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dva loša ubiše miloša:

The woman who accused a stranger she found on Facebook of rape - and how it ruined her victim's lifePUBLISHED: 22:11 GMT, 25 June 2013 | UPDATED: 22:11 GMT, 25 June 2013Given everything he has been through, one wonders how Philip McDonald can even bring himself to look at Facebook. True, he’s hyper-conscious about his security settings, but then, so would you be if you’d endured what he has over the past two years.For Philip, a polite and quietly spoken 26-year-old father-of-one, was plucked out of the blue by a total stranger who spotted his picture on the social networking site and decided to falsely accuse him of rape.In an act of inexplicable viciousness, 31-year-old fantasist Linsey Attridge chanced upon a photograph of Philip and his then 14-year-old brother James and used it to back up a story she’d concocted. She’d done it, apparently, in order to win some sympathy with her boyfriend, when she feared his affections were waning.http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2348532/The-woman-accused-stranger-Facebook-rape--ruined-victims-life.html
If you are worried about the US spying on you, you need to stop using Google and Facebook, Germany's top security official has warned.Internet users who fear their data is being intercepted by U.S. intelligence agencies such as the National Security Agency's should stay away from American websites run through American servers, Interior Minister Hans-Peter Friedrich said.Leaked revelations about the NSA’s wholesale information on foreign web users has prompted outrage in Europe and calls for tighter international rules on data protection.http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2354651/STOP-using-Google-Facebook-fear-US-spying-says-Germany.html
  • 1 month later...

ako niste znali zbog čega je meni život lep, a vaš kesa:

Što više koristite Fejsbuk, to ste tužniji?Fejsbuk je zamišljen kao mesto za povezivanje ljudi, ali se odavno priča o drugoj strani medalje i tome da je on još jedan zupčanik u sve glomaznijoj mašineriji otuđenja. Istraživački tim sa Univerziteta u Mičigenu veruje da je Fejsbuk i jedan od razloga za nesreću.Prema njihovom istraživanju, što češće češljate news feed, pregledate slike vaših prijatelja, ostavljate komentare ili lajkujete nešto na Fejsbuku, to su veće šanse da se osećate nesrećnim i nezadovoljnim sopstvenim životom.Iako tačni razlozi za to još nisu ustanovljeni, naučnici smatraju da nije tačno da se ljudi više okreću društvenim mrežama kada su tužni, već da su društvene mreže ono što je dobrim delom zaslužno za takvo osećanje."Zbog same prirode društvenih mreža, ljudi tamo najčešće izveštavaju o pozitivnim stvarima koje im se dešavaju u životu. Zato drugi korisnici mogu da steknu pogrešan utisak o tuđim životima i skloni su da poveruju da je njihov život lošiji u poređenju sa životima njihovih prijatelja, koji 'rade sve te divne stvari o kojima pišu'", kaže Oskar Ibara, psiholog sa Univerziteta Mičigen.http://www.b92.net/tehnopolis/internet.php?yyyy=2013&mm=08&nav_id=742852
Zbog same prirode društvenih mreža, ljudi tamo najčešće izveštavaju o pozitivnim stvarima koje im se dešavaju u životu. Zato drugi korisnici mogu da steknu pogrešan utisak o tuđim životima i skloni su da poveruju da je njihov život lošiji u poređenju sa životima njihovih prijatelja, koji 'rade sve te divne stvari o kojima pišu
Meni ovako isto od foruma. Prosto mi bude ylo kad vidim kako je nekima dobro.

Ja kad vidim kakve djakonije Gazza jede, odma se smorim. :(


a ja mislim da je ovaj forum istraživački tim sa univerziteta u mičigenu


How does Facebook have this information about you? Well, it’s all thanks to their automatic harvesting of information from email accounts and phones. Yes, all you need is one friend to search for friends using their email account or one friend to install an app on their phone. Bingo! There’s your Facebook shadow profile with your phone number and email addresses kept together to identify you later.If you have a Facebook account using your email or phone number, they will be linked together with information Facebook already has about you. Your public and semi-private information is stored alongside all of these details you never knew Facebook knew about you.This is what’s known as your “Shadow Profile” and it explains why you probably have one whether you use Facebook or not. Oh yes, Facebook says they don’t collect information about non-users. Do we believe that? Not really. And besides, with the amount of people who do have Facebook accounts, it’s already enough to worry about.

  • 4 weeks later...

trebalo je malo vremena, ali nikad nije kasno da ipsiloni nauče ono što su alfe oduvek znale. :fantom:

Facebook users are quitting the social network in droves due to privacy concerns and fear of internet addiction, according to new research.Increasing numbers are taking part in what's been dubbed 'virtual identity suicide' and deleting their accounts. Analysis of more than 600 people, by researchers from the University of Vienna, found that data protection issues and social pressure to add friends were also among the reasons for leaving.Others quoted shallow conversations, general dissatisfaction and loss of interest in the site.Earlier this year research showed Facebook had lost nine million monthly users in the United States and two million in Britain.

In the playground, I interviewed a brave group of seven bright boys and girls aged 14-15 to ascertain in more detail what online porn they had witnessed.One boy calmly recalled watching a scene too graphic to describe in a family newspaper, but which had involved an animal.'You're watching bestiality?' I asked. 'That's illegal. Where are you getting this stuff from?''Facebook,' the boy said. 'It just pops up whether you want it or not, sometimes via advertisements. You don't have any control over it.'A girl added, 'On Facebook, you just scroll down and it's there. If any of your friends like it, it comes up on your home page.'These kids were balanced, smart and savvy. They were the most academically gifted and sporting in the school. They came from ordinary, hard-working households. This was not 'Broken Britain'.Some were clearly shocked by what they had seen on the internet.'I find it dirty and disturbing,' said one 15-year-old boy. 'I try not to look at it, but people just keep sending it to each other.They email disgusting links to each other's mobile phones to shock.'One girl put her head in her hands and said, 'It's just gross'.It's horrifying enough for parents to know that children can get porn via the internet. But to think they get it from Facebook - the social media currency that has become a universal must-have for teenagers globally - will strike terror into their hearts.

  • 4 weeks later...
Gruesome videos of people being beheaded by Jihadists and other extremists are to be allowed on Facebook again after the social network secretly changed its policy. The U.S. firm had banned footage of decapitation on its site in May citing concerns that it would cause long-term psychological damage.But the social network, which is open to anyone over the age of 13, now claims its users should be able to watch as long as they condemn these videos, not celebrate them. Suicide prevention charities today condemned the decision saying the material is 'psychologically destructive'.'It only takes seconds of exposure to such graphic material to leave a permanent trace - particularly in a young person's mind,' Dr Arthur Cassidy, who runs the Yellow Ribbon Program in Northern Ireland, said today.'The more graphic and colourful the material is, the more psychologically destructive it becomes.'The change in policy was brought in quietly and only discovered by a user who said Facebook was refusing to remove a page showing a clip of a masked man killing a woman.‘This is absolutely horrible, distasteful and needs to be removed... there are too many young minds that can see this. I'm 23 and I'm very disturbed after seeing a couple of seconds of it,’ wrote one user.Despite now allowing decapitation footage, the social network’s terms and condition, say it will continue to remove banned material including an exposed woman’s breasts.‘Photos that show a fully exposed breast where the child is not actively engaged in nursing do violate the Facebook Terms,’ the site said. Read more: http://www.dailymail...l#ixzz2iR1nDywd
  • 3 months later...
Does Facebook make you more or less lonely?

One study of adolescent Facebook users adolescents found that the motivation a person has for using Facebook can determine whether their use will make them more or less lonely. For those who used Facebook as a means of creating new friendships, loneliness decreased over a five-month period. But when Facebook was used as a way of compensating for a lack of social skills in face-to-face interactions, users were left feeling more lonely.


A Michigan study that looked at life satisfaction over a two-week period found that the more that people used Facebook, the more their life satisfaction declined. But the same wasn't the case when people used Facebook for directly engaging with their friends, through messaging, commenting on their friends' posts and responding to comments on their own post. As Cacioppo says, it depends on how you use it.


One of the reasons put forward as to why Facebook isn't a recipe for blissful social interaction, is that for many of us witnessing our close and not-so-close friends having fun, going on holidays and achieving many of the same goals we might have can actually make us jealous and full of envy.

  • 4 months later...

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