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Globalno zagrevanje


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Biće još dva nastavka, zvuči kao da planira da u drugom delu nabaci aerosol sulfate kao rešenje (četrdesetih i pedesetih preseklo trend, smanjilo zagrevanje atmosfere, kasnije ukinuto zbog kiselih kiša).


Edited by Weenie Pooh
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Emperor penguins have suffered their first "widespread breeding failure" due to record low Antarctic sea ice, reinforcing projections the species will be virtually extinct by 2100, scientists have said.


The ice is usually stable between about April and the end of December, with chicks fledging around mid to late December.

But when it breaks up early, thought to be due to warmer seas, chicks likely drown or freeze to death because they have not yet grown their waterproof feathers or are not ready to fledge.

Dr Fretwell told Sky News 2021 was a bad year, 2022 was worse, and "it looks like 2023 is going to be even worse".



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  • 3 weeks later...

Osoba ogromnog kredibiliteta koja je pred kamerama bez blama ustvrdila da je Monsantov po svoj prilici kancerogeni herbicid Roundup bezopasan i da može da popije više od litra, da bi zatim odbila to da učini.



During an interview by French investigative journalist Paul Moreira, which was first broadcast on French television station Canal+, Moore was asked about the safety of the herbicide glyphosate. Moore told Moreira that one "could drink a whole quart of it" without any harm. When Moore was challenged to drink a glass of the weedkiller, he refused, saying "I'm not an idiot" and "I'm not stupid" before ending the interview. Monsanto, the primary producers of glyphosate weedkillers under the Roundup brand, denied claims that Moore is a paid lobbyist for their company.[71][72][73] The interview came shortly after the release of a World Health Organization (WHO) report adding glyphosate to a list of probable carcinogens.[74][75]


Edited by vememah
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  • 2 weeks later...

Meni je ovaj gif neverovatan (preuzet sa X-a). "Just by adding the latest data point, the linear warming trend since 1979 increased by 10%"






PS. Ako septembar 2024. bude štogod svežiji od ovog sada (što je moguće), eto nama novih grafikona koji "dokazuju" "globalno zahlađenje".


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Zanimljiva vijest.


Evropska svemirska agencija precizno je izmjerila ugljik pohranjen u drveću na Zemlji. Ova se zaliha povećala za 500 milijuna tona tijekom proteklog desetljeća, zahvaljujući rastu borealnih šuma.


Ono sto je zanimljivo, otkrili su da u stvari mlada drveca daju najveci doprinos tim zalihama. Mlada drveca mogu da zadrze vise ugljika od starih. 


Sadite sume. 

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Sadite... ali šumski požari to sve vrate nazad u atmosferu, sa kamatom.







Most forests are carbon sinks, meaning they take up more carbon than they release, with the amount of carbon taken up varying with age. As plants photosynthesize, they take carbon dioxide out of the atmosphere and integrate it into their leaves, roots and biomass. Over time, this leads to large carbon stocks in forests, stored in vegetation and importantly, soils. In cold, high-latitude environments, even more carbon is stored in permafrost soils.

Read more: More frequent fires could dramatically alter boreal forests and emit more carbon

Fires, along with other disturbances, release this carbon into the atmosphere, reducing the carbon stocks that have built up over time. Wildfires can also initially reduce a forest’s capacity to pull carbon out of the atmosphere, also called “sink strength.” Severe fires can inhibit forest regrowth and can change the species composition of the forest. Altogether, wildfires increase the amount of carbon leaving forests and can decrease the amount coming in.





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