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Politička korektnost


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Naziv Dodger potice od onoga ko eskivira tramvaje (one who dodges trollieys).  Naime ulice u Bruklinu a su krajem proslog veka bile ispresecane tramvajskim prugama.  Kada su elektricni tramvaji zamenili one sa konjskom vucom, bio je pravi poduhvat da se predje preko ulice i da se izbegne tramvaj.   Zbog toga je lokalni bejzbol klub dobio nadimak "Brookline Trolley Dodgers" a kasnije samo "Brookline Dodgers".  Suveniri prikazani na gornjoj slici od prilike odslikavaju socijalni status bruklinskog tima ("bums"; cuveno pitanje bruklinskih navijaca: "How's dem bums doin' today?") koji su bili susta suprotnost gradskom rivalu bogatuna, njujorskim Jenkima.

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čujem planiraju se neki naftovodi u ussa mogle bi bršljandžije na čeličenje putem omladinskih radnih akcija :fantom:


A dorm at the University of Pennsylvania on Wednesday hosted a post-election “Breathing Space” for students stressed out by election results that included cuddling with cats and a puppy, coloring and crafting, and snacks such as tea and chocolate.


Universities across the nation are taking steps to actively purge male students of what’s been labeled “toxic masculinity.”

Examples abound of campuses hosting training sessions, group meetings, lectures and other programs to effectively cleanse what many campus leaders and left-leaning scholars contend is an unhealthy masculinity in young men today.


For example, a class at Dartmouth College this semester, “The Orlando Syllabus,” identifies so-called toxic masculinity as playing a role in the mass murder spree at a Florida club during the summer. This despite the fact that the gunman, Omar Mateen, told police on the phone as he committed the massacre he did it on behalf of ISIS.

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nažalost izgleda da su bili u pravu svi koji su govorili da nakon gej parade dolaze horde pedofila da se bore za svoja ljudska prava 


A Christmas market Santa Claus was sacked in Germany after sharing a post from the hipster-right Identitarian movement which called for action against the increasing number of child marriages in the country.


The Bavarian town of Mühldorf has fired the man who has dressed up as Father Christmas for over 30 years because of the social media post he shared on his Facebook page. Peter Mück has been a staple of the annual Christkindlmarkt, or Christmas market, in the town for over a generation, handing out sweets to local children, The Telegraph reports.


Mr. Mück was fired because he supported the action of the anti-mass migration hipster-right Identitarian youth movement who were campaigning against the growing trend of child marriages among migrants in Germany. The post which he shared had the slogan, “Child marriage = child abuse” of which he commented, “the core message of which is correct and justifiable for me.”


na sreću sa zapada duva orkan koji bi mogao da oduva pc volušine i njihove pedofilne mezimce na neko daleko ostrvo na kom bi mogli da praktikuju željeni suživot :fantom:

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politkorektnost krepava i u bastionima



Njemačka kancelarka Angela Merkel pozvala je u utorak na zabranu nošenja burki u Njemačkoj i dodala kako će ona podržati opću zabranu vela koji pokriva lice, prenose agencije.

"Pokrivanje lica u potpunosti mora se zabraniti svuda gdje je to zakonski moguće", rekla je ona na kongresu svoje Kršćansko-demokratske unije u gradu Essenu.

Nakon ove izjave uslijedio je aplauz delegata u sali, prenose njemački mediji.


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Merkelka je pre jedno 5 godina pričala kako je multikulti propao u Nemačkoj.

To je mnogo problematičnije nego to o velu, što je ionako bizar jer ga slabo ko nosi i objektivno je nebitno.

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ne ložite se baba lovi glasove  :fantom: 

Angela Merkel has called for a burqa ban in Germany and said the refugee crisis “must never be repeated” while making her pitch for a fourth term as Chancellor.


Her popularity has been severely dented by growing anti-migrant sentiment in Germany following the arrival of around 1 million asylum seekers in the continuing refugee crisis.


Ms Merkel has been widely criticised for her decision to open the borders in September 2015, with opponents blaming the policy for mass sexual assaults on New Year’s Eve in Cologne and two terror attacks by Isis supporters.


She has repeatedly refused to reverse the policy amid a string of regional election defeats for her CDU party but struck a new tone on Tuesday.




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To je mnogo problematičnije nego to o velu, što je ionako bizar jer ga slabo ko nosi

Hmm...da li je tako? Sigurno da zavisi od grada do grada, ali letos u kom god parku da sam bila, sedeo bi skup zena odevenih u tesko crno od glave do pete. Sedela sam jednog dana oko sat vremena u poslasticarnici u pesackoj zoni u Visbadenu, zapitah se u jednom momentu da li su to isti ljudi koji defiluju tamo-vamo - toliko je bilo zena i (vidno smorenih) devojcica sa velovima.

No svakako da ti velovi i crni dzakovi od glave do pete bodu oci pa pre primetis to nego ljude bez istih tako da ne bih rekla da su vecina nikako, ali ne bih rekla ni da se tako slabo nosi.

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Hmm...da li je tako? Sigurno da zavisi od grada do grada, ali letos u kom god parku da sam bila, sedeo bi skup zena odevenih u tesko crno od glave do pete. Sedela sam jednog dana oko sat vremena u poslasticarnici u pesackoj zoni u Visbadenu, zapitah se u jednom momentu da li su to isti ljudi koji defiluju tamo-vamo - toliko je bilo zena i (vidno smorenih) devojcica sa velovima.

No svakako da ti velovi i crni dzakovi od glave do pete bodu oci pa pre primetis to nego ljude bez istih tako da ne bih rekla da su vecina nikako, ali ne bih rekla ni da se tako slabo nosi.


Kako primetiš da su devojčice vidno smorene ako nose veo preko lica?


Veo je ono što hoće da zabrane, ne nedostatak stila oličen u pakovanju sebe u crni čador.

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