May 13, 200915 yr Pa, stvarno dobra epizoda. Nekoliko neočekivanih momenata, JJAbrams baš voli da zakuva radnju na kraju sezone, pa da sa nestrpljenjem očekuješ nastavak.
May 14, 200915 yr Upravo obrnuto, Fringe je ono što je X-Files trebao biti. Neuporedivo bolja i konkretnija serija, što se mene tiče. Naravno, teško da može dostići kultni status kakav ima X-Files, ali šta to mene briga...S obzirom da je glavna osovina Fringea direktno prekopirana iz X-Filesa, a da serija pada na najelementarnim stvarima, mlaka je i bezlichna, ne bih te dve serije stavljao u takav poredak. Ukratko, serija uzima frishki pochetak X-Filesa i nadogradjuje ga stupidnim i besmislenim finishom te serije - mada bi mozda preciznije bilo, s obzirom na jednog od glavnih likova, reci da je ovo Dawson Creekovan X-Files. Ne rachunajuci glavnu glumicu, chiji su povremeni momenti golotinje nedovoljni da nadomeste ukupan utisak, jedini zanimljiv lik je, logichno za ovaj Dawson's Creek sveta zavera, najruzniji, tj. Walter, ali ni on tako zanimljiv (i ruzan) nije dovoljan da podigne nivo ove serije na zadovoljavajuci nivo. Mozda sam malo preterao, jer mi je prvobitno bilo relativno zanimljiva, ali mislim da je za scenariste koji se muche da izmeste osobu X iz tachke A u tachku B na neki iole smislen nachin, zaista prevelik zalogaj smishljanje globalne zavere shachice poludelih znanstvenika.
May 14, 200915 yr for serija:=A to Z do write "serija pada na najelementarnijim stvarima, mlaka je i bezlična, a scenaristi se muče da izmeste osobu X iz tačke A u tačku B"
May 14, 200915 yr Dopada mi se kraj prve sezone, zabavna je serija, mislim da nije potrebno da joj se toliko ozbiljno pristupa.
May 16, 200915 yr Abrams said the he and the producers already have some "cool ideas" for season two. "I think that season two should be pretty great, pretty dynamic," he said. "We have some cool ideas. I'm very excited about that. I'm proud of the group. My only regret is I wish we could have stayed shooting in New York. We had a terrific crew. That's the one thing I'd wish we'd be able to do differently. It's a show that's still, as it's going, evolving. Finding the balance between relatable characters and absolute science fiction takes a while, but I think we're getting there."Fringe will move production to Vancouver, Canada, after losing tax incentives to film in New York's Manhattan and nearby Silvercup Studios on Long Island.Abrams confessed that he has had very little do with his other TV series, ABC's Lost. "It really is Damon [Lindelof] and Carlton [Cuse] and Jack Bender [on Lost]," Abrams said. "They really are running that show and doing a spectacular job. There's nothing else like it on TV, and I think it's in all ways due to the work that Damon and gang do every week. They're incredible. My involvement in the show is zero now. Having focused on Star Trek and Cloverfield and Fringe, they haven't needed me at all, and they've made the show better and better every year."Meanwhile, Fringe cast member John Noble ("Walter Bishop") told SCI FI Wire to expect his character to come face to face with William Bell in the show's second season. Leonard Nimoy plays Bishop's former partner Bell, but in the season finale only has scenes with Olivia Dunham (Anna Torv)."Next year, oh, absolutely, it's critical," Noble said in an exclusive interview last Thursday in Hollywood, where he sat on a panel for the show at the Paley Festival. "It's critical that they get together. I can't wait. Nothing this season, but I imagine there will be some fantastic scenes between Bell and Bishop. Bishop's never been in the room with his intellectual equal so far. Suddenly there's Bell, who's as smart as him. That's going to be fascinating. The writers will have a ball with that." One episode of the second season is already in the can, even though Fox has not officially picked up the series. Joshua Jackson, who plays Peter Bishop, told SCI FI Wire not to read too much into that."[it's] for boring reasons," Jackson said in a separate interview. "They only had 22 airdates for our show this year, but they ordered 23 episodes, so we shot one for next year, which is just silly TV network stuff. It's not for any cool reason like we had something we needed in New York that we couldn't shoot elsewhere. It's just an accounting issue."Show runner Jeff Pinkner explained how the 23rd episode would fit into a second season. "It won't be the first episode, and it probably won't be the second, but it'll be somewhere in the first batch of episodes," Pinkner said in a separate interview. "It's a stand-alone, but it still honors the condition that we know it will fall into the world."Torv admitted that she was confused by the whole schedule. "That's why I'm getting confused, because that was the last episode that we shot, but that wasn't the finale," she said.Pinkner added that a second season would make more use of Blair Brown as Massive Dynamic's Nina Sharp. The end of season one will set her up for a more prominent role. "Blair Brown is very much a part of the show," Pinkner said. "The story we're telling thus far hasn't gone through her character every week, but she's sort of around on the perimeter. We're going to find out that she has a lot more knowledge of the condition of the show than we've revealed thus far, and she's a big part of our plans going forward." Edited May 16, 200915 yr by Filipenko
June 5, 200915 yr Malo su se zajebali sa onim alternativnim naslovima u novinama.Ajde Kenedi, ajde nova Bela kuća, ali pokojni Len Bias bi sada imao oko četiri ipo banke i teško da bi se uopšte bavio košarkom, a kamoli da bude MVP finala.. A po Vilijemu Belu vidimo da tehnologija za podmlađivanje ne postoji.
June 5, 200915 yr Malo su se zajebali sa onim alternativnim naslovima u novinama.Ajde Kenedi, ajde nova Bela kuća, ali pokojni Len Bias bi sada imao oko četiri ipo banke i teško da bi se uopšte bavio košarkom, a kamoli da bude MVP finala.. A po Vilijemu Belu vidimo da tehnologija za podmlađivanje ne postoji.Pa mоžda je i to, a možda sve to služi da pokaže da se sve pomerilo u prostorvremenskom koordinatnom sistemu, a ne samo prostornom. Btw, koliko sam skapirao, ovo je bilo finale sezone, ali sam negde video da treba da ima 22 epizode, pa ako bi mi neka dobra duša razjasnila diskrepanciju.Inače, serija mi je skroz super. Nije veća od života da umreš za nju, ali je zarazna, zanimljiva i lepo snimljena i zamišljena, sa zdravom dozom SF-a, paranoje, melodrame i komedije za TV. A i sad bi mi bilo čudno da gledam neku seriju bez Sedrika. :D
June 5, 200915 yr Ja prvi put čujem za 22 epizode, bilo bi besmisleno da onakav kraj ne bude kraj sezone :)A što se tiče pomeranja u prostorvremenskom koordinatnom sistemu, ko zna, Vilijem Bel ionako izgleda kao da ima jedno 110-120 godina :)
June 5, 200915 yr Ja prvi put čujem za 22 epizode, bilo bi besmisleno da onakav kraj ne bude kraj sezone :)A što se tiče pomeranja u prostorvremenskom koordinatnom sistemu, ko zna, Vilijem Bel ionako izgleda kao da ima jedno 110-120 godina :)Da, 20 epizoda, sad sam i ja malo prekopao.
June 5, 200915 yr Snimljena je 21 epizoda. Ta jedna će biti emitovana u sklopu druge sezone, i to ne kao prva, već treća ili četvrta ili tako već nekako.
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