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:lolol:Ali sad bez zajebancije, ja sumnjam da Vargec stvarno planirao bilo kakav masakr, i da živi u US umesto u Fr bio bi jedan od ko zna koliko survajvalističkih frikova, gomilao bi oružje na nekoj farni u Montani i svi bi mu se smejali, eventualno bi Luj Teru snimio dokumentarac o njemu.
Ne verujem ni ja, suvise veliki exposure ima, a lud je ali nije glup.
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Ali bogami mu je dobra ženica, ali jednako luda k'o i on. Razvila "unique theory about the Neanderthal and Homo Sapiens hybridization". Plači, Jovane I. Deretiću!

ATALA Discover a unique theory about the Neanderthal and Homo Sapiens, the religion and rituals in Europe since prehistoric times. Atala (which means « Atlantis », the white Island) is a website dedicated to articles related to prehistory, and more specifically to Marie Cachet’s unique theory about the Neanderthal and Homo Sapiens hybridization. Atala also discusses the consequences related to the hybridization for the European man, and especially the unique cultural and moral heritage that still comes to us from the Neanderthal man, our true and almost only ancestor. Indeed, Neanderthal religion and philosophy (especially linked to the cult of the Bear, which, far from being a superstition is a complex and deep cult) have had a central but sometimes invisible role in all European religions and cultures. Through my research I traveled back in time, to a kind of Golden Age and I invite you to understand with me this unique cult, which explain the well known rock carvings, all our mythology, our classical fairy tales, the Parsifal tale, the myth of Atlantis, our beloved Yule and a few rituals that still exist among us. This theory also explains the well-known Egyptian mythology andthe book of the dead, the European elements of Christianity and the whole European thought. The Bear Cult is like a key. As an introduction to this “cultural” part of the Neanderthal theory, we created the film Forebears, which will be available in March 2013. www.atala.fr

“I am Yesterday, I know Tomorrow”


A jel ti znaš za ovaj film? Pa ovo je prejako! Vikernes family vacation!
:kdp: Edited by Syme
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Kraftwerk je jedan od fundamenata industriala. Ako se pitas za Ruse, tacnije Rusa:Prvi je korisitio elektrosnki uredjaj na koncertima sa filharmonijom i uticao mnogo na eksperimentalnu muziku odakle se razvio industrial. Ukucaj Theremin pa ces videti koliko je on uticao na razlicite muzicare na zapadu, mislim da je i Kraftwerk medju njima. I, koliko znam nije bio kompozitor nego fizicar sa Instittuta Fizicke-tehnike, u tada jos Petrogradu, gde je i razvio instrument radeci na visokim frekvencijama. To je odmah posle Revolucije bilo nomralno da se forsira avangarda. Mozda jednom :lolol: napisem koju o razvoju umetnosti odmah posle Revolucije u Rusiji. U stvari, pocelo je pre Revolucije ali da ne sirim pricu ovde. Mada sam vec pisao o tome ,delimicno, na temi o arhitekturi. Vrlo je zanimljivo. :)
A, ok, mislio sam da govoriš o industrial metalu samo, pa mi na pamet padao tek Sasha K. (KMFDM)
Nako.edit: zapravo, ja sam mišljenja da svi ti stariji metal bendovi treba lepo da se raspadnu, metal je zatvorena forma, nema tu šta više da se pruži osim recikliranja rifova, a na tom terenu može sad da te bije bilo koji novi bend. Uostalom, pričali smo već o Mejdenima posle Seventh Son... itd. Penzija i doviđenja, nema novih albuma, uvek rizikuješ da ispadneš smešan kao Metallica pa da sa okoštalim mozgom metalca probaš šatro nešto drugo, a ono ispadne smešni bastard.
U načelu se slažem, ali mi je strano i nejasno to sveprisutno ismevanje post-Blek Metalike. Bilo je tu sjajnih i vrlo trendi stvari. Edited by dillinger
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U načelu se slažem, ali mi je strano i nejasno to sveprisutno ismevanje post-Blek Metalike. Bilo je tu sjajnih i vrlo trendi stvari.
+1Ali ipak te stavljam na PPProbavitu :)On topic, tj, povodom novog Sabbatha, meni je ova pesma pregenijalna. Jeste Planet Caravan 2013, ali meni ne smeta.http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e5YT87Zo8Lk Edited by Syme
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+1Ali ipak te stavljam na PPProbavitu :)
Lulu! :lolol:Hm....pustinjsko-južnjački izlet sa Load-om. Ekstra album. Zatim neke fine obrade (npr. Astronomy :wub:) . Sa Reloada i St.Angera samo singlovi i...to je to štos mene tiče*
Edited by dillinger
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:lolol:Ali u pravu je. Tamo neki žandarmi iz San Tropea moraju da ispune normu, pa odmah udarili na usual suspects. A verovatno posle Brejvika postoji manja tolerancija prema toj vrsti ludila.INače, čitam sad malo šta piše Vargec o svojim počecima i stvarno je zanimljivo, koliko već rantovi mogu da budu zanimljivi. Nisam znao da je rani Paradise Lost toliko uticao na njega. Ali pazi šta je najzanimljivije, koliko beži od etikete rokenrola i bilo kakve veze svoje muzike sa rokenrolom. On ne želi da shvati prostu stvar da čak i kad se oblačiš u viteza, baviš se starom paganskom relgijom i koketiraš sa klasikom, ti opet praviš samo jednu varijantu pop i rok muzike. Ali ne, on valjda hoće da veruje da je to što radi direktno iz dubina paganske prošlosti. Valjda je tu negde i suština njegove posađanosti sa svetom.

The magic was necessary only because I wasn't satisfied with the real world. There was no adventure, no fear or trolls, dragons or undead creatures. No magic. So I figured I had to create the magic myself. It was very sad to see that this magic was ruined or at least reduced in 1993, when the media started to write about it, and a lot of former country, rock and Death Metal bands in Norway suddenly dyed their hair black and started to wear corpse-paint and play Black Metal; to become famous, to make money and to get laid - and not to change the world. They didn't seem to think about magic, that is for sure, but in their defense I must say they weren't shown much magic either. The media twisted everything beyond recognition, like they always do. The new bands made Black Metal become a part of the modern world, rather than revolt against it, like they should have done. Maybe they felt attracted to it because the magic worked, because they felt attracted to something that was special. I don't know. I just know that I don't appreciate what it has turned into; just another unimaginative "sex, drugs, and rock'n'roll" subculture in and a part of the modern world. It has become part of the "bread and circus" of the oppressors - it has become a part of the problem.My hope would be that Burzum could inspire people to wish for a new and better reality in the real world, and hopefully do something about it. Maybe revolt against the modern world, by refusing to participate in the rape of Mother Earth, by refusing to participate in the murder of our European race, by refusing to become a part of any of these artificial media-created "rock'n'roll" subcultures, and by building new and healthy communities, where the Pagan culture - and magic if You like - can be cultivated.
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:lolol:Ali u pravu je. Tamo neki žandarmi iz San Tropea moraju da ispune normu, pa odmah udarili na usual suspects. A verovatno posle Brejvika postoji manja tolerancija prema toj vrsti ludila.INače, čitam sad malo šta piše Vargec o svojim počecima i stvarno je zanimljivo, koliko već rantovi mogu da budu zanimljivi. Nisam znao da je rani Paradise Lost toliko uticao na njega. Ali pazi šta je najzanimljivije, koliko beži od etikete rokenrola i bilo kakve veze svoje muzike sa rokenrolom. On ne želi da shvati prostu stvar da čak i kad se oblačiš u viteza, baviš se starom paganskom relgijom i koketiraš sa klasikom, ti opet praviš samo jednu varijantu pop i rok muzike. Ali ne, on valjda hoće da veruje da je to što radi direktno iz dubina paganske prošlosti. Valjda je tu negde i suština njegove posađanosti sa svetom.
pa da, to je ono kad kim kaze ne mozes da gradis partenon danas a da ne budes nacista. to se manje vise bukvalno primenjuje na vargovu opsednutost nordijskim neopaganizmom. nece covek da pusti svoj objekat zudnje no matter what. a pritom postoje organizacije koje se bave time (asatru i tome slicno) ali iste mu se ne bi svidele jerbo su tamo ljudi previse liberalni, integrisani u drustvo i kako bih reko - bivsi hipici. a on je jurodivi muzik koji ima licni prijemnik kojim hvata frekvencije asgarda. a sto je najgore rane 90te su bile highpoint generation hex-a, haos magije i ostalih vidova postmoderne magije - koja mu se takodje ne bi svidela.inace, on bezi od rokenrola samo zato sto je lumpen-gedzoslav ko i svi iz ranog norge bm kruzoka. rokenrol itekako ima ritualnu komponentu kao u antopoloskom i bukvalnom, tako i u usko-muzickom smislu i treba da budes tezak slepac da je ne uocis.http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AwzaifhSw2c
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a on je jurodivi muzik koji ima licni prijemnik kojim hvata frekvencije asgarda.
To! :0.6:U stvari, one je frustrirani straight white male koji je toliko čedo svoga vremena da je to strašno, i koji ne želi ezoteriju kao put iz sebe, u neki drugačiji svet, nego naprotiv, kao potvrdu onoga što je već odlučio da je ispravno. Da je car najveći na svetu, a da je za to što je middle aged, jobless, ex-con kriva jevrejska zavera.Pogledaj samo koliko resnatimana tu ima, Niče bi ga ubio od zajebancije, da su se kojim slučajem našli u istom društvu :)Pazi kad Judaizam naziva "Satanic religion"! :lolol: Jedan mali slave-moralist, koji se stalno žali da su divlji isterali pitome i da su mu drski i bezobzirni uzeli njegovo zasluženo mesto u društvu iako je on fin i lepo vaspitan! Ne lomite mu bagrenje!
Now, the question many naturally have is of course why? Why on Earth would they want to exterminate us? The answer is simply because we the brave, skilled, creative, inventive, intelligent and honourable Europeans stand in their way of world domination. We are the exact opposite of Jews; we are honest, kind and racially healthy, we object to injustice and cruelty, and we think lying and greed are bad things, and so forth. We would not have allowed their rule, and we are much stronger than them! They on the other hand have always been slavers, money-lenders and assassins, full of deceit, cruelty, greed and dishonesty, and they have cultivated these horrible traits through their Satanic religion. For 3000 years they even demanded that in order to become a Jew you had to kill an innocent child (usually through stoning). Those of them who refused, because they thought it was wrong and immoral, were themselves stoned to death (for "blasphemy", as this had been ordered by Jehovah, their demonic anti-god). Now, after 3000 years of this practise they had pretty effectively weeded out any genes for goodness, so to speak, in their cult, and they were left with a group of thoroughly rotten, cruel and bloodthirsty individuals. The Jews we know today descend from these Satanic anti-humans, and they continue a form of this practise today (in a manner too disgusting and despicable to discuss here), as expressed in different ways by Jews like Adam Lanza and Jeffrey Epstein, and a whole long list of others too (who of course are always presented to us by the Jewish-controlled media as "white men"), and this of course explains not only why they want to exterminate us, but also why they are so over-represented in every criminal or in other ways immoral activity and business in this world; in illegal drug trafficking, in slavery and human trafficking, in illegal organ smuggling, in weapons smuggling, in the banking system, in professional assassinations (like Murder Inc.), in child massacres, in politics, in the porn industry, in paedophile rings, in prostitution, and in all other criminal and repulsive activities. Israel itself is the spider in the web of organised crime all over the world! And I dare say; of course it is. Israel is their safe haven.
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