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Upravo bi otapanje leda na grenlandu trebalo da smanji salinitet mora i pošto je slana voda gušća od slatke iz leda uzrokuje da golfska struja ode u veće dubine i samim tim prestane da zagreva severozapasnu evropu, zahvaljujući njoj na 50-55imamo cvetajuće metropole u evropi i polarne medvede u kanadi :D lako je pretpostaviti šta bi se desilo sa britanijom, holandijom, belgijom, danskom i ostalin skandinavskim zemljama bez golfske struje, imali bi klimatske izbeglice iz severne evrope i noskićev san o popuni srpskih sela bi postao java :happy:

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10 hours ago, vememah said:

Sadašnja odstupanja temperature su daleko veća od onih pri vulkanskim mini ledenim dobima zabeleženim u skorijoj prošlosti.






Preveliki su interesi u igri i zato se vrši suptilna propaganda kao ovo da inače postoje oscilacije, pa tu nema ništa da se vidi. Teško žabu u vodu naterat, pa je tako dovoljno da se preko medija proturi ta informacija, pa da ljudi zaključe da nema problema, jer im se ionako ništa ne menja. Milijarde koje su u to ulupane su ionako samo mizerno sitan deo profita da bi ostalo "business as usual".

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On 11.1.2023. at 10:10, Downforce said:

Vidi, ako zadnjih 40 godina merenja pomocu satelita Sunce ne varira to slobodno mozemo odbaciti kao uzrok. Slazemo li se oko toga?


Sta ti dalje pada na pamet kao uzrok?

Smatram da je period merenja od 40 godina previše kratak da bi se mogli izvući neki konkretni zaključci.


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What causes an ice age?
Ice ages don't just come out of nowhere - it takes thousands of years for an ice age to begin.

An ice age is triggered when summer temperatures in the northern hemisphere fail to rise above freezing for years. This means that winter snowfall doesn't melt, but instead builds up, compresses and over time starts to compact, or glaciate, into ice sheets.

Over thousands of years these ice sheets start to build up - it seems to be in northern Canada when that first happens - and then they spread out across the northern hemisphere.

"It's a long term trend over thousands of years to colder summers," Dr Steven Phipps, an ice sheet modeller, said.

Dr Phipps is also a climate system modeller and palaeoclimatologist with the University of Tasmania.

The onset of an ice age is related to the Milankovitch cycles - where regular changes in the Earth's tilt and orbit combine to affect which areas on Earth get more or less solar radiation.

When all these factors align so the northern hemisphere gets less solar radiation in summer, an ice age can be started.

Are we due for another ice age?
Based on previous cycles the Earth is probably due to go into an ice age about now. In fact, conditions were starting to line up for a new ice age at least 6,000 years ago.

"If you look at what was happening prior to the industrial revolution, summers were actually getting colder in the northern hemisphere. They've been getting colder for at least the last 6,000 years, so we were definitely on that trend," Dr Phipps said.

But that trend has now been comprehensively reversed because of greenhouse gas emissions, according to Dr Phipps.

"There's no chance of us going into an ice age now because the greenhouse gases we've put into the atmosphere during the industrial era have warmed the earth."

Although scientists cannot say we have definitely prevented the next ice age, it's certainly accepted that humans have had a significant part to play.

"There is actually a hypothesis that it's not just industrial society but ever since humans began practicing large scale farming at least 5,000 years ago, such as methane emissions from rice paddies," Dr Phipps said.

"So it's possibly not just greenhouse gas emissions over the last 200 years that's stopped us going into an ice age, but it's actually greenhouse gas emissions for the last 5,000 years that have collectively helped to steer us away from the next ice age."


Edited by vememah
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2 hours ago, Filozof manijak said:


Opet moram glumiti skeptika. Kako su, kojom metodom i kojom temperaturnom skalom merili svetsku prosečnu temperaturu u npr. 1000 AD?


Možeš vrlo lako da izguglaš.


Ali interesantnije ovde je jedna druga stvar:

* kad nauka izmeri da su u prošlosti postojale oscilacije, onda skeptici kažu "eto vidite, oscilacije su oduvek postojale, ovo sad nije izuzetak"

* kad ta ista nauka kaže da je ovo što se sad dešava daleko iznad oscilacija koje su našli u prošlosti, onda skeptičari kažu "a kako vi to uopšte možete da izmerite"


U tom smislu, skeptičan sam u pogledu skeptičara. Deluje mi više da su žrtve propagande industrije vredne hiljade i hiljade milijardi.

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