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Потпуно си у праву да ће стари медији и државе покушавати да се одупру новом моделу. Мислим да је Канада прва повукла питање плаћања пореза јер Нетфликс зараду остварује на њиховој територији, а седиште му је у САД.


Али, пуна је историја примера у којима су државе покушавале да одрже неке застареле законе, од права да се Јоркширац убије у Шкотској ако је у градским зидинама, а смрт је наступила од стреле, до ауторских права на фотографији (ово ме Васа натерао да напишем јер ме без потребе прозвао на другом топику, па сам одлучио да заузмем другу страну у нечему што је њему важно :sleep: ).


Прогрес не може да се заустави, а људска потреба да буду лењи не може да се прецени. Стари медији и државе ће изгубити и ову битку, а пре или касније и рат. Приступ интернету ће бити основно људско право, биће бесплатан, државе ће нестати, на Светском првенству ће играти Епл против Самсунга, све ће бити умрежено, нећемо ни устајати из кућа због виртуелне реалности, а 3d послови ће бити робија најсиромашнијих и повластица најбогатијих. Али, не брините, то се ионако неће десити бар пет година.

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Mozemo da filozofiramo do prekosutra, ali neko je za pustanje serije ili filma x u srbiji ili drugoj zemlji platio $$$ i bas ga briga za posebnost interneta. Odnosno, mgm i soni je bas briga zato sto im se ne svidja da im netflix plati za ameriku i onda preprodaje celom svetu. I tu i lezi odgovor na pitanje kako ce reagovati soni i mgm - prodace netflixu prava za ceo svet, ako netflix to bude hteo da plati. U praksi, mislim da ce se mnogo toga promeniti, ali ono sto ostaje je da ce svi kao i do sada raditi na maksimizaciji profita.

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My2cents: prava će se na kraju prodavati za ceo svet ali neće moći za 7 dolara mesečno nego će da radi iTunes model, tipa 1.99 po filmu i 0.89 po epizodi serije.

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Nisam bas ubedjen u konacnu pobedu globalne internet slobode, iako je do pre 10-tak godina sve vuklo na to. Imamo sve vise pritisaka da se internet regulise i sve se cesce dovodi u pitanje sustinski princip net neutralnosti (jednak pristup za sve). U ovo danasnje vreme je vrlo lako provuci bilo kakvu svinjariju pod firmom borbe protiv terorizma ili neceg slicnog. Evo ga i Donald Tramp je nedavno prdeo nesto na tu temu, da bi SAD trebale da "zatvore taj Internet" i slicne nebuloze...


My2cents: prava će se na kraju prodavati za ceo svet ali neće moći za 7 dolara mesečno nego će da radi iTunes model, tipa 1.99 po filmu i 0.89 po epizodi serije.

Taj rad, samo sto ce verovatno biti skuplje (u rangu on demand servisa na digitalnoj kablovskoj, dakle u rangu $5 za pojedinacni film.


I onda opet piraterija postaje privlacna.

Edited by Radoye
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Ali to onda ne bi bio siguran revenue. Netflix ima 75 miliona subscribera, misliš da će oni tek tako da pristanu na nešto? Najbolji primer kako će se to razvijati je muzika: Spotify. I to je to. Samo je pitanje vremena.



Edited by dragance
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Ali to onda ne bi bio siguran revenue. Netflix ima 75 miliona subscribera, misliš da će oni tek tako da pristanu na nešto? Najbolji primer kako će se to razvijati je muzika: Spotify. I to je to. Samo je pitanje vremena.



Spotifyu doduše nikako ne polazi za rukom da zaista i zaradi neke pare u svom tom obrtu novaca

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Brooklyn Nine-Nine, Master of None и Club de Cuervos за сада за препоруку.


Не бих да дуплирам теме са ТВ серија, али можда није згорег препоручити понешто и на овом топику (док год га има на Нетфликсу, наравно).

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Netflix Is Already Blocking US Content Streamed via VPN in Australia




TorrentFreak has kept a close eye on the recent developments and Netflix has indeed started to block more VPN providers. However, blocking all of them appears to be a difficult task, especially because several providers continue to add new IP-addresses.

Ironically, many soldiers may switch to piracy again when Netflix is no longer an option, turning the clock back half a decade.





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Netflix is continuing to expand its VPN and proxy crackdown, affecting VPN 'pirates' but also those who use such services for privacy reasons. The VPN crackdown is meeting fierce resistance from privacy activists and concerned users, with tens of thousands calling upon the streaming service to reverse its broad VPN ban.


netflix-logoLast month Netflix announced that it would increase its efforts to block customers who circumvent geo-blockades.


As a result it has become harder to use VPN services and proxies to access Netflix content from other countries, something various movie studios have repeatedly called for.


With the application of commercial blacklist data, Netflix already blocks IP-addresses that are linked to such services, something which also affects well-intentioned customers who merely use a VPN to protect their privacy.


Instead of providing access to the latest video entertainment, Netflix then serves the following error message to these blocked users.


In recent weeks TorrentFreak has kept a close eye on the expanding blockade and its aftermath. We’ve learned that servers belonging to many popular commercial VPN services have been added to the blocklist, including ExpressVPN, Mullvad, Private Internet Access and StrongVPN.


While the blocks are being rolled out in phases, it’s already clear that some VPN users can’t access Netflix, even if the VPN server is located in the same country as they are. This means that Americans can no longer use a U.S. VPN server to protect their privacy.


Ironically, Netflix is even restricting access to its own original series, despite being the primary rightsholder.


This approach is meeting fierce resistance from many sides. To coordinate the protest Digital rights organization OpenMedia has started an OpenMedia petition urging Netflix to rethink its approach, which has already been signed by more than 33,000 people.


“Privacy is a huge priority for us as a digital rights organization, and that VPNs are probably the simplest, most user-friendly way for everyday Internet users to safeguard their online activities,” OpenMedia spokesperson David Christopher informs TorrentFreak.


“Given that a huge percentage of the population uses Netflix, if they were all forced to stop using VPNs, that would represent a major setback for privacy,” he adds.


OpenMedia itself has been affected by the new measures as well, as some of their staff members can no longer watch Netflix without having to turn off their VPN.


The group is concerned that Internet users are being forced to give up their privacy when they are not even trying to circumvent any geo-blockades. A better way would be to restrict content based on people’s credit card addresses, which doesn’t require any VPN blocking.


“We’re cooking up plans to take this message directly to Netflix and hope that if enough people speak up, Netflix will listen to their customers and find a better way,” Christopher says.


Meanwhile, the complaints keep pouring in on social media. There are even reports from users who are blocked without even using a VPN. In addition, several people claim to have ended their Netflix subscriptions due to the restrictive policies, and some hint at going back to their old pirate ways.


Despite the public outrage, Netflix said that it’s not worried about a subscriber exodus. “I don’t think we will see any impact,” CEO Reed Hastings said in a shareholders’ interview last month.


In the long-term the company hopes to make the entire geo-blocking discussion obsolete by offering movies and TV-shows worldwide. But given Hollywood’s reluctance to adapt, it may take a few years before this will be realized.


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