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Skinuh DVDR neke serije. Ima raznih titlova, ali nema BHS-a, a nekima baš on treba. Pitanje: da li može da se napravi da se ubaci titl u film/seriju koja se gleda sa DVD-a?
Da. Način zavisi od formata videa. Ako je u pitanju MPEG2 (VOB) ovo je jedan (star nekoliko godina, vjerovatno ima i lakših).

How To Add Subtitles to a DVD. (THE COMPLETE WORKING GUIDE). This guide will help you replace one of the subtitles provided with a DVD-Video disc with another one. Or, to be brief, it will give you the opportunity to have any language on your dvd.The whole process was done on a AMD Athlon XP @ 1.92 GHz and 256 MB of RAM.What software you will need is listed below (all are free software !!!):1. DVD Shrink 3.1.7 (for DVD-9 format DVDs)2. Subtitle Workshop 2.51 (to convert the subtitles from the .sub format to the .srt format for SRT2SUP)3. SRT2SUP 4.03 (to convert the subtitles from .srt to .sup dvd format subtitletitles)4. VobEdit 0.6 (to demux the .vob dvd files from the DVD, to sepparate audio video and subtitle files)5. IfoEdit 0.95 (to multiplex the audio, video and subtitles into a single PAL format DVD) - IfoEdit 0.96 is NOT reccomended as it is still in a beta phase.6. Rejig 0.5d (to multiplex everything back into a NTSC format DVD) - Rejig 5e is NOT reccomended, it caused errors during testings.7. SupRemap 4.04 (to set the colour of the subtitles)8. Nero Burning Rom 6 (to burn the result to a the DVD-R/DVD+R disc)!!! Be very carefull wheere you are going to do the whole process, as it will need about 14GB !!!!!! Create 4 folders: DVD required files, Original DVD, Demuxed DVD, Final DVD !!!Before beginning, verify with Nero InfoTool wether the DVD is a PAL or NTSC disc (Nero InfoTool is contained in the Nero Toolkit).STEP 1 - Copying the DVD on your HDD with DVD Shrink.Those who have a DVD-5 format DVD (4.7 GB), can copy the disc to HDD with classical copy and paste metod from the DVD-ROM to "Original DVD" folder and they can skip to STEP 2.a) Open DVD shrink, press the "Open Disc" button, and choose the dvd drive you want to use.b) The software will perform an analysis of the disc, and afterwards, will show the content of the DVD. You'll select on the right what you want to keep c) After having chosen everything you need, press the "Backup" button (of course you'll chose where to save the disc, and you also have an option to perform a more complex analysis). Wait for the program to copy everything to your drive, then close it.----Save the results of this step in the "Original DVD" folder----STEP 2 - Converting the subtitles.Be very carefull to the .sub or .srt format subtitles that you found, in order to prevent sync. problems after you finish the whole process. Here are a few tricks:1. If your DVD is in a PAL format try looking for a 25 fps subtitle. Wether the subtitle that you found is 25 fps compliant or not, can be easily checked with Subtitle Workshop. Open the program, set on the left INPUT FPS 25 and then select File > Load subtitle from the File menu, and load the subtitle. If it's in a .srt format, it will display timings in front of every row, and if it's a .sub format, it will display frames. In that case, select on left Mode > Time. Be very carefull at the timings, when it's starts displaying and when it's stops (e.g. first row 00:00:52,400 - 00:00:56,240, last row 01:25:46,640 - 01:25:47,560), note somewhere in case you forget. Now open the DVD movie with a PC player and pay attention to the timing of the first dialogue and the last one (end of movie). If everything coresponds to the timing showed in Subtitletitle Workshop, you can start working.2. If your movie is in NTSC format, try searching for the 29.970 fps subtitles. The rest is just as above, but replace 25 fps with 29.970 fps.3. If you haven't been able to find a proper subtitletitle try converting one with the help of some subtitletitles converting guides.a) Assume you obtained a subtitle in a .sub format. You'll have to convert it in .srt format. IF YOU ALREADY HAVE THE SUBTITLE IN .SRT FORMAT SKIP TO SECTION b)!!! Open Subtitle Workshop, on the left side set Input FPS to the value of 25 for DVD PAL (see image 2) and then go to File > Load Subtitle and open the subtitle. Here, optionally you'll be able to modify the text. Don't forget to select on the left the FPS, before saving. In case you want diacritics (central european encoded character set) set the region as well (East Europe for Romania). After making sure the subtitles are as you wanted, go to File > Save as and a new window will be displayed where you can select the .srt format (SubRip) b) Open SRT2SUP and go to the SRT File menu and select Open as text then load the subtitles in a .srt format. A new window will be displayed, select OK and the subtitle will be loaded. Go to the Settings > Global menu. At Global Font, select the desired font, and set the size to 18 or 20. Try not to set a font that is too large (I chose Verdana size 18). Be carefull to set PAL or NTSC over there as well, depending on the format of the movie. In the main window, on the right where the text is displayed, click the "All" button to check all the rows of the subtitle. If everything is ok, go to the SUP File > Save menu and save the subtitle under any name with the .sup extension.c) At the end of the conversion don't forget to write down in a text file called "IFO Colours" the IFO colours for the DVD compatibility. They are generated on the bottom side of the program (see image 3), write down only what's between the brackets.[10 80 80] - black[10 80 80] - black[EB 80 80] - white[b4 80 80] - silver--------------------Warning. Unless you have sufficient RAM (minimum 256 MB), don't run any other programs during the conversion with SRT2SUP, as it has a bug that makes the used memory increase by every second. The conversion takes about 4 minutes, and the memory usage reaches about 50 megs.------------------------Save the results in the "DVD REQUIRED FILES" folder----STEP 3 - Splitting the DVD in sepparate audio, video and subtitle files.a) Open VobEdit, select Open and open the VTS_1_0.VOB from the folder where you saved your DVD with DVD Shrink in step 1.b) Press Demux and in the displayed window select exactly as show and press OK. c) De demuxing operation will commence, should take around 10 minutes. In the end, you'll obtain a .mv2 video file, .ac3 and .dts audio files (if it contains dts soundtracks) and .sup files, wich are the subtitles.d) Once it's done, you'll take from the "DVD required files" folder the subtitle (in the .sup format obtained in step 2), you'll rename it identically and replace it with one of the subtitles of the DVD from the "Demuxed DVD" folder. --------------------Warning: Don't panic if you see the process going over 100%, just let it finish the job.------------------------Save the result in the "Demuxed DVD" folder----STEP 4 - Multiplexing the files from STEP 3.a) Open the Ifoedit program, select the VTS_1_0.VOB file from the "Original DVD" folder. On the bottom side select the third row (VTS_PGCITI), and a "+" should be displayed in front of it, press it and you should now see another line (VTS_PGC_1). Select it and go to the Tools menu, select Save Cell Times to file, and save it to the "DVD Required files" folder. The result is a .txt file named CellTimes wich contains the chapters of the DVD. Close Ifoedit.ONLY FOR PALb) Open Ifoedit again, go directly to the DVD Authoring menu and press Author new DVD. In the newly displayed window, you'll input one by one as shown in image 9 (see image 7), from the "Demuxed DVD" folder, the video file (.mv2) the audio files (.ac3 and .dts) and the subtitles (.sup), and add the CellTimes file from "DVD required files" folder.IMAGE 7 After that, you'll choose where you want it to save the final movie ("Final DVD" folder). Now press one at a time each audio file and each subtitle and on the left select its language. Press OK and wait for the demux process to finish. Should take around 20-25 minutes.ONLY FOR NTSCc) Open Rejig, press DVD authoring and in the window displayed you'll input one at a time as in image 9 above, from the "Demuxed DVD" folder, the video (.mv2), audio (.ac3 and .dts) and subtitle files (.sup) and add the CellTimes file from the "DVD required files" folder. After that, choose where you want it to save your final movie ("Final DVD" folder). Now press one at a time each audio and subtitle file, and on its left select the language. Don't forget to set in front of the chapters NTSC (see image .IMAGE 8 Press CREATE button and wait for the process to finish, wich has 4 processes ( multiplex, multiplex subtitles, create DVD files, create DVD files). Should take around 40 minutes to complete.--------------------Warning: DO NOT change the name of the CellTimes.txt file or its content, because during the multiplex process, Ifoedit and Rejig will crash.----------------------------------------Warning: During the DVD Authoring/multiplex, it is reccomended not to run any other software, and to close before the process starts all the programs that aren't necesarry, because both Ifoedit and Rejig use about 100 MB of RAM.--------------------STEP 5 - Replacing and modifying the .ifo, .vob, .BUP files. Final settings. ReAuthoring.Everything is almost set now. In this step we'll make a few very important settings in order to make the DVD work fully. a) We'll cut (move) from the "Final DVD" folder the .vob files that contain the movie (e.g. VTS_1_1.VOB, VTS_1_2.VOB, VTS_1_3.VOB, VTS_1_4.VOB etc) and paste them over the ones in the "Original DVD" folder. Then erase the .ifo and .bup files left in the "Final DVD" folder, so that is remains empty.b) Open the SupRemap program, press the second tab (IFO file) and open the VTS_01_0.IFO file from the "original DVD" folder. Now modify the first colours on the left side as shown in image 9 (see image 9).IMAGE 9 According to the colours in the IFO Colours.txt file (from STEP 2 ,section c), that you'll find in the "DVD Required files". Now click Save IFO and close SupRemap.c) Open Ifoedit and load all the .ifo files from the "Original DVD" folder one at a time, starting with the first one (VTS_01_0.IFO) and finising with the last one, EXCEPT VIDEO_TS.IFO. When opened, they will extend automatically, press the "-" in front of them and they'll be restored to a compact display. Now you are going to select each IFO file at a time starting with the last one and press VOB Extract button, and in the window displayed, just select the destination folder ("Final DVD") just like in the image 10 (see image 10),IMAGE 10 don't modify anything else, just press OK and than a new window is shown, where you have to check what you want to keep (audio, subtitles), but those are usually already checked, and what is left out isn't checked (e.g. the subtitles or audio that you didn't chose it with DVD shrink). If there is anything left in that list that you know you'll need, check it (see image 11).IMAGE 11 Press Strip it button and wait for the process to end. Once it's done a new window will be displayed showing that it's done.IMAGE 12 Press OK and then it will automatically create the VIDEO_TS.IFO file that will show up in the main window as well, underneath the rest of the .ifo files. Do the same for the rest of the .ifo files. After each one, the program will generate under the rest a VIDEO_TS.IFO file. Once you're done with all the files, close the program. DON'T DO ANITHING TO THE VIDEO_TS.IFO files.d) Open Ifoedit and select Open button, then open VIDEO_TS.IFO from the "Final DVD" folder, press Get VTS Sectors and click OK in all the windows that pop up. Close Ifoedit.STEP 6 - Burning DVD.Now everything is ok. The movie with the desired language subtitles should be in the "Final DVD" folder, and after checking it with a PC DVD Player (Media Player classic, PowerDVD, etc.) you can write it on a Blank DVD with Nero Burning Rom by using the DVD-Video option, and view it on any Standalone DVD Player (with your own language now !!!)

Probao sam ga par puta, davno, i nije bilo problema. Valjda još radi.


Laptop Intel Celeron.. Koja tri dugmića treba da pritisnem za pojačanje ili smanjenje tona?Ponekad mi se dešava da raspoloživi raspon volume nije dovoljan da se ton snimka pojača da bi se slušao bez naprezanja uha, pa bih da ga pojačamna ovaj način. I koja tehnika ide? Pritisnuti prvo, drugo, treće, pa otpustiti sva tri zajedno ili..? p.s. jedanput mi je serviser to demonstrirao, ali nabrzaka, pa nisam stigla da zapamtila, osim dase radi o neka dva tastera iz donjeg reda levo na tastaturi i jednom "F" za pojačanje, a drugiomza smanjenje tona, iz gornjeg prvog reda.

Znači, dobio sam link ka jednom youtube klipu (insertu iz holivudskog filma).Kad sam otišao na YT, dobio sam poruku "This video is not available in your country due to copyright restrictions.".Sticajem okolnosti, taj klip ne postoji nigde više nigde na YT.Može li to da se zaobiđe (neki free proxy)?
Try dis.

kaki je ovaj sophos antivirus? bolji od kasperskog?

Laptop Intel Celeron.. Koja tri dugmića treba da pritisnem za pojačanje ili smanjenje tona?Ponekad mi se dešava da raspoloživi raspon volume nije dovoljan da se ton snimka pojača da bi se slušao bez naprezanja uha, pa bih da ga pojačamna ovaj način. I koja tehnika ide? Pritisnuti prvo, drugo, treće, pa otpustiti sva tri zajedno ili..? p.s. jedanput mi je serviser to demonstrirao, ali nabrzaka, pa nisam stigla da zapamtila, osim dase radi o neka dva tastera iz donjeg reda levo na tastaturi i jednom "F" za pojačanje, a drugiomza smanjenje tona, iz gornjeg prvog reda.
hmmm...Fn + F sa slikom zvucnika i plusucem :)Generalno je preko F4 ali zavisi od modela, i skoro uvekj je obelezeno istom bojom kao i Fn, pa da znas sta cime aktiviras
hmmm...Fn + F sa slikom zvucnika i plusucem :)Generalno je preko F4 ali zavisi od modela, i skoro uvekj je obelezeno istom bojom kao i Fn, pa da znas sta cime aktiviras
Kakve boje? Svi su mi tasteri u crnoj boji i s belim znacima.A tasteri sa F i nečim što liči na zvučnik su mi na f9, f11 i f12.

So, F9 mute sigurica, a 11 i 12 gore dole, probaj, neće ništa loše da se desi....hihihi...samo klikći... :)

kaki je ovaj sophos antivirus? bolji od kasperskog?

Znalci, hitna pomoć. Valja li ovo za kućni desktop?

Procesor AMD Athlon™ II X4 620Matična ploča ASUS M2A74-AM SEMemorija Transcend 3GB DDR2 800MHzGrafička kartica VERTEX ATI Radeon HD 4350 512M DDR2Hard Disk Western Digital 320GB 7200 8MB SATAIIKućište MS Industrial MIDI Case ARES 400W PLATINUMOptički uređaj Sony DVD RW Dual Layer

Kaj buš s njim delal?Ako ćeš se igrati, digni grafiku barem na 4770 ili 4850 (one sad mogu jeftino da se nađu).Ostalo je ok "za sve pomalo".

Znalci, hitna pomoć. Valja li ovo za kućni desktop?
Ne znam kol'ko para hoće, ali za kućni desktop je sasvim OK.

250e. Upravo treba "za sve pomalo". Ništa igre, pre svega filmovi, net, muzika i malo Photoshop.

Posted (edited)

Onda je i više nego dovoljno.Eventualn, ali *eventualno* da proveriš koji je to wd disk, pošto wd plasira black, blue i green seriju (redosled po performansama i ceni), pa ako je u pitanju green, uzmi radije blue, prosto zbog performansi. Hard disk je i dalje najgore usko grlo u računaru i ništa toliko ne ubrzava rad u "svemu pomalo" kao brži disk.

Edited by Razzmatazz

Zvao ih i pitao dal je black/blue/green. Odgovor je očekivan: "A?!" :lol: U svakom slučaju naručio. Hvala na pomoći.

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