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3 minutes ago, Milošica said:

Kakav ti je Bekam?


Faca dok ne progovori :fantom:


  • +1 1
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Editovala sam jer je ozbiljan topic, biće već prilike da vređam Engleze.

  • Haha 5

Aaaa pa ovo je onaj Get him to the Greek ortak, sad moram ponovo da pogledam 

12 hours ago, Eleniko said:

koji ste vi meni carice i carevi, ja sam morao da guglam ko je russell brand


mada vrv samo brat @indy i ja ovde ne znamo ko je on /vršnjaci/


Znam ja ko je Rusty, ne gubim džabe ovoliko vreme po internetima. :D Zvuči gadno ovo zašta ga optužuju...   Šta znam, bio mi je malo simpatičan kao Youtuber, salonski revolucionar i te radnje, dok nije počeo da zanosi na antivax i asocirane nebuloze.

  • Wub 1
13 hours ago, Patty Lee said:

4 žene optužile Rasela Brenda za silovanje 





  • +1 1
26 minutes ago, Indy said:

Šta znam, bio mi je malo simpatičan kao Youtuber, salonski revolucionar i te radnje, dok nije počeo da zanosi na antivax i asocirane nebuloze.

Zaneo se na klikove, kao i mnogi drugi čiji se content menjao od 2020. naovamo. Daleko je on od budale koja ne zna šta radi. 

  • +1 2
Posted (edited)

Dani Minog o Brandu 2006:


"He is completely crazy and a bit of a vile predator. I certainly don't think he has cured his sex addiction, that's for sure. He wouldn't take no for an answer." (...)
"He always goes that step too far. Never quite far enough to slap his face, but usually too far." (...)

Dannii had gone onto Russell's show to talk about her new album The Hits & Beyond, which is out on Monday.

She said: "I was told he got sacked from MTV in the past for wearing an Osama bin Laden costume to work the day after September 11.

"I couldn't believe that I'd just agreed to be interviewed by someone who would do something like that, it really unnerved me.

"And then throughout the whole interview he kept making shocking remarks that I can't even repeat.

"Just uttering the words would make me blush."



Ima ovde sveža biografija sa svim skandalima koji su pratili tog lika:


Edited by vememah

podseća između redova na gorana bregovića, s tim da su kod njega stajale u redu ispred kuće a danas se za to podižu optužnice


a i brega je mogao da napravi nekakav svoj kult na romaniji u vreme kada su se tamo jahali divlji konji.


kakav bi to deep spiritual connection bio, da je to tada postojalo u zapadnom svetu


izvinite mator sam pa mogu samo te vintage reference.

  • +1 1
  • Haha 1

pardon my non english, šta znači horse moment.


nešto u vezi ketamina ili pak mnogo trivijalnije

4 minutes ago, Eleniko said:

pardon my non english, šta znači horse moment.


nešto u vezi ketamina ili pak mnogo trivijalnije

Ponudio je stjuardesi prema kojoj je bio… inappropriate, konja u zamenu za ćutanje umesto kao normalan čovek da joj ponudi džak para. Mislim na Elona Maska. Allegedly.

  • Hvala 1
Posted (edited)

Evo detalja tog slučaja:



Per the declaration, which was seen by Insider, Musk had summoned the flight attendant "for a full body massage" during which he was naked "except for a sheet covering the lower half of his body." 

The woman's claim, per the declaration, said that Musk exposed his penis, "touched her" and "offered to buy her a horse" if she were willing to perform a sex act. The woman, per her friend's account, rode horses.

"He whipped out his penis, it was erect," the friend said, describing the woman's claims. "And he started propositioning her, like he touched her thigh and told her he would buy her a horse. And he basically tried to bribe her to perform some sort of sexual favor."

Per the declaration, the woman turned down Musk's offer and continued with the massage without engaging in any sexual behavior.

According to Insider's reporting, SpaceX paid the flight attendant to settle the claim in exchange for a promise not to sue. Responding to Insider's request for comment, Musk said there is "a lot more to this story," while calling the piece "politically motivated." 


Edited by vememah

auh kako je jebanje postalo komplikovano u ova moderna vremena


srećom rodio sam se na vreme.

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