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Ko Je Ubio Metal?


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Ne znam šta uopšte znači ubijanje metala. Metal je bio muzika za gikove i autkaste oduvek, pa je postao neko vreme do jaja popularan i mejnstrim (her metal, pa rane devedesete metalika, megadet na MTV-ju u redovnoj dnevnoj rotaciji) pa je opet skliznuo nazad u subkulturne vode.
Tačno tako. Pa treš metal je bio pankolika reakcija na popularnost hair metala. Dakle ne samo da hair metal nije ubio "pravi metal", nego možemo da mu zahvalimo i za nastanak reakcije u vidu treša.
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Samo da dodam još malo za Ašika - ako se sećaš, jedan od najvećih problema metala kasnih osamdesetih je bila ta užasna kompartmentalizacija u kojoj za bendove poput Type O i Cathedral npr, skoro da uopšte nije bilo mesta. Ako si imao klavijature u bendu rizikovao si da te svrstaju u sweet metal, i to je to. Pravi muškarci su se grozili i klavijatura i elektronike i melodičnosti, ma svega.To su devedeset potpuno ispreturale, i odjednom ta pravila više nisu važila, što je bilo super.

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Molim dobre ljude Dabu i Symeta (a i sve vas ostale dobre ljude) da ne pominjete Zepp i Sabbath (sa Ozziyem) na ovom, inace plemenitom i sa dobrom namerom i za dobrobit nauke otrvorenom, topicu. S metalom to veze nema, molicu lepo, i tako neka i ostane uklesano u 1 rock (kamen). A kad smo vec tu, cisto preventivno, sa metalom nemaju veze ni Soundgarden, ni Alice in Chains, ni Nine Inch Nails, a ni Gunsi (sto li ih ljudi nasiroko guraju u metal, nije mi jasno; mozda zato sto se mnogim metalcima svidjaju i Gunsi, pa onda misle da je i to metal). Ko je ubio Metal?Hmm, MTV recimo.

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Molim dobre ljude Dabu i Symeta (a i sve vas ostale dobre ljude) da ne pominjete Zepp i Sabbath (sa Ozziyem) na ovom, inace plemenitom i sa dobrom namerom i za dobrobit nauke otrvorenom, topicu. S metalom to veze nema, molicu lepo, i tako neka i ostane uklesano u 1 rock (kamen). A kad smo vec tu, cisto preventivno, sa metalom nemaju veze ni Soundgarden, ni Alice in Chains, ni Nine Inch Nails, a ni Gunsi (sto li ih ljudi nasiroko guraju u metal, nije mi jasno; mozda zato sto se mnogim metalcima svidjaju i Gunsi, pa onda misle da je i to metal).Ko je ubio Metal?Hmm, MTV recimo.
Ne seri Sladžo, posvađaćemo se oko metala :)BTW, the fans have decided, Alice in Chains are metal!
Is Alice in Chains Metal?Published by admin on August 12th, 2013is-alice-in-chains-metal-300x296.jpgGod, I miss Layne Staley. For my money, Alice in Chains was the best thing to come out of the Seattle grunge craze of the 1990s. Even moreso than Nirvana. If he had gotten his shit together, who knows? Maybe the original lineup would still be putting out solid music just like Pearl Jam.Despite Staley’s death, Alice in Chains has still enjoyed a lengthy career. They released their last album, The Devil Put Dinosaurs Here, a few months ago. Suprisingly, it’s pretty solid, though it does not live up to AIC’s earlier material. Of course it doesn’t. It’s unfair for anyone to expect that.AIC still rocks, but are they metal? On to the debate…Formed in 1987, Alice in Chains was the first band from the Seattle grunge scene – which I contend was never a real genre – to break out, so they associated mostly with bonafide metal bands early in their career. They shared the stage and partied hard with Pantera. In 1994, they toured with Metallica, Suicidal Tendencies and Danzig. Eventually, they became more affiliated with alternative rock – alternative to what? – but still infused metal with their softer material.1990′s Facelift is a classic. “Man in the Box” got the most airplay – and it’s still in heavy rotation to this day on mainstream rock radio, despite its dark theme. The album gets even darker with the likes of “We Die Young” and “Bleed the Freak.”When Dirt hit shelves in 1992, AIC was officially huge. The album has some serious hard rock anthems: “Rooster,” “Would?,” “Them Bones,” “Down in a Hole.” The album’s not as heavy as Facelift, but the songs are just as depressing. This is clearly when addiction is starting to take control of Staley’s life. One of the album’s heaviest tracks is “Angry Chair.”AIC went with a lighter sound with 1994′s Jar of Flies EP, but got heavy again with their 1995 self-titled album, which features a three-legged dog on the cover. Its first single, “Grind,” is criminally overlooked.Sadly, AIC never released another studio album with Staley. In 2009, they released Black Gives Way to Blue with new frontman William DuVall. I feel like they’d get more respect if they changed their name. Jerry Cantrell is as much a part of AIC as Staley, but it’s hard to get past Staley’s absence, even over a decade after his death. You know who does rock at being an AIC frontman? Phil Anselmo, but he can do no wrong in my book. So, is Alice in Chains metal? Our verdict? Yes.
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Sve ono loše što se vezuje i na ovoj temi za metal i što ga je navodno ubilo, po mom skromnom mišljenju je zlodelo najprecenjenijeg đubreta na rnr/hard&heavy pa i popularnoj sceni ikad - Aerosmitha.Oni bi ga sahranili davno da nije bilo dobrih duša u vidu Metallica/Megadeth/Slayer priče, eskadrona smrti sa Floride itd...

Edited by dillinger
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pominjali smo ranije negde ovde, teoriju koju je jadranka jankovic smislila osamdesetih, kako metalci prave najbolje balade. kao, iza agresivnog imidza i muzike, kriju se nezne dusice.

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