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ako jebes na podu - dobijes 1 rug rash ili rug burn

alo, nije krevet, dusek, futonac, madrac etc. izmisljen samo da bi se na njima spavalo! headboard ili ona metalna sranja sta vec, takodje - da se za njih uhvatis:)

pa jebotebob, ljudi vec 2k godina izmisljaju na cemu da udobno spavaju&jebu se - a ovaj ce na podu:)

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Sustina nije u detaljima i izvedbi, vec u celovitom pristupu.

Taktika je irelevantna, strategija se racuna.

Na cemu se spava, cime se tacno hrani to je stvar licnih okolnosti i preferenci. 


Ista stvar kao sa mrsavljenjem, manji unos kalorija plus vise vezbe je jednako manja tezina.

Tako i ovde, minimizacija troskova plus maksimizacija prihoda plus optimizacija potreba je jednako finansijska nezavisnost.

Nema tu nikakve magije. Ali ima jacanja volje, menjanja sebe planski i kako se menjas u hodu prilagodjavas rezim.

Cilj nije da skines X kila pa onda da se vratis na staro - opet nezdrava ishrana i nikakva aktivnost, cilj je da tu strategiju inkorporiras u svoj zivot i onda ona postaje default. Jednom kada stvoris naviku stari default je pomeren na novi.


A sad da li cete ici da dzogirate, u teretanu, vezbati sklekove kod kuce ili naci posao koji je fizicki zahtevan to je licni izbor.


Kad pisem i preporucujem tekstove onda mi se zamera da ne pominjem licno iskustvo, a kad pominjem licno iskustvo ono se banalizuje. Kao da je to neki vodic koji mora da se slepo sledi u tancinu, Pa ne mora, to je samo jedan oblik ispoljavanja strategije, taktike mogu biti vrlo drugacije, a deliti istu strategiju.

Edited by noskich
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ako jebes na podu - dobijes 1 rug rash ili rug burn

alo, nije krevet, dusek, futonac, madrac etc. izmisljen samo da bi se na njima spavalo! headboard ili ona metalna sranja sta vec, takodje - da se za njih uhvatis:)

pa jebotebob, ljudi vec 2k godina izmisljaju na cemu da udobno spavaju&jebu se - a ovaj ce na podu:)

:lol: pravo u centar :thumbzup:

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Kad pisem i preporucujem tekstove onda mi se zamera da ne pominjem licno iskustvo, a kad pominjem licno iskustvo ono se banalizuje. 


Samo ti nastavi sa ličnim iskustvom, ako se ja pitam.

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Ovaj citat se sjajno uklapa u diskusiju: http://www.goodreads.com/quotes/940002-no-longer-enslaved-or-made-dependent-by-force-of-law

“No longer enslaved or made dependent by force of law, the great majority are so by force of poverty; they are still chained to a place, to an occupation, and to conformity with the will of an employer, and debarred, by the accident of birth both from the enjoyments, and from the mental and moral advantages, which others inherit without exertion and independently of desert. That this is an evil equal to almost any of those against which mankind have hitherto struggled, the poor are not wrong in believing. Is it a necessary evil? They are told so by, those who do not feel it---by those who have gained the prizes in the lottery of life. But it was also said that slavery, that despotism, that all the privileges of oligarchy, were necessary.”
John Stuart mill
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a kako vatas internet putem plasticne flase?

Ćuti, ima čuveno pitanjena NS ETF-u, iz magnetike: "Kako metla može da posluži kao antena?".


Strah me da može i plastična flaša posle tvog pitanja. Nadajmo se da Profesor Prša ne čita forum :)

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Zasto se radi u Australiji.

Ova tabela sve objasnjava: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_minimum_wages_by_country


Najveci minimalac na svetu, najveca godisnja plata na svetu, medju zemljama sa najkracom radnom sedmicom na svetu.

Da nema balona nekretnina bila bi to dobra lokacija. Ali moze i tome da se doskoci. Gledao sam neku zemlju prosle nedelje, bagatela, dva sata javnim prevozom od centra Brizbena, malo duze od sata od centra Gold Coast.

Tamo da se odradi kontejner koncept i milina. Ideja se razradjuje.

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You said that having an unconditional basic income has radically altered your life. How so?
After I stopped working earlier this year and started living off the approximately $1,300 I get out of my company, I just wanted to put my feet up and do nothing. Instead, I found a crazy drive to do things. I had a million new business ideas, I take care of my daughter, and I work for a local community radio. I buy less shit, I live healthier, and I'm a better boyfriend and father.

Because you have more time for your girlfriend and daughter?
Because I'm more laid-back. The pressure is gone. My working conditions were great even before, because I was running my own company and could pretty much do what I want. But making money was tied to conditions. Now, I do everything I do because I want to—and all of a sudden it’s twice as much fun.

Any other myths you’d like to bust?
People say, "Of course I would continue working if I had a basic income, but the others wouldn’t." That’s where I want to start. I want to show that most everybody would do something useful with their lives l if they had the money—it’s not just you. People want to contribute. You just have to let them.

People say a lot of things when asked. It doesn't mean they are actually going to do it.
Sure. But if you look at the 1.4 million people we already have in Germany today who could rely on welfare but prefer to work even though their job doesn’t pay enough for them to make a living—I’d say we can be fairly sure that people aren’t generally looking to be lazy. Even with the system we have now.

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