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shvatam ja da struje nose materijal i da ne postoji fiksna koordinata toga, ali kada jednom uoče, da onda nadleću to mesto, neprestano, više aviona, dok najbliži brod stiže na mesto.

ne znam, video i odleteo, "video sam, tamo negde.... i aj ćao"


Video sam tamo negde i moram nazad inace cu ostati bez goriva i survati se na more...pa ni mene necete naci...i tako u krug...

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avion komercijalni možda leti toliko, vojni su valjda brži.

baš su vojni u pitanju, veliki avioni sa instrumentima za pretraživanje okeana u potrazi za ruskim podmornicama, turboprop. motori, koji se spuštaju na 100m od vode i onda bulje u ustalasano more, višečlana posada je u pitanju 5-6 članova

- navodno ti instrumenti su toliko osetljivi da mogu da detektuju metu veličine košarkaške lopte koja pluta na površini

- kako god novinarka cnn-a se žešće smorila na toj patroli, beskonačno plavetnilo, dosadno putovanje do mesta pretrage prekraćuju spavanjem na podu aviona kao ppv onomad u briselu ^_^  imaju neki aparat za kafu, treba izdržati tako dan za danom, sutra će im biti 5 ili 6 patrola

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sad sam pogledao lokaciju na google maps (44'57 29 S, 90'13'43 E). to se nalaze jedva malo juznije od jugoistocnog indijskog grebena, sto znaci da te vode ne bi trebale da budu bogznakoliko duboke.


To je prvo sto sam pogledao kada je izasla teorija o toj juznoj putanji... najplici deo na 2500m i krece se tu negde do 4000m...nije bogzna sta ali nije bas ni setnja po plicaku... :(

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avion komercijalni možda leti toliko, vojni su valjda brži.

Pa i ne.


Najbolji među njima je "nastao" od putničkog B737. :)

Ne možeš koristiti "superbrze" letelice za potragu.

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odlicnost je juce ispaljena u cg novinama. naslov 'tehnika iz 18. vijeka mozda ce pomoci u otkrivanju lokacije palog aviona' ja reko sigurno visak, sta drugo, kad ne lezi vraze - bajesova statistika


novine su car


Bilo i na B92, majmun radi sto majmun vidi. Ko zna od koga su preneli jbt, po redakcijama vise ne rade novinari vec prevodioci.

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Ko zna šta je na tim satelitskim snimcima... Valjda će se na kraju nešto pojaviti.


Inače, rodbina kineskih putnika je u Pekingu još pre nekoliko sati sastavila izjavu i žestoko okrpila Malezijce.

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Još više sumnjam u mirnog mladića...


The co-pilot of the missing plane, Fariq Abdul Hamid was flying the Boeing 777 model for the first time without a "check co-pilot" supervising, Malaysia Airlines has revealed.

AFP reports the 27-year-old had gone through a standard five supervised flights on a new model plane without incident.

Malaysia Airlines revealed Monday the co-pilot of its missing jet was flying the Boeing 777 for the first time without a so-called "check co-pilot" looking over his shoulder.

"The first five flights, the co-pilot normally flies with what we call the check co-pilot. He actually passed the first five flights. We do not see any problem with him," the airlines' chief executive Ahmad Jauhari Yahya told media on Monday.

Ahmad Jauhari added that Captain Zaharie Ahmad Shah, 53, was himself an experienced 777 examiner.

"You must realise that he (Fariq) is flying with an examiner. The captain is a 777 examiner," he added, referring to Zaharie.

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mene zivo zanima kakva je to nikad-vidjena obrada Inmarsat podataka i kako se uklopa u ovo sto je devojka odgovorila beowlu.




As has been described several times already, each ping just says how far the aircraft was from the sub-satellite point, which is on the equator. It could be north of the equator or south. No number of pings is going to tell you which it is.

Imagine your friend calls your home (he knows where it is) at 3 pm and says "I'm 50 miles from your house." You ask "North or South?" He says "not telling" and hangs up. He calls again every hour after that and tells you how far away he is (it's never "on your front lawn") but never whether it's north or south. No matter how many times he calls, you will never figure out whether he's north or south of your house. If one call is 10 miles from your house and the next is 20 miles from your house and he could be driving 50 miles an hour, he might have gone from north to south between those points. You still won't be able to tell.
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