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Ako sad još jednom spomenu da je mići Peter već jednom riknuo, i to im opet bude jedina indicija da postoji neki backstory (Pattern je naravno već zaboravljen) isuse.gif.. neću više uopće mažnjavat to s torrenta prvi dan nakon emitiranja. Nego neki drugi! angry.gifA izgleda mi da će biti tako, nž.

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josh prilike za one koji kukaju za glavnom prichom... pretpostavljam da ce se ona nastaviti sledece nedelje jer posle sledi dva meseca pauze.inache, meni je bila ok epizoda.

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meni jedna od boljih 'sporednih' epizoda u ovoj sezoni. ali mogli bi u takvim epizodama makar na kashichicu da nam daju i dio glavne priche, umjesto ovako...

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- ma koja glavna priča, scenaristi nemaju neki plan već izmišljaju u hodu, u prvoj sezoni su nabacali nekoliko mogućih pravaca u kojima će ići razvoj serije, onda se naizgled odlučili za 1 a sada imaju problem da realizuju više od 3-4 epizode vezane za glavnu priču pre nego što im ponestane ideja- barem sam ja stekao takav utisak

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Dosta mi je više "solidnih" epizoda,hoću da se nešto desi, da se ponovo pojavi neko od bitnih likova , ako niko drugi, ona gospođa sa veštačkom rukom. Još ako bude pauza od 2 meseca, potpuno ću izgubiti nit priče.

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Sve mi se čini da neće biti ni stavljeni pred tu stisku da svežu te konce, ova sezona će biti zadnja. Nadam se da Anna poslije toga neće moć neko vrijeme nać angažmana i pa bu se skinula za Plazboz, ili bar za FHM, nešto slično kao onaj Poppy Montgomery spred..

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Prvo virusi, sada nacistički naučnici - ovo kao da su mene pitali o čemu da snimaju. Ako sledeća bude o nekoj tajnoj okultnoj organizaciji, znaću da me snimaju. angry.gif Nego, šta kažu znalci, ima li šanse da se ovo nastavi?Našao nešto i ne obećava baš:

Just when "Fringe" fans didn't need any more bad news, they're getting it.Sources have told The Futon Critic that the show starring Anna Torv, Joshua Jackson and John Noble, will go on hiatus for seven weeks beginning in February, and won't return until April. Instead, Fox intends to air "Past Life" in the slot, a show that has had its own struggles, focusing on a group of detectives who explore past lives of various characters."Past Life" was supposed to air Tuesdays following "American Idol" at mid-season, but now appears to be making the jump to Thursdays after Fox reduced its order from 13 to seven.Getting pulled for sweeps is not good news for any series, and "Fringe" is definitely on a very large bubble that is getting ready to pop. After pulling in a respectable 6.3 ratings/10 share average in its first season, "Fringe" has fallen hard since moving from Tuesdays to Thursdays, averaging a 3.7/6 so far this season, or just 60 percent of its original audience.Fox has acknowledged that "Fringe" is on a tough night against shows like "CSI" on CBS and "Grey's Anatomy" on ABC, according to producers of the show, but that might not be enough to save it. Fox also pulled "Dollhouse" off its schedule in time for November sweeps, and then canceled the show a short time later.But "Fringe" will get some sweeps treatment. The show will return in April, and is expected to run uninterrupted through the May sweeps period. However, many observers say that "Fringe's" audience will have to improve rapidly (or hope that "Past Life" has similar struggles in the Thursday timeslot) if it even wants a chance at a third season."Fringe" airs Thursdays at 9 p.m. ET on Fox.

Edited by Lrd
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najava za novu epizodu na fejzbuku:

Two worlds collide with disastrous results tonight on an all-new episode of #FRINGE at 9/8c!
dakle, vrijeme je za glavnu prichu :)
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Dajte mi broj posljednje 2 epizode, formatirao sam disk i izgubio ih prije nego sto sam stigao da pogledam.
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