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Game of Thrones

Ryan Franco

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Greyscale makes the surface of the skin harden and calcify, but in the early stages it is still fairly thin and brittle, so the body's movement makes the hardened tissue split into a network of cracks. The pattern made by the hardened and splitting skin is similar to cracks made in thin ice, and in later and more severe stages look somewhat like patterns of scales. In later stages the hardened flesh becomes mottled grey and black as it dies, resulting in the flesh appearing to have the texture of cracked grey stone, or like grey reptile scales - hence the name "grey scale". The discoloration comes in later stages: Shireen was cured in early stages before the disease could spread beyond her left cheek, before it could become discolored.[5]

Greyscale kills slowly, often taking many years to progress to a terminal state. Long before that, in the mid-to-late stages of the disease, the infection will spread to cover all of the victim's skin from head to toe, leaving them in agony. An infected person can survive like this for years, living in misery as one of the Stone Men.

In the very final stages of the disease, (perhaps years after the skin is completely covered with it), it starts attacking the body's internal organs, hardening them as it did the outer flesh. When it spreads to the brain, the deterioration can result in violent insanity. Most people rarely see these very final stages, however: only some of the Stone Men who have been quarantined off in ruins such as Valyria for many years have time to deteriorate to such a feral state. Otherwise, Stone Men are not thought of as violent but are pitied for their misery - though still shunned for being infectious.[3].[5]

Greyscale is extremely infectious, spread through touch contact with an infected person, or even spread on unsterilized objects that have been touched by the infected.

Greyscale is relatively uncommon in Westeros, though it does occur from time to time both in the Seven Kingdoms and Beyond the Wall. It is far more common, however, in the Free Cities and other parts of Essos. The number of people infected by greyscale is large enough that colonies are often established in old ruins such as at Valyria where Stone Men are dumped off, to keep them quarantined from the rest of civilization.

If the procedure performed by Samwell Tarly is successful in curing Ser Jorah, then that would suggest the top layer of greyscale acts as a sort of topical tumor on the infected person's body. The presence of pus under the infected tissue suggests that the body is still actively trying to fight off the infection. The greyscale either suppresses or more likely overcomes the host's immune system, spreading before the body has had time to build up an adequate amount of antibodies to combat the infection. Removing the greyscale tumors would allow the body's immune system to be capable of fighting off and overcoming the remaining infection. The medicinal ointment applied by Samwell could just be meant to prevent infection from other bacteria or viruses.


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Eto iz tog zadnjeg paragrafa ispade da ni mast™ ne radi ništa oko same bolesti nego djeluje kao preventiva za dalje moguće komplikacije. Ovo mora da je neki fan sam izmlatio i dopunio u wiki, jer onda ispada da se u teoriji može i bez masti™, što onda dalje implicira da se niko u vaskolikoj istoriji Westerosa i Essosa nije ljudski potrudio da očopli otvrdnulu čapru sa sebe.


Ne, nema što, ovo je još jedna glupost koja je eto tako ubačena sa ciljem da mi vidimo sljedeće stvari i dobijemo 1 character development:


-Sem je zajeban i talentovan ljekar, izliječio je smrtonosnu bolest sasvim sam, prateći manual koji niko drugi nije pokušao jer? eno Vini napisa, džukele ne liječe bolesne.


-Sem kao nagradu dobija da isprepisuje knjige starosavne, to skoro sigurno znači da će saznati nešto što treba da se sazna za dalju borbu protiv neprijatelja™.


-Džora je preživio, što znači da ima neku ulogu do kraja, a uloga će otprilike biti da popije strijelu za Deni i umre joj u rukama dok dobija dugo željeni poljubac.

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-Džora je preživio, što znači da ima neku ulogu do kraja, a uloga će otprilike biti da popije strijelu za Deni i umre joj u rukama dok dobija dugo željeni poljubac.


Kontam da im je potreban lik voajera za boatsex scenu  :naughty:

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Moram priznati da sam očekivao da će Džora po naredbi da se izleči krenuti u Qarth ili Ašaji da potraži Kvajt (kako se već čita Quaithe)




pa i onda kad mu obermešter daje 24sata.


očigledno zbog ograničenosti serije za ovu mističnu sveštenicu iz sezone 2 koja je izrekla neka proročanstva nema više vremena - šteta, bila mi interesantan lik.

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Три битке се водише, Бран дође од Зида до Сансе, Џон пријеђе с краја на крај континента, а Арије још нема у Винтерфелу.

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Da li će ovo biti prva sezona bez posete nekoj javnoj kući? :D

Svratiće Night King do Krtičnjaka, da raise-uje one kurve što su ih pobili Wildlinzi u četvrtoj sezoni... Pa će da im bude Ice Daddy...

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pa da, al kako su ga onda mogli otpustiti kao zdravog, samo zato sto ga ne boli kad mu dzaraju sise? pipace valjda okolo.



rece mester da je virus, i konkretno kolko jos ima fore. plus su oni sto su ga napali delovali vise agresivno nego depresivno, tako da garant nije to.



Agresivni su jer su odbaceni pa otimaju sta stignu. Mislim da se cak i u knjigama tako nesto pominje da im free cities salju hranu tu i tamo da ih ne bi napadali.


EDIT: videh sad da je i VIni odgovorio.


A sto se tice Jore, sve mi vise lici da ce bolest imati neke veze sa zmajevima i dragonglass tj da ce uticati na Night Walkere.

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A iz trejlera deluje da ce zmajevka da ispzidi i posalje svu trojicu na Bron, Dzejmi & Tarli armiju da ih spale sa sve zlatom. Nema civila, nema Juronovih brodova a jos i Unsullied i Dotraki mogu da pripomognu straga.

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Bitke su baš otaljane..gde je krv, slomljene kosti, leteći ekstremiteti? Isto tako sex, imaš samo početak i kraj..jebeš to. Od ostalih stvari svidela mi se Serseina upotreba termina revolucija za društvenu promenu. U kom veku se ovo otprilike dešava, 11, 12?


Imajuci u vidu Juronovu "Armadu", ne moze biti pre 15.


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Imajuci u vidu Juronovu "Armadu", ne moze biti pre 15.



Imajući u vidu da su mu armadu za nekoliko dana od kamena i vode napravili rojevi nanobota, ne može biti pre 27.

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