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nakon par meseci pauze, ponovo barouz: gradovi crvene noći, fabrika knjigau knjizi: svi su zavisnici; ženskih likova gotovo da nema, a kada ih ima, liče na muškarce, muškarci (neki od njih umeju da svrše bez ruku)defiluju obnaženih i preplanulih torza, preobučeni u gusare, a nekad i u žene (gusare)...briljantno štivo

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Henry Miller- Tropic of cancer ili Rakova obratnica :huh:
uh to je ona kultna knjiga koju nikako da nabavim :Dnr: Nabokov - Očajanjeako postanem očajan javiću se
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šeri džons - dragulj medine...stvarno ne znam šta mi je trebalo da pročitam ovo... 400 strana sitno kucanog teksta ipak nije ni jako malo a da se utroši na saznanje o jadima žena proroka muhameda, i nadasve mlade ajše. kakva jadnica, baš se namučila u tom haremu pored žena-sestara hatidže, sevde, hafse, zejnebe bint džahs, džuvejrije, rejhane, safije, remle, marije i mejmune.ali zato me sada čeka i zove "tvrđava" meše selimovića. :)

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pocetak bune na dahije (valjda se tako zove?! mrzi me da trazim?!) basara.citam sporo i smejem se naglas. montipajton srbija, tako je to basara srocio. ima mnogo dobrih fazona.

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Saturnovi prstenovi, V. G. Zebald, Izdavacka kuca PlatoPotpuno genijalnoW. G. (Winfried Georg) Maximilian Sebald (18 May 1944, Wertach im Allgäu – 14 December 2001, Norfolk, England) was a German writer and academic. At the time of his death at the age of 57, he was being cited by many literary critics as one of the greatest living authors and had been tipped as a possible future winner of the Nobel Prize in Literature. In a 2007 interview, Horace Engdahl, former secretary of the Swedish Academy, mentioned Sebald, Ryszard Kapuściński and Jacques Derrida as three recently deceased writers who would have been worthy laureates.[1]

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slika-DZEK-KERUAK-SATORI-U-PARIZU--2920321x640.jpgJuce kupio na snizenju u Domu sindikata, danas procitao. Keruak je gistro u potrazi za svojim francuskim korenima, al meni se cini da bi on samo da loce, juri zenke i zajebava se po kafanama. Glumi ludilo, jednom recju :D
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I sometimes feel that I should carry around some sort of rectal thermometer, with which to test the rate at which I am becoming an old fart. There is no point in pretending that the process doesn’t occur: it happens to me when near-beardless uniformed officials or bureaucrats, one third of my age, adopt a soothing tone while telling me, “Sir, I’m going to have to ask you to…” It also happens when I hear some younger “wannabe” radicals employing hectoring arguments to which I have almost forgotten the answer. But that at least is because the arguments themselves are so old that they almost make me feel young again. From this kind of leathery awareness, nature itself protects the young, and a good thing, too, otherwise they would be old before their time and be taking no chances. Meanwhile, all of my children have negotiated the shoals of up-growing with a great deal more maturity than I did, and most of my moments of feeling that the world is not as bad as it might be have come from my students, especially the ones who decided in college that they wanted to join the armed forces and guard me while I sleep. (Meeting some of them later, after they have done a tour or two, has been particularly uplifting.) No, when I check the thermometer I find that it is the fucking old fools who get me down the worst, and the attainment of that level of idiocy can often require a lifetime.
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Kurt Vonegat - Klanica-5Uh, kakva knjiga! Genijalno!
Sjajan roman zaista. Inace, deo kada Pilgrim gleda snimak bomardovanja unazad je inspirisao Martina Amisa da napise Time's Arrow, pa ti preporucujem i to ako nisi citao. I tematika je slicna Edited by Giggsy
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