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jel to nesto kao "svi muslimani su potencijalne siledzije" koji je jako jako rasiren medju hriscanskim muskarcima i zenama svih uzrasta. i jedno i drugo su ruzni stereotipi.

Edited by Marko M. Dabovic
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jel to nesto kao "svi muslimani su potencijalne siledzije" koji je jako jako rasiren medju hriscanskim muskarcima i zenama svih uzrasta. i jedno i drugo su ruzni stereotipi.
ne, to je nešto kao "religija ih je ubila u pojam zabranama i zaključavanjem ženskih osoba u četiri zida, testosteron negde mora da izadje "
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Bio sam sarkastican. Mada mislim da je potrebno da se diskutuje o tome, ne slazem se sa onim kimovim da to treba ubivati krupnom sacmom (kapiram sentiment, ali se ne slazem). Treba da se prica, jer je taj vajb koji braca dobro sumira nesto sto je (reklo bi se) masovno prisutno u ovom razvijenijem delu sveta (nedavna poseta Geert Wildersa ovde u Australiji je to prilicno jasno pokazala).

Edited by Indy
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Bio sam sarkastican. Mada mislim da je potrebno da se diskutuje o tome, ne slazem se sa onim kimovim da to treba ubivati krupnom sacmom (kapiram sentiment, ali se ne slazem). Treba da se prica, jer je taj vajb koji braca dobro sumira nesto sto je (reklo bi se) masovno prisutno u ovom razvijenijem delu sveta (nedavna poseta Geert Wildersa ovde u Australiji je to prilicno jasno pokazala).
ja vise nemam snage. verovatno gresim ali to je uzasan deja vu.
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Pričam o stavu "sve bele žene su kurve" koji je jako jako raširen medju muslimanskim muškarcima svih uzrasta, čak i onih rodjenih ovde na zapadu. Imao sam jako mnogo prilika da se suočim sa ovim stavom i posledicama iz prve ruke.
Pa da, nisam ja rasista, nego su rasitički stereotipi živa istina.
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Kad pricamo o rasizmu, zanimljiva pojava su ovi koji nisu rasisti, samo su protiv muslimana/Islama. (I sam Geert Wilders kaze nesto slicno za sebe).U stvari, tacnije, kaze:

The Buddhists, Sikhs, Hindus and Jews are apparently cool on this front. It's the Muslims - of the beheading, jihadist persuasion - who need to be kept in check, says Nalliah and his multicoloured friends. ''We love the Muslim people,'' Nalliah tells me. ''It's Islam that's the problem.''
''I'm not an expert on the Koran. But my understanding is that a Muslim person can say whatever they like, whatever is true or untrue, as long as it serves the cause of Islam moving forward.''Which is another way of saying what Nalliah preaches: you can't trust Muslims to tell the truth.
A ovi su organizovali dolazak Wildersa.SOS_campaign_logo.gif
Q on: Why We Oppose Islam for Australia Islam is not just a religion. It is also a political, legal and military dogma that extends to all facets of a Muslim's life, the cultural and legal landscape of where they live and a Muslim's relationship with nonMuslims. For too long Islam has enjoyed immunity from necessary analysis, due criticism and debate because of its status as 'just a religion'. Unfortunately, if we continue to tolerate Islam without understanding it, Australia as a free, secular democracy will be lost. How so? Islam tells Muslims not to integrate into non-Islamic countries Many world leaders are now resigned to this fact. Singapore's Prime Minister Lee Kuan Yew publicly stated “we can’t integrate Muslims”. British Prime Minister Cameron, French President Sarkozy and German Chancellor Merkel have also stated that multiculturalism has failed in respect to Muslims. In Australia, our politicians are gradually finding the courage and support to publicly agree. This is because Islam teaches Muslims to avoid friendship or integration with non-Muslims (who are 'infidel' or 'kafir'), leading to division of public space like Muslim-only lavatories, swimming pool sessions and prayer rooms; even calls for Muslim-only housing projects. This is apartheid and shows contempt for Australia’s values of respect, tolerance and equality. While some Muslims do integrate, they are rejecting key tenets of Islam by doing so. For many others, choosing Australian values over Islam is simply not possible; their loyalty is to Islam and the Ummah (worldwide Muslim community) first, their country second. Islamic culture is forced on the host nationHistory has shown that Muslims will not embrace other cultures or join a 'melting pot'. The culture of a host country must be suppressed or replaced, eventually becoming known as 'the time of ignorance'. We already see Government, workplaces and schools recognising Islamic holidays, daily prayer times and special leave for hajj pilgrimage, amongst a myriad of other demands. Incrementally, halal food is imposed on everybody, sexes are segregated and huge mosques and their minarets built as a show of Islamic supremacy. Aspects of the dominant religion are sidelined or deemed 'offensive', antiSemitism increases and history books are rewritten to favour Islam and denigrate the host country's heritage. Slowly but surely our Judaeo-Christian values, ethics and customs are being replaced. Islam demands that Muslims obey and implement sharia law Islam is a totalitarian ideology that does not separate its law from its religious entity. As a consequence, Islamic sharia or 'divine' law undermines the separation of powers and the rule of law, concepts that are fundamental to our values and democracy and which cannot be compromised by erroneous 'human rights' or ‘freedom of religion’ claims. Moreover, it is an obligation of all Muslims to impose sharia law as the political and legal system of the state. The call for it to govern only Muslims is just a first step. Sharia law includes: • Polygamy, with up to four wives and an unlimited number of concubines; • Child marriage, as Mohammed (the 'perfect example' of mankind) married a 6 year old; • Slavery, as agreed by all four schools of Sunni jurisprudence; • Killing of those who leave Islam, adulterers, blasphemers, critics of Islam and homosexuals; • Women and non-Muslims being second-class citizens and men can legally beat their wives; • Parents going unpunished if they kill their children, making 'honour killing' legal; • Punishments such as beheading, whipping, stoning, cutting off hands and throwing off buildings; • The imposition of a humiliating tax on all non-Muslims to support the Islamic ruling class; and • enforcement of Sharia being a right of each Muslim, encouraging vigilante street ‘justice’. Q Society opposes sharia law in Australia. Sharia law is a medieval and unchangeable legal code which reflects the seventh-century, Arabian desert-living practices of Mohammed. There is more information and contact details on our website. Please feel free to contact us with any question you may have, or if you would like to support Q Society and our volunteer works
Inace, ima oko 2.25% muslimana u Australiji.
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The Buddhists, Sikhs, Hindus and Jews are apparently cool on this front. It's the Muslims - of the beheading, jihadist persuasion - who need to be kept in check, says Nalliah and his multicoloured friends. ''We love the Muslim people,'' Nalliah tells me. ''It's Islam that's the problem.''
Muslimani su najzgodnija meta za ksenofobe, iz vise ociglednih razloga. Jedan od njih je da su najvidljivija manjina, u smislu da u poredjenju sa gore nabrojanim veroispovestima cesce zahtevaju, u ime njihove religije, ustupke od strane drustava gde su se uselili.
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jel to nesto kao "svi muslimani su potencijalne siledzije"
dgjbm, mozda se krecem u pogresnim krugovima ali vecina koju ja znam muslimane dozivljava kao smirene, postene i religiozne (sto takodje moze da se tumaci kao predrasuda)
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O superiornosti.
Dobar je Rasel.Često ga razumeju kao plitak pozitivistički duh, a i on se sam ponekad takvim gradio (to je bila ondašnja antimetafizička poza - dubina se smatrala znakom nepoštenja). Ali zapravo je bio vrlo daleko od toga, što ovaj citat lepo pokazuje.
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Meni je taj citat zanimljiv i stoga sto sam svojevremeno (sredinom 1990-tih) imao prilike da (ja, u ime srpskoga naroda :D) slusam neke lekcije eks-Britanaca (u NZ-u) o tome kako smo mi na Balkanu tuzno netolerantni, nasilni i numemo da zivimo zajedno. Istih godina, u njihovoj Severnoj Irskoj sa okolinom... the pot calling the kettle black, itd.

Edited by Indy
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