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Trump - hoće li biti impeachment ili 8 godina drugačijeg predsednikovanja?


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On 23.10.2020. at 18:33, Gandalf said:

Džimi Dor je 911/Seth Rich/Sarin/JFK istinoljubac. malouman ili lud ili oba.

Eto neka si ga ti diskvalifikovao, samo sto je rekao istinu  o najvecoj prevari koju je svet ikada video i upoznao :thumbsup:

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On 23.10.2020. at 18:06, iDemo said:

Nisam znao da je pio (i ovu) vodu. Svaka mu cast za hrabrost, ne?

Inace, takve stvari (kao Flint water supply/distribution system) su zanemarivane decenijama, ni to ni njegovo ni od juce...

Osam godina je bio presednik i nista nije ucinio da promeni nesto, guverner je iz njegove stranke , popio vodu:laugh:

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24 minutes ago, Micko8 said:

Osam godina je bio presednik i nista nije ucinio da promeni nesto, guverner je iz njegove stranke , popio vodu:laugh:

Pratio sam Flint jery 'struka' a njega stvarno nisam nesto pratio ni onda ni posle. Malo me sramota za tu Nobelovu nagradu sto je dobio al' dobro - gledajuci sta se posle desilo (Hilari vs Tramp) i on je bio dobar™. 

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3 hours ago, Tsai said:

Proshla Ejmi u vrhovni sud. Protestantska talibanija u najavi

Stvarno neverovatno sta Trampara radi. Na koliko se povecao broj fundamentalnih protestanta u vrhovnom sudu posle ove konfirmacije? 

Edited by mandingo
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1 hour ago, mandingo said:

Stvarno neverovatno sta Trampara radi. Na koliko se povecao broj fundamentalnih protestanta u vrhovnom sudu posle ove konfirmacije? 

6 naprema 3.


I kao što već neko vrijeme ovdje upozoravam:


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On 23.10.2020. at 15:30, ObiW said:


Izgleda da već postoji knjiga sa naslovom koji ja volim da upotrebljavam za US - "The Best Democracy Money Can Buy", napisao Greg Palast u doba vladavine žbunovitog, 2002. Drugo poglavlje počinje nekim crticama iz Hjustona, a dalje idu neke interesantne činjenice od kojih sam za neke znao od ranije, a za neke nisam dosad čuo. Ako nisi već čitao, garantujem užitak, drugo poglavlje ovde.



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6 hours ago, Roger Sanchez said:

6 naprema 3.


I kao što već neko vrijeme ovdje upozoravam:


Ako fakticki pokusaju da ukradu izbore - Demsi ce izaci na ulice, nece priznati predsednika i njegov sud, a u doba covida i nastupajuce krize GOP i donatori time rizikuju sve. Morace da instaliraju diktaturu silom jer Kongres moze da blokira celu drzavu kroz budzet. Nije ovo 2000. - svima je jasno da je ovo biti ili ne biti a sud ima veoma nizak legitimitet za razliku od 2000.

Edited by Anduril
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U to ime, ovo je iz prvog poglavlja iz one knjige iz mog prethodnog posta a tiče se tih izbora iz 2000:


In the days following the presidential election, there were so many stories of African Americans erased from voter rolls you might think they were targeted by some kind of racial computer program. They were.

I have a copy of it: two silvery CD-ROM disks right out of the office computers of Florida Secretary of State Katherine Harris. Once decoded and flowed into a database, they make for interesting, if chilling, reading. They tell us how our president was elected – and it wasn’t by the voters.


Here’s how it worked: Mostly, the disks contain data on Florida citizens – 57,700 of them. In the months leading up to the November 2000 balloting, Florida Secretary of State Harris, in coordination with Governor Jeb Bush, ordered local elections supervisors to purge these 57,700 from voter registries. In Harris’s computers, they are named as felons who have no right to vote in Florida.


Thomas Cooper is on the list: criminal scum, bad guy, felon, attempted voter. The Harris hit list says Cooper was convicted of a felony on January 30, 2007.


You may suspect something’s wrong with the list. You’d be right. At least 90.2 percent of those on this “scrub” list, targeted to lose their civil rights, are innocent. Notably, over half – about 54 percent – are Black and Hispanic voters. Overwhelmingly, it is a list of Democrats.

Secretary of State Harris declared George W. Bush winner of Florida, and thereby president, by a plurality of 537 votes over Al Gore. Now do the arithmetic. Over 50,000 voters wrongly targeted by the purge, mostly Blacks. My BBC researchers reported that Gore lost at least 22,000 votes as a result of this smart little black-box operation.

The first reports of this extraordinary discovery ran, as you’d expect, on page one of the country’s leading paper. Unfortunately, it was in the wrong country: Britain. In the USA, it ran on page zero – the story was simply not covered in American newspapers. The theft of the presidential race in Florida also grabbed big television coverage. But again, it was the wrong continent: on BBC Television, broadcasting from London worldwide – everywhere, that is, but the USA.

Was this some off-the-wall story that the British press misreported? Hardly. The chief lawyer for the U.S. Civil Rights Commission called it the first hard evidence of a systematic attempt to disenfranchise Florida’s Black voters. So why was this story investigated, reported and broadcast only in Europe, for God’s sake? I’d like to know the answer. That way I could understand why a Southern California ho’daddy like me has to commute to England with his wife and kiddies to tell this and other stories about my country.

In this chapter, I take you along the path of the investigation, step by step, report by report, from false starts to unpretty conclusions. When I first broke the story, I had it wrong. Within weeks of the election, I said the Harris crew had tried to purge 8,000 voters. While that was enough to change the outcome of the election (and change history), I was way off. Now, after two years of peeling the Florida elections onion, we put the number of voters wrongly barred from voting at over 90,000, mostly Blacks and Hispanics, and by a wide majority, Democrats.


That will take us to the Big Question: Was it deliberate, this purge so fortunate for the Republicans? Or just an honest clerical error? Go back to the case of Thomas Cooper, Criminal of the Future. I counted 325 of these time-traveling bandits on one of Harris’s scrub lists. Clerical error? I dug back into the computers, the e-mail traffic in the Florida Department of Elections, part of the secretary of state’s office. And sure enough, the office clerks were screaming: They’d found a boatload like Mr. Cooper on the purge list, convicted in the future, in the next century, in the next millennium.


The jittery clerks wanted to know what to do. I thought I knew the answer. As a product of the Los Angeles school system, where I Pledged my Allegiance to the Flag every morning, I assumed that if someone was wrongly accused, the state would give them back their right to vote. But the Republican operatives had a better idea. They told the clerks to blank out the wacky conviction dates. That way, the county elections supervisors, already wary of the list, would be none the wiser. The Florida purge lists have over 4,000 blank conviction dates.


You’ve seen barely a hair of any of this in the U.S. media. Why? How did 100,000 U.S. journalists sent to cover the election fail to get the vote theft story (and preferably before the election)?



Edited by Gojko & Stojko
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Hahahahahaha 1,3 miliona ljudi u Viskonsinu je već glasalo, ljudi koji velikom većinom glasaju za Bajden. Glasanje tamo traje već cirka 2 nedelje, ali ne bilo bi super za demokrate da može da se glasa do nove godine recimo jer njihovi glasači ne izlaze na ulicu zbog pandemije osim kad idu na blm proteste, tad može sve. Ali taj vrhovni sud namešta izbore za Tranpa 

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38 minutes ago, Anduril said:

Ako fakticki pokusaju da ukradu izbore - Demsi ce izaci na ulice, nece priznati predsednika i njegov sud, a u doba covida i nastupajuce krize GOP i donatori time rizikuju sve. Morace da instaliraju diktaturu silom jer Kongres moze da blokira celu drzavu kroz budzet. Nije ovo 2000. - svima je jasno da je ovo biti ili ne biti a sud ima veoma nizak legitimitet za razliku od 2000.

Ti baš misliš da demokrati imaju kičmu i želju za fajt?


Što li te je dovelo u tu zabludu, pitam se? Gdje si u zadnjih četiri godine vidio ikakvo bitno suprotstavljanje i da je čuveno ''izlaženje na ulice'' značilo išta. Išta, igdje, bez toga da vojska/policija promijene stranu?


Zašto shutdown nije bio sada?


SCOTUS je već presudio u Wisconsinu, vrijeme za osporavanje Suda je sad. Umjesto toga, što, sad će priznati tu presudu, usto i priznati da je Amy sad legitimno instalirana, a onda kad uz bezrezervnu podršku vojske i policije na temelju nove 6-3 presude reinstaliraju Trampa, odjednom neće? Što će biti argument, oh no, no, no, this time we really don't like it, no, no, no, this is big, take it back?


Šanse da Biden položi predsjedničku zakletvu sljedeće godine sad su minimalne, bez obzira na rezultate. Game over.


Demokrati čekaju izbore da im simpatizerska većina naroda riješi sve probleme, jedini mali problem je što je igra na koju su stavili sve svoje nade sad pažljivo i detaljno namještena. Jbg, više sreće neki drugi put, možda nakon 8 godina?

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