Vögelchen und der Bratwurst) is Tale 23 of the Grimm's Fairy Tales. It is Aarne-Thompson number 85.[1]


Illustration by Walter Crane

The Mouse, the Bird, and the Sausage live happily together. The Bird brings home wood from the forest; the Mouse delivers water, makes the cooking fire, lays the table; and the Sausage cooks.

One day, the Bird has a chat with some other birds. They make fun of the Bird, saying that it was doing all the work and that he was like a slave. The next day, the Bird suggests that they switch roles and refuses to go to the forest. The Mouse and the Sausage oppose the idea at first, but in the end, they give in. The Bird now is responsible for bringing home the water, the Mouse cooks, and the Sausage goes to the forest to collect wood.

The Sausage leaves to gather wood in the forest early in the morning but does not come home again. The Bird gets worried and starts looking for it. Soon, it finds a dog, who has attacked and eaten the Sausage. The Bird is going to accuse the dog, but the dog lies and says that the Sausage was carrying a lot of forged letters with him, and therefore it needed to be punished with its life. The Bird cannot argue, so it goes home and tells the Mouse what has happened. They decide that they will have to do their best themselves from now on.

The Mouse starts to cook. It imitates the Sausage, rolling himself in the pot to mix and season the food. However, the Mouse cannot stand the heat and burns to death. The Bird comes home from the forest. It panics as it cannot find the Mouse and starts throwing the wood Around the house. It yells and searches, but suddenly the wood catches fire. In order to put out the fire, the Bird goes to the well to get some water. It falls into the well after dropping the bucket. The Bird cannot get back out and drowns.




Avaj! :D


el ovde o virtuelnoj realnosti, arkonima, reptilima, bibliji, piramidama, tajnim drustvima, mesecu etc, il ima drugi toping za to? :coffee:

Posted (edited)

The Mouse starts to cook. It imitates the Sausage, rolling himself in the pot to mix and season the food. However, the Mouse cannot stand the heat and burns to death. 


Jadni mis se, eh kad nije prica i o varjaci, valja po tiganju ne bi li promesao hranu. Kobasica je verovatno koristila opremu iz Dobrovoljnog vatrogasnog drustva, pa je mogla da izdrzi vrelinu.

Sta reci, mozda je na nemackom nesto sasvim drugacije. :D

Edited by Nesh

Meni isto upada u oči koliko se dečijih slikovnica prevodi, naših gotovo da nema. Kapiram da je lakše i jeftinije prevesti i izdati gotovo, napisati i pogotovo ilustrovati od nule je kudikamo skuplje, ali onda se javljaju ovakve "kobasice", a najviše smaraju stihovi koji se uopšte ne rimuju ili su metrički neujednačeni...



koji ste nemači pojma...

pokušavam sad da nađem i okačim ilustracije iz nekog muzeja i priče o onom nemačkom liku koje su poznate po brutalnim detaljima.

ali me sećanje izdaje.

a i to bi bio doom nemačkog društva.

samo što nije doom no folklor.

Meni isto upada u oči koliko se dečijih slikovnica prevodi, naših gotovo da nema. Kapiram da je lakše i jeftinije prevesti i izdati gotovo, napisati i pogotovo ilustrovati od nule je kudikamo skuplje, ali onda se javljaju ovakve "kobasice", a najviše smaraju stihovi koji se uopšte ne rimuju ili su metrički neujednačeni...
pa vi niste skorije videli neki bukvar na liberalizovanom trzishtu udzbenika :hihi:

e to je stvarno shtogod :dry:

sent from bubamoto


Prebačano na dgovarajući topc na deponiji...



Obratiti paznju: klice vila, tamo gde se Racic krije :cry:.

Od crvenog dusmanina :cry:.


Oj Racicu sa Bobije, bez vojvodo sa planine, komunisti skoro stizu :laugh:

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