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mene je ovo zacudilo jer ajde sto mi nude kontakte sa maila, mada sam za neke siguran da ih odavno nemam ili nisam nikad imao na ovom mailu za koji je vezan fb nalog, nego mi nude kontakte iz telefonskog imenika, koji su izbrisani pre par godina i to iz telefona koji poodavno ne koristim i sa njega nisam pristupao fb nalogu pa najmanje dve godine.

i ne nisam prebacivao sim karticu iz tog u ovaj telefon koji koristim, pa da sam na taj nacin "povukao" kontakte

poslednje sto mi treba je da fb posalje zahteve ljudima sa kojima sam prekinuo kontakte pre nekoliko godina

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  • 2 weeks later...

cracked dot com je objavio članak pod nazivom "Your Neighbors Try To Murder You: 6 Realities In A Genocide", o tome kako je neki tada tinejdžer uspeo da se izbavi iz logora u prijedoru, i stave ga na fejsbuk. i neki car naše gore list objavi komentar - "We haven't killed enough." Kristijan Jovanović se zove ovaj heroj.

Ja to prijavim kao govor mržnje, i danas mi stiže odgovor - "Thank you for taking the time to report something that you feel may violate our Community Standards. Reports like yours are an important part of making Facebook a safe and welcoming environment. We reviewed the comment you reported for displaying hate speech and found it doesn't violate our Community Standards.
Please let us know if you see anything else that concerns you. We want to keep Facebook safe and welcoming for everyone."

nek mi se napuše kurca.

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Kod ovih tragedija treba mi jebena skripta za brisanje svih ljudski isprdaka iz tzv liste prijatelja na fejsbuku. Ovaj forum ovako sjeban kakav jeste je oaza normalnosti u srpskom internetu.  :puke:

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Imaš u donjem desnom ćošku tog istog gifa ikonicu, strelica koja ulazi u kvadrat, time ćeš otvoriti u posebnom prozoru (tabu, ustvari), odatle na tastaturi CTRL+S (ili ono pješice meni/file/save) i eto ga

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хех а ја размишљам да ли је чудно што сам на прву препознао да се ради о гифу/видеу где мачка пита где су му другари отишли иако нисам то видео већ пар година

Edited by Dionysos
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  • 3 weeks later...

Some 20 masked people attacked the German Facebook Headquarter in Hamburg yesterday. They smashed the windows front, left writings against Facebook on the building and threw smoke bombs. In a later statement the attackers condemned facebook for the collaboration with secret services and military, and as latest example the collaboration with European police against refugees. Moreover Facebook was condemned for its collaboration with transnational companies in manipulating users and finally (and listed first) facebook along with apple is accused of seting up pressure on women workers not to have children and freeze their cells in order to have them later.


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