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AAS (American Astronomical Society) će uskoro da objavi ovo povodom slučaja košulja i online napada na kritičare nosioca košulje nazvanog "a participant in a European Space Agency".


November 19, 2014

Statement from the American Astronomical Society

The past few days have seen extensive international discussion of an incident (known online as #shirtstorm or #shirtgate) in which a participant in a European Space Agency media conference wore a shirt with sexualized images of gun-toting women and made an unfortunate remark comparing the featured spacecraft to a woman. Viewers responded critically to these inappropriate statements, especially jarring in such a highly visible setting (one in which very few women appeared), and the scientist apologized sincerely. But in the meantime, unacceptable abuse has been directed toward the critics, from criticism of “over-active feminism” to personal insults and more dire threats.

We wish to express our support for members of the community who rightly brought this issue to the fore, and we condemn the unreasonable attacks they experienced as a result, which caused deep distress in our community. We do appreciate the scientist’s sincere and unqualified apology.

The AAS has a clear anti-harassment policy (http://aas.org/policies/anti-harassment-policy), which prohibits “verbal comments or physical actions of a sexual nature” and “a display of sexually suggestive objects or pictures.” Had the offending images appeared and comments been made under the auspices of the AAS, they would be in clear violation of our policy.

We also note the important sentiments that preface the policy: 
As a professional society, the AAS must provide an environment that encourages the free expression and exchange of scientific ideas. In pursuit of that environment, the AAS is committed to the philosophy of equality of opportunity and treatment for all members, regardless of gender, gender identity or expression, race, color, national or ethnic origin, religion or religious belief, age, marital status, sexual orientation, disabilities, veteran status, or any other reason not related to scientific merit. All functions of the Society must be conducted in a professional atmosphere in which all participants are treated with courtesy and respect…

The AAS Council reaffirms the importance of the Society’s anti-harassment policy to our mission to enhance and share humanity’s scientific understanding of the universe. Only when all astronomers feel welcome and supported in the profession can our discipline realize its full potential for excellence.



australijanci astronomi su se već zvanično oglasili ovde

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AAS (American Astronomical Society) će uskoro da objavi ovo povodom slučaja košulja i online napada na kritičare nosioca košulje nazvanog "a participant in a European Space Agency".


November 19, 2014

Statement from the American Astronomical Society

The past few days have seen extensive international discussion of an incident (known online as #shirtstorm or #shirtgate) in which a participant in a European Space Agency media conference wore a shirt with sexualized images of gun-toting women and made an unfortunate remark comparing the featured spacecraft to a woman. Viewers responded critically to these inappropriate statements, especially jarring in such a highly visible setting (one in which very few women appeared), and the scientist apologized sincerely. But in the meantime, unacceptable abuse has been directed toward the critics, from criticism of “over-active feminism” to personal insults and more dire threats.

We wish to express our support for members of the community who rightly brought this issue to the fore, and we condemn the unreasonable attacks they experienced as a result, which caused deep distress in our community. We do appreciate the scientist’s sincere and unqualified apology.

The AAS has a clear anti-harassment policy (http://aas.org/policies/anti-harassment-policy), which prohibits “verbal comments or physical actions of a sexual nature” and “a display of sexually suggestive objects or pictures.” Had the offending images appeared and comments been made under the auspices of the AAS, they would be in clear violation of our policy.

We also note the important sentiments that preface the policy: 

As a professional society, the AAS must provide an environment that encourages the free expression and exchange of scientific ideas. In pursuit of that environment, the AAS is committed to the philosophy of equality of opportunity and treatment for all members, regardless of gender, gender identity or expression, race, color, national or ethnic origin, religion or religious belief, age, marital status, sexual orientation, disabilities, veteran status, or any other reason not related to scientific merit. All functions of the Society must be conducted in a professional atmosphere in which all participants are treated with courtesy and respect…

The AAS Council reaffirms the importance of the Society’s anti-harassment policy to our mission to enhance and share humanity’s scientific understanding of the universe. Only when all astronomers feel welcome and supported in the profession can our discipline realize its full potential for excellence.



australijanci astronomi su se već zvanično oglasili ovde


upucacu se majke mi.


ma...ovi naucnici su naivni u drustvenim stvarima. samo zele da budu ostavljeni na miru, kapiram.

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upucacu se majke mi.


ma...ovi naucnici su naivni u drustvenim stvarima. samo zele da budu ostavljeni na miru, kapiram.

Na stranu to sto o onom dalekom robotu spustenom tamo na neku kometu nema vise ni reci.

Koji jajarski spin jebote.

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ozbiljno? koliko puta si ti skrenuo paznju koleginicama da im je odjeca seksualno provokativna?

gospode, teshko je reci i seksualno neprovokativnim kolegama da se okupaju. makar nekad :cry:


Na stranu to sto o onom dalekom robotu spustenom tamo na neku kometu nema vise ni reci.

Koji jajarski spin jebote.

chudo za 3 dana. koga zabole :D


da se obuko u dosadno, ne bi se ni ovoliko prichalo -_-

Edited by gospa buba
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mozda kad bi vise pratili verge...

ma kapiram ja tvoj odnos prema ovome. zelis da istaknes da postoji i njegov doprinos incidentu i da nije ni on cvecka iako ti je u krajnjoj liniji zao sto je nepravedno ishejtovan.


ali to nije pravedno. to bi bilo kad kad bi neko rekao da je silovana zena koja je oskudno obucena hodala ulicom kriva (edit: doprinela tome) sto je silovana.


jednostavno taj njegov doprinos je nesto sto moze da se fakticki konstatuje u uzrocno-posledicnom sledu ali ne moze da se kvalifikuje na bilo koji od tih nacina kao sto se radilo. covek ima pravo da nosi majicu i to je to. ima nacina da se kaze da bi bilo lepo i konstruktivno kad bi se odrekao nosenja te i takve majice zarad odredjenog plemenitog cilja ali ovo nije nacin.

Edited by Krošek
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da se obuko u dosadno, ne bi se ni ovoliko prichalo -_-

Нек се уче маркетингу: кад се искрцамо на Марс, нек изјаве дају голи.

И тетовирани.

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И то што кажеш: уосталом, свет који плаћа милионе неком полуидиоту који зна само да добро шутне лопту и данима распреда о Кардашијан гузичини, није ни заслужио ништа боље од мудровања на тему 1 шарене кошуље.

Све су то 1 домети.

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ma kapiram ja tvoj odnos prema ovome. zelis da istaknes da postoji i njegov doprinos incidentu i da nije ni on cvecka iako ti je u krajnjoj liniji zao sto je nepravedno ishejtovan.


nisi ukapirao bas nista od onog sto sam pisala. 


u ovom konkretnom postu koji su kvotovao, sarkasticna poenta je bila da naucna zajednica ne donosi odluke na osnovu toga kako se verge (sta god to bilo) odnosi prema pojavama, nego na osnovu toga kako te pojave uticu na nauku. u nauci, zna se da postoji creme de la creme grupa zena koje otpadnu iz razloga drustvenih odnosa, i da bi nauka profitirala kad one ne bi otpale. sloboda izbora jedne osoba u vezi sa kosuljom je manje bitna od toga, koliko god taylor bio simpatican lik. 

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